path: root/module/vcomponent/util/group.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'module/vcomponent/util/group.scm')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/vcomponent/util/group.scm b/module/vcomponent/util/group.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f328cd18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/vcomponent/util/group.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+(define-module (vcomponent util group)
+ #:use-module (vcomponent)
+ #:use-module (vcomponent datetime)
+ #:use-module (datetime)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-41)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-41 util)
+ #:export (group-stream get-groups-between))
+;; TODO templetize this
+(define-stream (group-stream in-stream)
+ (define (ein? day) (lambda (e) (event-contains? e day)))
+ (if (stream-null? in-stream)
+ stream-null
+ (let loop ((days (day-stream (as-date (prop (stream-car in-stream) 'DTSTART))))
+ (stream in-stream))
+ (let* ((day (stream-car days))
+ (tomorow (stream-car (stream-cdr days))))
+ (let ((head (stream-take-while (ein? day) stream))
+ (tail
+ ;; This is a filter, instead of a stream-span together with head,
+ ;; since events can span multiple days.
+ ;; This starts with taking everything which end after the beginning
+ ;; of tommorow, and finishes with the rest when it finds the first
+ ;; object which begins tomorow (after midnight, exclusize).
+ (filter-sorted-stream*
+ (lambda (e) (date/-time<? tomorow
+ (or (prop e 'DTEND)
+ (if (date? (prop e 'DTSTART))
+ (date+ (prop e 'DTSTART) (date day: 1))
+ (prop e 'DTSTART)))))
+ (lambda (e) (date/-time<=? tomorow (prop e 'DTSTART)))
+ stream)))
+ (stream-cons (cons day head)
+ (loop (stream-cdr days)
+ tail)))))))
+(define (get-groups-between groups start-date end-date)
+ (define good-part
+ (filter-sorted-stream
+ (compose (in-date-range? start-date end-date)
+ car)
+ groups))
+ ;; NOTE slightly ugly hack. The first element in the return of group-stream shares
+ ;; it's date component with the lowest dtstart in the event set. This means that a
+ ;; group set might start after our start- (and end-!) date.
+ ;; To combat this I simple create a bunch of dummy groups below.
+ (cond [(stream-null? good-part)
+ (list->stream
+ (map (lambda (d) (cons d stream-null))
+ (date-range start-date end-date)))]
+ [(car (stream-car good-part))
+ (lambda (d) (date< start-date d))
+ => (lambda (d)
+ (stream-append
+ (list->stream
+ (map (lambda (d) (cons d stream-null))
+ (date-range start-date
+ (date- d (date day: 1)))))
+ good-part))]
+ [else good-part]))
+(define-public (group->event-list group)
+ (stream->list (cdr group)))