diff options
7 files changed, 268 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/hs/src/Handlingar.hs b/hs/src/Handlingar.hs
index cb126b7..157e95d 100644
--- a/hs/src/Handlingar.hs
+++ b/hs/src/Handlingar.hs
@@ -4,18 +4,14 @@ module Handlingar
( main
) where
-import Prelude hiding
- ( putStrLn
- , writeFile
- )
-import Data.Text.IO (putStrLn, writeFile)
import System.FilePath (dropFileName)
import System.Posix.Directory (changeWorkingDirectory, getWorkingDirectory)
import Text.Pandoc (runIOorExplode)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
-import Handlingar.TexOutput (handleTex)
+-- import Handlingar.TexOutput (handleTex)
+import Handlingar.HtmlOutput (handleHtml)
-- TODO pandoc possibly contains a better way to handle attachements,
-- something about media bag
@@ -37,16 +33,13 @@ main args = do
case args of
[file, heading] -> do
- cwd <- getWorkingDirectory
+ here <- getWorkingDirectory
changeWorkingDirectory $ dropFileName file
text <- T.readFile file
+ -- TODO mkdir
+ runIOorExplode $ handleHtml text heading (here </> "out")
- -- let workdir = dropFileName file
- tex <- runIOorExplode $ handleTex text heading
- changeWorkingDirectory cwd
- writeFile "out.tex" tex
- putStrLn "Wrote result to out.tex"
+ changeWorkingDirectory here
_ -> error "Usage: ./main handlingar <input-file> <heading>"
diff --git a/hs/src/Handlingar/Common.hs b/hs/src/Handlingar/Common.hs
index dec38c6..16b5591 100644
--- a/hs/src/Handlingar/Common.hs
+++ b/hs/src/Handlingar/Common.hs
@@ -3,17 +3,19 @@
module Handlingar.Common
-( decoder
+( buildPrimary
+, decoder
, findAlternative
, formatMail
, getVimwikiPage
+, handleBilaga
, handleBilagaHeading
, handleBlocks
, handleMailLink
, replaceLinks
-, rewriteLink
, shorten
, uriChars
+, HandlingarOps(..)
) where
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
@@ -25,27 +27,80 @@ import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack, strip)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeLatin1, decodeUtf8)
-import Data.Text.Encoding.Base64 (encodeBase64)
import Data.Text.IO qualified as T
import Mail (getMail, MailPart(..), getBytes, getFile)
import Network.URI (URI, uriPath)
import Network.URI.Encode (decode)
+import System.FilePath (takeExtension, (<.>))
import System.IO (Handle)
import System.Process (cleanupProcess)
import Text.Pandoc (readVimwiki, readHtml, PandocMonad, PandocIO, writePlain)
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
-import Text.Pandoc.Extract (AppendixItem, extractKV)
+import Text.Pandoc.Extract (AppendixItem, extractKV, getHeadingData)
import Text.Pandoc.Items (comment, dlist)
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walk, walkM)
-import Util (splitBy)
+import Util (splitBy, (<&>))
+import Network.URI (parseURI, uriScheme)
+import Network.URI.Encode (encodeWith)
+import Text.URI.Decode (urlDecode)
+data HandlingarOps = HandlingarOps
+ -- For any file included from the base document as an appendix,
+ -- which originally had a "file:" or "local:" scheme, generate
+ -- appropriate resources for that element, and return what should
+ -- be included in the appendix section.
+ --
+ { handleFile :: FilePath -- ^ Path to include, may be relative the current working directory.
+ -> String -- ^ File extension of the given path, with a leading period
+ -> PandocIO (Maybe [Block])
+ -- |
+ , rewriteLink :: Inline -> State [AppendixItem] Inline
+ , destination :: FilePath
+ }
+-- See also: Html rebuildLinks
+handleBilaga :: HandlingarOps -> [Block] -> Text -> PandocIO (Maybe [Block])
+handleBilaga ops currentPage url = case parseURI . encodeWith (`elem` uriChars) . unpack $ url of
+ Just uri -> case uriScheme uri of
+ -- A link to another wiki.
+ -- Currently implemented by simply mentioning
+ -- where to look
+ ('w':'n':'.':wikiname) -> return . Just $ [Para [Str $ "Interwiki" <> pack wikiname]]
+ -- File, may (and hopefully is) within wiki the source tree
+ -- Note that both "file:" and "local:" gets turned
+ -- into "file:" by the pandoc parser.
