path: root/manifests/init.pp
diff options
authorHugo Hörnquist <>2022-01-12 02:26:25 +0100
committerHugo Hörnquist <>2022-01-12 02:26:25 +0100
commitdd28dcf3d620a4ac7d0a1532b812213cf094cd3c (patch)
treea3fa8c8ef446de2bcc2f317bceb4bca868f7e0f0 /manifests/init.pp
parentMove webdav into profiles. (diff)
Revert "Move webdav into profiles."
It actually reverts the non-need for the nginx module webdav_ext. Since Omnifocus requires PROPFIND. This reverts commit edf6ffe8b399679ba28cc5e558a6838919dd1ee8.
Diffstat (limited to 'manifests/init.pp')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/manifests/init.pp b/manifests/init.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1a836c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/init.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+define webdav_server (
+ String $nginx_server,
+ String $file_path,
+ String $location = $name,
+ String $passwd_file = "${file_path}/.htpasswd",
+ String $owner = 'http',
+ String $group = 'share',
+ Array[Array[String,2,2]] $users = [],
+ Array[String] $dav_methods = ['PUT', 'DELETE', 'MKCOL', 'COPY', 'MOVE'],
+ Array[String] $dav_ext_methods = ['PROPFIND', 'OPTIONS'],
+ Hash[String,String] $dav_access = {
+ 'user' => 'rw',
+ 'group' => 'rw',
+ }
+) {
+ # TODO install this module somehow
+ # AUR: nginx-mainline-mod-dav-ext
+ require ::nginx
+ $modname = 'ngx_http_dav_ext_module'
+ # This assumes that the directory exists, and that
+ # nginx::include_modules_enabled => true
+ file { "/etc/nginx/modules-enabled/${modname}.conf":
+ ensure => file,
+ content => @("EOF")
+ load_module /usr/lib/nginx/modules/${modname}.so;
+ | EOF
+ }
+ $lines = $ |$pair| { $pair.join(':') }.join("\n")
+ file {
+ default:
+ owner => $owner,
+ group => $group,
+ ;
+ $file_path:
+ ensure => 'directory',
+ mode => '0770',
+ recurse => 'false',
+ ;
+ $passwd_file:
+ ensure => 'file',
+ mode => '0660',
+ content => @("EOF")
+ # File managed by puppet
+ ${lines}
+ | EOF
+ ;
+ }
+ nginx::resource::location { $location:
+ server => $nginx_server,
+ location_alias => $file_path,
+ ssl => true,
+ ssl_only => true,
+ auth_basic => 'Enter password for dav access',
+ auth_basic_user_file => $passwd_file,
+ location_cfg_append => {
+ 'dav_methods' => $dav_methods.join(' '),
+ 'dav_ext_methods' => $dav_ext_methods.join(' '),
+ 'dav_access' => $ |$k, $v| { "${k}:${v}" }.join(' '),
+ 'client_body_temp_path' => "${file_path}/tmp",
+ 'create_full_put_path' => 'on',
+ 'autoindex' => 'on',
+ 'allow' => 'all',
+ }
+ }