== Författare == === Gustaf Wingren === Teolog == Böcker (skönliteratur) == - [ ] American Gods, Neil Gaiman - [ ] American Psycho - [ ] At earths core (see books dir) - [ ] Dune - [ ] Hogfather by Terry Pratchet - [ ] Humble Pi, av Mat parker - [ ] Hunger games prequel - [ ] Norse Mythology av Neil Gaiman - [ ] Player Piano - [ ] Ringworld av Larry Niven - Dominic Nobles video om det - [ ] Rogue One Novelization (rekommenderad av Jill Berup) - [ ] Sun of Suns av Karl Schroeder (rekommenderad av C.G.P. Grey) - [ ] The Disappearing Spoon, Sam Kean - [ ] The city of ember - [ ] War of the Worlds (HG Wells) - [ ] Wizards, Aliens, and Starships - It's a breakdown of the "science of science fiction." == Böcker (fackliga) == - [ ] "List Processing in Real Time on a Serial Computer" by Henry Baker - [ ] Haskell from first principles - [ ] Just for Fun by Linus Torvalds - [ ] Software Design for Flexibility - [ ] The Mythical Man Month - [ ] The Roots of Lisp av Paul Graham - [ ] Unix a History and a Memoir av Brian Kerningham - [ ] Write you a scheme 2.0 (Wespier, 2016) - [ ] [[http://www.paulgraham.com/onlisp.html|On Lisp]] - [ ] [[https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/art-metaobject-protocol|The Art of the Metaobject Protocol]] - [ ] [[https://pragprog.com/book/tpp20/the-pragmatic-programmer-20th-anniversary-edition|The pragmatic programer]] - [ ] lambda the ultimate - [X] Getting things done - Lőkar? - https://www.thedarkweblinks.com/deep-web-books-sites-links/ - https://www.reddit.com/r/onions/comments/3ya4vi/best_onions_to_get_free_ebooks_and_pdfs/ - == RFC == - [ ] RFC 4367 -- what is a name? - [ ] RFC 4255 -- ssh keys - [ ] RFC 3646 -- DHCPv6 - [ ] RFC 4472 -- IPv6 DNS considerations == Filmer & serier == - [X] Wreck it Ralph 2 :: Orginalet var bättre - [X] Incredibles 2 :: Bra, men jag är inte 6 längre. - [X] Juno - Om gravid tonåring - [ ] Liar, Liar - [ ] Black Mirror - [ ] The Act (TV-Serie, HBO) - Åtminstånde ett avsnitt handlar om den där tjejen som psykologikst misshandlas av sin mor. - [X] Toy Story 4 - [ ] American ultra - [ ] The Princess Bride - [ ] Last Action Hero - [ ] Metropolis - [X] Gravity - [ ] Schindlers List - [ ] Fight Club - [ ] Mortal Engines (2018) - [ ] Wargames - [ ] Yesterday - [ ] The Death of Stalin - [ ] Queens Gambit == Podcasts == - https://corecursive.com/brian-kernighan-unix-bell-labs1/ - The birth of Unix - https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/jyzx7d/the_birth_of_unix_with_brian_kernighan/ - https://cppcast.com/old-new-thing/ - The old New Thing (with Raymond Chen) - https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/ly3t8u/cppcast_the_old_new_thing/ == Spel == - [ ] The longing - 9600h långt spel - [ ] Enter the Gungeon - [ ] AI: The Sominium Files - [ ] Event[0] - [ ] [[https://www.romhacking.net/reviews/5293/|GBA Style Super Metroid]] - [ ] Aria of Sorrow randomizer - [ ] Tetris Effect - [ ] Cannon fodder - [ ] Into the Breach - [ ] Outer Wilds - [ ] The Outer Worlds - [-] openTTD - [ ] Subnautica - [ ] [[https://www.reddit.com/r/RogueLegacy/comments/8byxfk/free_rogue_legacy_mod_the_lament_of_zors_a/|Lament of Zors - Rogue Legacy MOD]] === PS3 === - [ ] Metal Gear Solid HD Collection - [ ] Metal Gear Solid IV - [ ] Demon's Souls - [X] Ni No Kuni - [ ] Little Big Planet - [X] ICO/Shadow of the Colossus HD Collection - [ ] The Last of Us === Switch === - [X] Dead Cells - [ ] Bloodstained - [ ] Outbudies DX - [ ] Luigis Mansion 3 - [ ] Links Awakening