diff options
authorHugo Hörnquist <>2023-10-05 14:24:45 +0200
committerHugo Hörnquist <>2023-10-20 02:18:10 +0200
commit0b8b2b0b4477eb837842096f76e8d6ae670b30c2 (patch)
parentFreebsd work. (diff)
Add transient puppetboard2 in FreeBSD porting work.
2 files changed, 82 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/manifests/certificate.pp b/manifests/certificate.pp
index 829ae37..c3be0b9 100644
--- a/manifests/certificate.pp
+++ b/manifests/certificate.pp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Should preferably be included before a letsencrypt::domain resource
# is declared.
class profiles::certificate (
- String $cert_name = $::fqdn,
+ String $cert_name = $trusted['hostname'],
Letsencrypt::Authenticator $authenticator = 'nginx',
Hash[String,Any] $config = {
# more portable than 'systemctl reload nginx'
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class profiles::certificate (
include ::letsencrypt
letsencrypt::cert { $cert_name:
- domains => [ $::fqdn, ],
+ domains => [ $trusted['hostname'], ],
authenticator => $authenticator,
config => $config,
diff --git a/manifests/puppetboard2.pp b/manifests/puppetboard2.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bab407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/puppetboard2.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+class profiles::puppetboard2 (
+) {
+ file { '/srv':
+ ensure => directory,
+ }
+ class { 'puppetboard':
+ manage_git => true,
+ manage_virtualenv => false,
+ install_from => 'package',
+ puppetdb_port => 8080,
+ # Required for /metrics/ to work
+ puppetdb_host => '',
+ enable_catalog => true,
+ python_loglevel => 'info',
+ offline_mode => true,
+ default_environment => '*',
+ }
+ include ::nginx
+ include ::profiles::certificate
+ letsencrypt::domain { '':
+ # cert_name => $profiles::certificate::cert_name,
+ cert_name => '',
+ }
+ ensure_packages(['uwsgi-py39'])
+ # uwsgi --socket /tmp/uwsgi-puppetboard --master --uid uwsgi --wsgi-file /usr/local/www/puppetboard/
+ nginx::resource::server { '':
+ ipv6_enable => true,
+ ipv6_listen_options => '',
+ www_root => '/',
+ use_default_location => false,
+ * => letsencrypt::conf::nginx(''),
+ }
+ $uwsgi_sock = '/var/run/uwsgi.sock'
+ if $facts['letsencrypt_directory'][''] {
+ nginx::resource::location {
+ default:
+ server => '',
+ ssl => true,
+ ssl_only => true,
+ index_files => [],
+ ;
+ ' - puppetboard /':
+ location => '/',
+ uwsgi => "unix:${uwsgi_sock}",
+ uwsgi_param => {
+ 'UWSGI_FILE' => '/usr/local/www/puppetboard/',
+ 'Host' => '$host',
+ 'X-Real-Ip' => '$remote_addr',
+ 'X-Forwarded-For' => '$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for',
+ 'X-Forwarded-Proto' => '$http_x_forwarded_proto',
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ # The following is extremeley BSD specific, also, uwsgi should be managed separately.
+ ensure_packages(['uwsgi-py39'])
+ service { 'uwsgi':
+ ensure => running,
+ enable => true,
+ }
+ file { '/etc/rc.conf.d/uwsgi':
+ content => @("EOF")
+ # Added by Puppet
+ uwsgi_socket=${uwsgi_sock}
+ | EOF
+ }