+ "file:" -> do
+ let (Just fname) = urlDecode $ uriPath uri
+ (handleFile ops) fname $ takeExtension fname
+ -- An included email.
+ "mail:" -> Just <$> handleMailLink uri
+ _ -> return $ Just [Para [Str . pack . show $ uri]]
+ -- This is an internal wiki link
+ Nothing -> case break (== '#') (unpack url) of
+ ("", '#':frag) -> return $ getHeadingData (pack frag) currentPage
+ (page, '#':frag) -> getVimwikiPage (page <.> "wiki") <&> getHeadingData (pack frag)
+ (page, "") -> Just <$> getVimwikiPage (page <.> "wiki")
+ _ -> return $ Just [Para [Str "ERROR"]]
+-- | Generate a header tag from an appendix reference
handleBilagaHeading :: [Inline] -> Text -> Block
handleBilagaHeading is ref = Header 1 ("bilaga:" <> ref, [], []) is
--- Takes a list of Pandoc Blocks starting with a heading. If the first
--- element after the heading is a Definition list, then parse that to
--- kv-pairs, and return it also.
+-- | Extract header, metadata, and contents from a list of Pandoc Blocks.
+-- Returns a three-tuple consisting of
+-- * the sections title,
+-- * metadata from the section
+-- * Further contents of the section
+-- The title is gotten by rendering the first block in the list into a
+-- plain string.
+-- If the second argument is a definition list, then each of those
+-- items will be extracted into a list of key, value pairs
handleBlocks :: PandocMonad m => [Block] -> m (Text, [(Text, Text)], [Block])
handleBlocks (head:DefinitionList definitions:blocks) = do
heading <- writePlain def (Pandoc nullMeta [head])
@@ -62,24 +117,21 @@ shorten (BlockQuote _) = BlockQuote [ Para [ Code ("", [], []) "[...]" ] ]
shorten x = x
-rewriteLink :: Inline -> State [AppendixItem] Inline
-rewriteLink (Link _ is (target, "wikilink")) = do
- let appendixRef = encodeBase64 target
- let txt = [ Str "(bilaga"
- , RawInline (Format "latex")
- ("~\\ref{bilaga:" <> appendixRef <> "}")
- , Str ")"
- ]
- let lnk = Link ("", [], [ ("reference-type", "ref")
- , ("reference", "bilaga:" <> appendixRef) ])
- (is <> [Superscript txt])
- ( "#bilaga:" <> appendixRef, "" )
- modify ((is, appendixRef, target):)
- return lnk
-rewriteLink x = return x
-replaceLinks :: Pandoc -> (Pandoc, [AppendixItem])
-replaceLinks = flip runState [] . walkM rewriteLink
+-- | Replace all links in document from source to destination form.
+-- The source links are either regular absolute links, or relative
+-- links to other items within the source tree. This function
+-- translates one such link to a link which is on a suitable form form
+-- the output.
+-- * For TeX this will probably be a '\ref' element
+-- * For HTML a link to another page.
+-- Note that something which actually creates the output referenced
+-- items is also needed.
+replaceLinks :: (Inline -> State [AppendixItem] Inline)
+ -> Pandoc -> (Pandoc, [AppendixItem])
+replaceLinks rewriteLink = flip runState [] . walkM rewriteLink
uriChars :: Set Char
@@ -185,3 +237,18 @@ handleMailLink uri = do
_ -> return []
return $ comment ("msg id: " <> pack id) <> body
+buildPrimary :: PandocMonad m
+ => HandlingarOps
+ -> Pandoc
+ -> m (Pandoc, [AppendixItem])
+buildPrimary ops (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
+ -- Pandoc meta blocks <- reader def text
+ -- let Just blocks = getHeadingData heading blocks
+ (heading, kvs, wantedBlocks') <- handleBlocks blocks
+ let (pandoc, appendices) = replaceLinks (rewriteLink ops) $ Pandoc meta wantedBlocks'
+ let pandoc' = foldl (flip . uncurry $ setMeta) pandoc
+ $ ("title", heading) : kvs
+ return (pandoc', appendices)
diff --git a/hs/src/Handlingar/HtmlOutput.hs b/hs/src/Handlingar/HtmlOutput.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29121ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hs/src/Handlingar/HtmlOutput.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings
+ , ImportQualifiedPost
+ #-}
+module Handlingar.HtmlOutput
+( handleHtml
+) where
+import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
+import Data.Default (def)
+import Text.Pandoc.Extract (AppendixItem, getHeadingData)
+import Text.Pandoc (readVimwiki, PandocIO)
+import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Meta(..))
