`git describe --tags ` :: Which tag is this commit after? `git describe --contains ` :: Which tag "contains" this commit `git describe --tags --match 'v[0-9].[0-9]*'` :: If HEAD is on matching tag, show tag name, otherwise show :: __-__-__ == Git hook "syntax" highlighting == The output of git hooks are in some cases highlighted, see the following examples (each directly echoed to stdout from a post-receive hook) (the text after the term/colon doesn't matter) Color codes taken from my [[https://github.com/HugoNikanor/dotfiles/blob/a82c4ef3a99d66009d888a8fb64c110b8b8990c6/config/alacritty/alacritty.yml|Alacritty Config]] === Yellow === - remote: {{#|hint|style="color:#de935f;"}}: small - remote: {{#|Hint|style="color:#de935f;"}}: large - remote: {{#|Hint|style="color:#de935f;"}} no color - remote: {{#|hint|style="color:#de935f;"}} small === Bold Yellow === - remote: {{#|warning|style="color:#f0c674;font-weight:bold;"}}: small - remote: {{#|Warning|style="color:#f0c674;font-weight:bold;"}}: large - remote: {{#|Warning|style="color:#f0c674;font-weight:bold;"}} no color - remote: {{#|warning|style="color:#f0c674;font-weight:bold;"}} no color === Bold Green === - remote: {{#|success|style="color:#b5bd68;font-weight:bold"}}: small - remote: {{#|Success|style="color:#b5bd68;font-weight:bold"}}: large - remote: {{#|Success|style="color:#b5bd68;font-weight:bold"}} no color - remote: {{#|success|style="color:#b5bd68;font-weight:bold"}} no color === Bold Red === - remote: {{#|error|style="color:#cc6666;font-weight:bold"}}: small - remote: Error: large # This one apparently just doesn't - remote: {{#|Error|style="color:#cc6666;font-weight:bold"}} no color - remote: {{#|error|style="color:#cc6666;font-weight:bold"}} no color = Multi git tools = Tools for working on mutiple repostories at once == Multi-git-status == `mgitstatus`, https://github.com/fboender/multi-git-status Recurses the tree from current point, finds all repos, and tells their status (needs commit, needs push, ...) Has the binary `mgitstatus` Gita https://github.com/nosarthur/gita