path: root/scripts
diff options
authorHugo Hörnquist <hugo@lysator.liu.se>2022-02-01 00:49:51 +0100
committerHugo Hörnquist <hugo@lysator.liu.se>2022-02-01 00:49:51 +0100
commit49f11c4fc5cc30ced8976476ecc081a7ca1b40f7 (patch)
tree7094d388dc6f38815aadae8b190bf02baacd2b97 /scripts
parentBroke module-import script into library component. (diff)
Add script which checks who uses a module.
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/module-dependants.scm b/scripts/module-dependants.scm
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f1efb8cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/module-dependants.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+#!/usr/bin/guile \
+-e main -s
+(define module-dir (string-append
+ (dirname (dirname (current-filename)))
+ "/module"))
+(add-to-load-path module-dir)
+(add-to-load-path (dirname (current-filename)))
+(use-modules (hnh util)
+ (srfi srfi-1)
+ (ice-9 ftw)
+ (texinfo string-utils)
+ (module-introspection))
+(define cstat (make-object-property))
+(define (find-all-files-under directory)
+ (file-system-fold
+ ;; enter?
+ (lambda (path stat result) #t)
+ ;; leaf
+ (lambda (path stat result)
+ (set! (cstat path) stat)
+ (cons path result))
+ ;; down
+ (lambda (path stat result)
+ (set! (cstat path) stat)
+ (cons path result))
+ ;; up
+ (lambda (path state result) result)
+ ;; skip
+ (lambda (path stat result) result)
+ ;; error
+ (lambda (path stat errno result) result)
+ '() directory))
+(define (regular-file? filename)
+ (eq? 'regular (stat:type (cstat filename))))
+(define (filename-extension ext)
+ (let ((re (make-regexp (string-append ((@ (texinfo string-utils)
+ escape-special-chars)
+ ext "^$[]()*." #\\)
+ "$") regexp/icase)))
+ (lambda (filename) (regexp-exec re filename))))
+(define (main args)
+ ;; TODO this needs to be an absolute filename, for the remove below to work
+ ;; Fix this once `realpath' is written
+ (define target-file (cadr args))
+ (define target-forms
+ (reverse (call-with-input-file target-file get-forms)))
+ (define target-module
+ (find-module-declaration target-forms))
+ ;; (define target-symbols (unique-symbols target-forms))
+ ;; (write target-module) (newline)
+ (define edges
+ (concatenate
+ (map (lambda (file)
+ (define forms (call-with-input-file file get-forms))
+ (define module (and=> (-> forms find-module-declaration) resolve-module))
+ (define source-symbols (unique-symbols forms))
+ (when module
+ (awhen (find (lambda (module)
+ (equal? target-module
+ (module-name module)))
+ (module-uses module))
+ (let ((module-symbols (module-map (lambda (key value) key) it)))
+ ;; (display " ")
+ (map (lambda (symb)
+ (cons file symb))
+ (lset-intersection eq? source-symbols module-symbols))
+ )))
+ )
+ (delete target-file
+ (filter (filename-extension ".scm")
+ (filter regular-file?
+ (find-all-files-under module-dir)))))))
+ (define file-uses (make-hash-table))
+ (define symbol-used-by (make-hash-table))
+ (for-each (lambda (edge)
+ (hashq-set! symbol-used-by (cdr edge)
+ (cons (car edge) (hashq-ref symbol-used-by (cdr edge) '())))
+ (hash-set! file-uses (car edge)
+ (cons (cdr edge) (hash-ref file-uses (car edge) '()))))
+ edges)
+ (hash-for-each (lambda (symb files)
+ (display (center-string (format #f " ~a (~a uses)" symb (length files))
+ 80 #\= #\=)) (newline)
+ (for-each (lambda (file) (format #t "• ~a~%" file)) files))
+ symbol-used-by)
+ (display (center-string "Unused" 80 #\= #\=)) (newline)
+ (for-each (lambda (symb) (format #t "• ~a~%" symb))
+ (lset-difference
+ eqv?
+ (module-map (lambda (k _) k) (resolve-interface target-module) )
+ (hash-map->list (lambda (k _) k) symbol-used-by)))
+ )