+import Text.Pandoc.Builder
+import Data.Text (Text, unpack, pack)
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML (writeHtml5String)
+import Handlingar.Common (handleBilaga, HandlingarOps(..), buildPrimary)
+import System.FilePath ((</>), takeExtension)
+import Data.Text.IO (writeFile)
+import Data.Text qualified as T
+import System.Directory (copyFile)
+import System.Posix.Directory (changeWorkingDirectory, getWorkingDirectory)
+import Control.Exception (catch)
+import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
+import Prelude hiding (writeFile)
+handleAppendix :: HandlingarOps -> [Block] -> AppendixItem -> PandocIO [Block]
+handleAppendix ops source_blocks (link_text, _, target) = do
+ mxs <- handleBilaga ops source_blocks target
+ case mxs of
+ Just xs -> do
+ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "target: " ++ show target
+ liftIO $ getWorkingDirectory >>= putStrLn
+ case takeExtension . unpack $ target of
+ "" -> return ()
+ _ -> liftIO $ copyFile (unpack . T.drop 5 $ target) (destination ops </> (unpack . sourceToTarget' $ target))
+ -- liftIO $ catch (copyFile (unpack target) (destination ops </> (unpack . sourceToTarget' $ target))) (\_ -> (copyFile (unpack target <> ".wiki") (destination ops </> (unpack . sourceToTarget' $ target))))
+ out <- writeHtml5String (def) (Pandoc (Meta Map.empty) xs)
+ liftIO $ writeFile (destination ops </> (unpack . sourceToTarget $ target))
+ (out)
+ -- (pack . show $ xs)
+ return []
+ Nothing -> return []
+sourceToTarget' :: Text -> Text
+sourceToTarget' source
+ | "file:" == T.take 5 source = proc $ T.drop 5 source
+ | otherwise = proc source
+ where proc s = T.replace "/" "-" s
+-- Convert a link wikilink from the source document to an html link in
+-- the destination document
+sourceToTarget :: Text -> Text
+sourceToTarget source = sourceToTarget' source <> ".html"
+rewriteLinkHtml :: Inline -> State [AppendixItem] Inline
+rewriteLinkHtml x@(Link _ displayed (target, "wikilink")) = do
+ modify ((displayed, "", target):)
+ return $ Link ("", [], [])
+ (displayed <> [Superscript [Str "(bilaga)"]])
+ (sourceToTarget target, "") -- TODO write something nice for title
+rewriteLinkHtml x = return x
+-- TODO this is probably where we should create the included files
+handleFileHtml :: FilePath -> String -> PandocIO (Maybe [Block])
+handleFileHtml fname ".tex" = return . Just $ []
+handleFileHtml fname ".pdf" = return . Just $ [ Plain [ RawInline (Format "html") ("<object type=\"application/pdf\" data=\"" <> (sourceToTarget' . pack $ fname) <> "\">PDF Failed loading</object>") ] ]
+handleFileHtml fname _ = return . Just $ []
+handleHtml :: Text -> String -> FilePath -> PandocIO ()
+handleHtml source_text heading destination = do
+ let ops = HandlingarOps { handleFile = handleFileHtml
+ , rewriteLink = rewriteLinkHtml
+ , destination = destination
+ }
+ Pandoc m' og_bs <- readVimwiki def source_text
+ let Just better_blocks = getHeadingData (pack heading) og_bs
+ (Pandoc meta bs, appendices) <- buildPrimary ops (Pandoc m' better_blocks)
+ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "meta: " ++ show meta
+ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "count appendies: " ++ show (length appendices)
+ -- liftIO $ putStrLn $ "count appendies: " ++ show appendices
+ fragments <- mapM (handleAppendix ops og_bs) $ reverse appendices
+ let apx = mconcat fragments
+ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "apx: " ++ show apx
+ let content = Pandoc meta bs
+ result <- writeHtml5String (def) content
+ liftIO $ writeFile (destination </> "index.html") result
diff --git a/hs/src/Handlingar/TexOutput.hs b/hs/src/Handlingar/TexOutput.hs
index 6028b5f..b54862f 100644
--- a/hs/src/Handlingar/TexOutput.hs
+++ b/hs/src/Handlingar/TexOutput.hs
@@ -12,40 +12,30 @@ import Data.Default (def)
import Data.Map.Lazy qualified as Map
import Data.String (IsString(fromString))
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
+import Data.Text.Encoding.Base64 (encodeBase64)
import Data.Text.IO qualified as T
-import Handlingar.Common (handleBilagaHeading, getVimwikiPage, handleMailLink, handleBlocks, replaceLinks, uriChars)
-import Network.URI (parseURI, uriScheme, uriPath)
-import Network.URI.Encode (encodeWith, decode)
+import Handlingar.Common (HandlingarOps, HandlingarOps(..), handleBilaga, buildPrimary, handleBilagaHeading)
+-- import Network.URI (parseURI, uriScheme, uriPath)
+import Network.URI.Encode (decode)
import System.Directory (makeAbsolute, createDirectoryIfMissing, copyFile)
-import System.FilePath (takeExtension, (<.>), takeBaseName)
+import System.FilePath (takeBaseName)
import System.Process (createProcess, shell, CreateProcess(cwd), waitForProcess)
import Tex (toTex, TeX (..))
