path: root/module/vcomponent/search.scm
diff options
authorHugo Hörnquist <hugo@lysator.liu.se>2021-12-21 16:17:28 +0100
committerHugo Hörnquist <hugo@lysator.liu.se>2021-12-22 22:58:30 +0100
commitd00fea566004e67161ee45246b239fff5d416b0e (patch)
tree5641c0c0d0e78b046b6045ed2440512f12259560 /module/vcomponent/search.scm
parentComplete rewrite of use2dot (diff)
Cleanup modules.
Primarly this moves all vcompenent input and output code to clearly labeled modules, instead of being spread out. At the same time it also removes a handfull of unused procedures.
Diffstat (limited to 'module/vcomponent/search.scm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 175 deletions
diff --git a/module/vcomponent/search.scm b/module/vcomponent/search.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index a850fb40..00000000
--- a/module/vcomponent/search.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Procedures for searching in a (possibly) infinite stream. Everything is general,
-;; with the exception of @var{build-query-proc}, which is tailored for searches on
-;; sets on vcomponents.
-;; > TODO since most of this module is generic, break it out and only have the
-;; > vcomponent-specific parts here.
-;; A search isn't guaranteed to include all available objects, since each object
-;; only has a limited time to get found. This is mostly a problem if the matches
-;; are /really/ far from one another.
-;; NOTE a system of continuations to allow a search to be resumed with a higher
-;; timeout would be cool to have.
-;; Currently all searches is assumed to go through prepare-query and the paginator
-;; interface. It shouldn't however be a problem to work with the flat result-set
-;; returned by @var{execute-query} directly.
-;; @var{<paginator>} isn't strictly necessary even for paginated queries, since the
-;; evaluation time and pagination is baked into the stream. It is however useful
-;; for keeping track of the number of available pages, and if we have found the
-;; "final" element.
-;;; Code:
-(define-module (vcomponent search)
- :use-module (calp util)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-1)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-9)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-41)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-41 util)
- :use-module ((ice-9 sandbox)
- :select (make-sandbox-module
- all-pure-bindings)))
-;; Takes a string and appends closing parenthese until all parenthese are
-;; closed.
-(define (close-parenthese str)
- (define missing-parenthesis-count
- (string-fold (lambda (char count)
- (case char
- ((#\() (1+ count))
- ((#\)) (1- count))
- (else count)))
- 0 str))
- (string-append str (make-string missing-parenthesis-count #\))))
-;; Prepares a string to be sent to build-query-proc
-;; sexp-like string -> sexp
-(define-public (prepare-string str)
- (call-with-input-string (close-parenthese str) read))
-;; TODO place this in a proper module
-(define (bindings-for module-name)
- ;; Wrapping list so we can later export sub-modules.
- (list (cons module-name
- (module-map (lambda (a . _) a)
- (resolve-interface module-name)))))
-;; Evaluates the given expression in a sandbox.
-;; NOTE Should maybe be merged inte prepare-query. The argument against is that
-;; eval-in-sandbox is possibly slow, and that would prevent easy caching by the
-;; caller.
-;; sexp -> (event → bool)
-(define-public (build-query-proc . expressions)
- ;; TODO does this eval help? Or will the body of the procedure
- ;; be evalutade later?
- (eval `(lambda (event) ,@expressions)
- (make-sandbox-module
- `(
- ((vcomponent base) prop param children type parent)
- ((ice-9 regex) string-match)
- ,@(bindings-for '(datetime))
- ,@all-pure-bindings)
- )))
-;; Returns a new stream which is the result of filtering the input set with the
-;; query procedure.
-;; (a → bool), (stream a) → (stream a)
-(define-public (execute-query query-proc event-set)
- (stream-timeslice-limit
- (stream-filter query-proc event-set)
- ;; .5s, tested on my laptop. .1s sometimes doesn't get to events on
- ;; 2020-08-10, where the first event is on 1974-12-02.
- 0.5))
-;; Creates a prepared query wrappend in a paginator.
-;; (event → bool), (stream event) → <paginator>
-(define*-public (prepare-query query-proc event-set optional: (page-size 10))
- (make-paginator (stream-paginate (execute-query query-proc event-set)
- page-size)))
-(define-record-type <paginator>
- (make-paginator% query max-page true-max-page?)
- paginator?
- (query get-query) ; (paginated-stream event)
- (max-page get-max-page set-max-page!) ; int
- (true-max-page? true-max-page? %set-true-max-page!))
-(define (set-true-max-page! paginator)
- (%set-true-max-page! paginator #t))
-(define (unset-true-max-page! paginator)
- (%set-true-max-page! paginator #f))
-(export paginator? get-query get-max-page true-max-page?)
-(define (make-paginator query)
- (make-paginator% query 0 #f))
-;; a fancy version of 1+ which caps at max page
-;; <paginator>, int → int
-(define*-public (next-page paginator optional: (page (get-max-page paginator)))
- (if (true-max-page? paginator)
- (min (1+ page) (get-max-page paginator))
- (1+ page)))
-(define-public (paginator->list paginator proc tail-proc)
- (if (true-max-page? paginator)
- (map proc (iota (1+ (get-max-page paginator))))
- (append (map proc (iota (1+ (get-max-page paginator))))
- (list (tail-proc (next-page paginator))))))
-(define*-public (paginator->sub-list paginator current-page proc
- key: head-proc tail-proc
- (ahead 5) (behind 5)
- )
- (let ((start (max 0 (- current-page behind)))
- (end (min (+ current-page ahead)
- (get-max-page paginator))))
- (display (head-proc start))
- (for-each proc (iota (1+ (- end start)) start))
- (display (tail-proc end)))
- )
-;; returns the contents of the requested page, or throws 'max-page with the
-;; highest known available page.
-;; <paginator>, int → (list event) throws ('max-page <int>)
-(define-public (get-page paginator page)
- (catch 'wrong-type-arg
- (lambda () (let ((q (get-query paginator)))
- (if (stream-null? q)
- (begin
- (set-true-max-page! paginator)
- '())
- (let ((result (stream->list
- (stream-ref (get-query paginator) page))))
- ;; This check isn't strictly necessary, but without it
- ;; we always needs to force the next page. And since this
- ;; page is "incomplete" we already know that this is the
- ;; final page.
- (when (> 10 (length result))
- (set-true-max-page! paginator))
- (set-max-page! paginator (max page (get-max-page paginator)))
- result))))
- (lambda (err proc fmt args data)
- ;; NOTE This is mostly a hack to see that we
- ;; actually check for the correct error.
- (unless (string=? fmt "beyond end of stream")
- (scm-error err proc fmt args data))
- (set-max-page! paginator (get-max-page paginator))
- (set-true-max-page! paginator)
- (throw 'max-page (get-max-page paginator))
- )))