path: root/module/main.scm
diff options
authorHugo Hörnquist <hugo@lysator.liu.se>2020-08-17 17:52:01 +0200
committerHugo Hörnquist <hugo@lysator.liu.se>2020-08-17 17:52:01 +0200
commit6a219c59e6506ee5326822a7ced0e6cd92b7b628 (patch)
tree3cf44cef098fb0a98137abd7942d8aa10592ddfc /module/main.scm
parentstuff. (diff)
Move a bunch of files into calp module.
Diffstat (limited to 'module/main.scm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 202 deletions
diff --git a/module/main.scm b/module/main.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d3e01a6..00000000
--- a/module/main.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-;; -*- geiser-scheme-implementation: guile -*-
-(define-module (main)
- :use-module (util)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-1)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88) ; keyword syntax
- :use-module ((util config) :select (set-config! get-config get-configuration-documentation))
- :use-module (util options)
- :use-module ((util hooks) :select (shutdown-hook))
- :use-module (directories)
- :use-module ((text markup) :select (sxml->ansi-text))
- :use-module (ice-9 getopt-long)
- :use-module (ice-9 regex)
- :use-module ((ice-9 popen) :select (open-input-pipe))
- :use-module (statprof)
- :use-module (repl)
- )
-(define options
- '((statprof (value display-style)
- (description "Run the program within Guile's built in statical "
- "profiler. Display style is one of "
- (b "flat") " or " (b "tree") "."))
- (repl (value address)
- (description
- "Start a Guile repl which can be connected to, defaults to the unix socket "
- (i "/run/user/${UID}/calp-${PID}") ", but it can be bound to any unix or "
- "TCP socket. ((@ (vcomponent instance) global-event-object)) "
- "should contain all events."
- (br)
- (b "Should NOT be used in production.")))
- (config (value #t)
- (description
- "Path to alterantive configuration file to load instead of the default one. "))
- ;; Techical note:
- ;; Guile's getopt doesn't support repeating keys. Thereby the small jank,
- ;; and my regex hack below.
- (option (single-char #\o)
- (value #t)
- (description
- "Set configuration options, on the form "
- (i "key") "=" (i "value")
- " as if they were set in the config file. These options have "
- "priority over those from the file. "
- "Can " (i "not") " be given with an equal after --option."
- (br) "Can be given multiple times."))
- (update-zoneinfo)
- (help (single-char #\h)
- (description "Print this help"))))
-(define module-help
- '(*TOP* (br)
- (center (b "Calp")) (br) (br)
- "Usage: " (b "calp") " [ " (i flags) " ] " (i mode) " [ " (i "mode flags") " ]" (br)
- (hr)
- (center (b "Modes")) (br) (br)
- (p (b "html") " reads calendar files from disk, and writes them to static HTML files.")
- (p (b "terminal") " loads the calendars, and startrs an interactive terminal interface.")
- "[UNTESTED]" (br)
- (p (b "import") "s an calendar object into the database.")
- (p (b "text") " formats and justifies what it's given on standard input, "
- "and writes it to standard output. Similar to this text.")
- (p (b "ical") " loads the calendar database, and imideately "
- "reserializes it back into ICAL format. "
- "Useful for merging calendars.")
- (p (b "benchmark") " Forces a field from the current app. Preferably used together with "
- (i "--statprof") " for some for profiling the code.")
- (p (b "server") " starts an HTTP server which dynamicly loads and displays event. The "
- (i "/month/{date}.html") " & " (i "/week/{date}.html") " runs the same output code as "
- (b "html") ". While the " (i "/calendar/{uid}.ics") " uses the same code as " (b "ical") ".")
- (hr) (br)
- (center (b "Flags")) (br)))
-(define (ornull a b)
- (if (null? a)
- b a))
-(define (wrapped-main args)
- (define opts (getopt-long args (getopt-opt options) #:stop-at-first-non-option #t))
- (define stprof (option-ref opts 'statprof #f))
- (define repl (option-ref opts 'repl #f))
- (define altconfig (option-ref opts 'config #f))
- (when stprof (statprof-start))
- (cond [(eqv? #t repl) (repl-start (format #f "~a/calp-~a"
- runtime-directory (getpid)))]
- [repl => repl-start])
- (if altconfig
- (begin
- (if (file-exists? altconfig)
- (primitive-load altconfig)
- (throw 'option-error "Configuration file ~a missing" altconfig)))
- ;; if not altconfig, then regular config
- (awhen (find file-exists?
- (list
- (path-append user-config-directory "/config.scm")
- (path-append system-config-directory "/config.scm")))
- (primitive-load it)))
- ;; NOTE this doesn't stop at first non-option, meaning that -o flags
- ;; from sub-commands might be parsed.
- (map (lambda (pair)
- (let* (((key value) (string-split (cadr pair) #\=)))
- (set-config! (string->symbol key)
- (let ((form (call-with-input-string value read)))
- (if (list? form)
- (primitive-eval form)
- form)))))
- (filter (lambda (p)
- ;; should match `--option', as well as a single flag with any
- ;; number of other options, as long as the last one is `o'.
- (string-match "^-(-option|[^-]*o)$" (car p)))
- (zip args (cdr args))))
- ;; help printing moved below some other stuff to allow
- ;; print-configuration-and-return to show bound values.
- (awhen (option-ref opts 'help #f)
- (display (sxml->ansi-text module-help)
- (current-output-port))
- (print-arg-help options)
- (display (sxml->ansi-text
- ;; NOTE that this can only display config
- ;; items in loaded modules.
- ;; See scripts/get-config.scm for finding
- ;; all configuration items.
- (get-configuration-documentation))
- (current-output-port))
- (throw 'return)
- )
- (when (option-ref opts 'update-zoneinfo #f)
- (let ((pipe
- (let-env ((PREFIX (get-config 'path-prefix)))
- (open-input-pipe (path-append libexec "/tzget")))))
- ;; (define path (read-line pipe))
- (define names (string-split ((@ (ice-9 rdelim) read-line) pipe) #\space))
- ((@ (util io) with-atomic-output-to-file)
- (path-append data-directory "/zoneinfo.scm")
- (lambda ()
- (write `(set-config! 'tz-list ',names)) (newline)
- (write `(set-config! 'last-zoneinfo-upgrade ,((@ (datetime) current-date))) (newline))))))
- ;; always load zoneinfo if available.
- (let ((z (path-append data-directory "/zoneinfo")))
- (when (file-exists? z)
- (primitive-load z)))
- (let ((ropt (ornull (option-ref opts '() '())
- '("term"))))
- ((case (string->symbol (car ropt))
- ((html) (@ (entry-points html) main))
- ((term) (@ (entry-points terminal) main))
- ((import) (@ (entry-points import) main))
- ((text) (@ (entry-points text) main))
- ((ical) (@ (entry-points ical) main))
- ((server) (@ (entry-points server) main))
- ((benchmark) (@ (entry-points benchmark) main))
- (else => (lambda (s)
- (format (current-error-port)
- "Unsupported mode of operation: ~a~%"
- s)
- (exit 1))))
- ropt))
- (when stprof
- (statprof-stop)
- (statprof-display (current-error-port)
- style: (if (boolean? stprof)
- 'flat
- (string->symbol stprof)))))
-(define-public (main args)
- ((@ (util time) report-time!) "Program start")
- (dynamic-wind (lambda () 'noop)
- (lambda () (catch 'return (lambda () (wrapped-main args)) values))
- (lambda () (run-hook shutdown-hook))))