import Text.DocTemplates (toVal, Val(SimpleVal, ListVal), Context(Context))
-import Text.Pandoc (readVimwiki, WriterOptions(writerTemplate, writerListings, writerVariables), PandocMonad, PandocIO)
+import Text.Pandoc (readVimwiki, WriterOptions(writerTemplate, writerListings, writerVariables), PandocIO)
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc.Extract (AppendixItem, getHeadingData)
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (compileDefaultTemplate)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.LaTeX (writeLaTeX)
-import Text.URI.Decode (urlDecode)
-import Util (joinBy, uncurry3, (<&>))
+import Util (joinBy)
-buildPrimary :: PandocMonad m
- => Pandoc
- -> m (Pandoc, [AppendixItem])
-buildPrimary (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
- -- Pandoc meta blocks <- reader def text
- -- let Just blocks = getHeadingData heading blocks
- (heading, kvs, wantedBlocks') <- handleBlocks blocks
- let (pandoc, appendices) = replaceLinks $ Pandoc meta wantedBlocks'
- let pandoc' = foldl (flip . uncurry $ setMeta) pandoc
- $ ("title", heading) : kvs
- return (pandoc', appendices)
-handleFileTex :: FilePath -> String -> PandocIO (Maybe [Block])
+-- | Render and include an included file into a tex document.
+handleFileTex :: FilePath -- ^ Path to include. May be relative the current working directory
+ -> String -- ^ Filename extension of the given path, with a leading period
+ -> PandocIO (Maybe [Block])
handleFileTex fname ".txt" = do
text <- liftIO $ T.readFile fname
return . Just $ [CodeBlock ("", [], []) text]
@@ -83,46 +73,59 @@ handleFileTex fname _ = do
-- TODO differentiate between inline images (through cid:<> urls), and
-- unrelated attachements
--- See also: Html rebuildLinks
-handleBilagaTex :: [Block] -> Text -> PandocIO (Maybe [Block])
-handleBilagaTex currentPage url = case parseURI . encodeWith (`elem` uriChars) . unpack $ url of
- Just uri -> case uriScheme uri of
- ('w':'n':'.':wikiname) -> return . Just $ [Para [Str $ "Interwiki" <> pack wikiname]]
- "file:" -> do
- let (Just fname) = urlDecode $ uriPath uri
- liftIO $ do
- print $ "raw = " ++ uriPath uri
- print $ "fname = " ++ fname
- handleFileTex fname $ takeExtension fname
- "mail:" -> Just <$> handleMailLink uri
- _ -> return $ Just [Para [Str . pack . show $ uri]]
- Nothing -> case break (== '#') (unpack url) of
- ("", '#':frag) -> return $ getHeadingData (pack frag) currentPage
- (page, '#':frag) -> getVimwikiPage (page <.> "wiki") <&> getHeadingData (pack frag)
- (page, "") -> Just <$> getVimwikiPage (page <.> "wiki")
- _ -> return $ Just [Para [Str "ERROR"]]
-f :: [Block] -> [Inline] -> Text -> Text -> PandocIO [Block]
-f bs is a b = do
- let bg = handleBilagaHeading is a
- mxs <- handleBilagaTex bs b
+-- | Format an appendix for inclusion into the tex file
+handleAppendix :: HandlingarOps -> [Block] -> AppendixItem -> PandocIO [Block]
+handleAppendix ops source_blocks (link_text, uid, target) = do
+ let bg = handleBilagaHeading link_text uid
+ mxs <- handleBilaga ops source_blocks target
case mxs of
Just xs -> return $ bg : xs
Nothing -> return []
+-- | Rewrite Vimwiki links for TeX
+-- Internal links (in Pandoc noted as "wikilink") will be expanded
+-- into "<displayed_part>\sup{(bilaga~\ref{bilaga:<id>})}"
+-- An appendix item is added to the state, containing
+-- * The displayed paret of the link
+-- * The unique id
+-- * The target of the link
+rewriteLinkTex :: Inline -> State [AppendixItem] Inline
+rewriteLinkTex (Link _ displayed (target, "wikilink")) = do
+ let appendixRef = encodeBase64 target
+ let txt = [ Str "(bilaga"
+ , RawInline (Format "latex")
+ ("~\\ref{bilaga:" <> appendixRef <> "}")
+ , Str ")"
+ ]
+ let lnk = Link ("", [], [ ("reference-type", "ref")
+ , ("reference", "bilaga:" <> appendixRef) ])
+ (displayed <> [Superscript txt])
+ ( "#bilaga:" <> appendixRef, "" )
+ modify ((displayed, appendixRef, target):)
+ return lnk
+rewriteLinkTex x = return x
handleTex :: Text -> String -> PandocIO Text
handleTex source_text heading = do
+ let ops = HandlingarOps { handleFile = handleFileTex
+ , rewriteLink = rewriteLinkTex
+ , destination = ""
+ }
texTemplate <- compileDefaultTemplate "latex"
+ -- Load base data from file
Pandoc m' og_bs <- readVimwiki def source_text
+ -- Filter to only items under heading
let Just better_blocks = getHeadingData (pack heading) og_bs
-- TODO limit to only relevant heading
- (Pandoc meta bs, appendices) <- buildPrimary (Pandoc m' better_blocks)
+ (Pandoc meta bs, appendices) <- buildPrimary ops (Pandoc m' better_blocks)
-- apx <- mconcat $ mapM handleBilagaTex $ reverse appendicies
-- TODO this bs should be the initial source, NOT
-- the result of buildPrimary
- fragments <- mapM (uncurry3 (f og_bs)) $ reverse appendices
+ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "appendices: " ++ show appendices
+ fragments <- mapM (handleAppendix ops og_bs) $ reverse appendices
let apx = mconcat fragments
let trail = [ RawBlock (Format "latex") "\\appendix" ] <> apx
let content = Pandoc meta $ bs <> trail
diff --git a/hs/src/Text/Pandoc/Extract.hs b/hs/src/Text/Pandoc/Extract.hs
index 6fb6016..0bee6d5 100644
--- a/hs/src/Text/Pandoc/Extract.hs
+++ b/hs/src/Text/Pandoc/Extract.hs
@@ -11,6 +11,12 @@ import Text.Pandoc ( PandocMonad
import Util (oneOf)
+-- A three tuple of:
+-- * The original displayed text of the link
+-- * A unique id for this reference.
+-- The same link should always get the same id
+-- * The original target of the link.
+-- Note that this will depend on the cwd of the source file.
type AppendixItem = ([Inline], Text, Text)
-- Find the first heading matching text in the block
diff --git a/hs/src/Text/URI/Decode.hs b/hs/src/Text/URI/Decode.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..893c225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hs/src/Text/URI/Decode.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+module Text.URI.Decode where
+-- Copied verbatim from
+import qualified Data.Char as Char
+urlDecode :: String -> Maybe String
+urlDecode [] = Just []
+urlDecode ('%':xs) =
+ case xs of
+ (a:b:xss) ->
+ urlDecode xss
+ >>= return . ((Char.chr . read $ "0x" ++ [a,b]) :)
+ _ -> Nothing
+urlDecode ('+':xs) = urlDecode xs >>= return . (' ' :)
+urlDecode (x:xs) = urlDecode xs >>= return . (x :)
diff --git a/hs/vimwiki.cabal b/hs/vimwiki.cabal
index 27442ab..75ec842 100644
--- a/hs/vimwiki.cabal
+++ b/hs/vimwiki.cabal
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ executable Main
+ Handlingar.HtmlOutput,