diff options
4 files changed, 337 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/hs/Handlingar.hs b/hs/Handlingar.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea6e1cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hs/Handlingar.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Handlingar
+( main
+) where
+import Text.Pandoc
+ ( runIOorExplode
+ , readVimwiki
+ )
+import Text.Pandoc.Builder
+import Data.Text (Text, pack)
+import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrintList)
+import System.Environment (getArgs)
+import Data.Default (def)
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
+findHeading :: Text -> Block -> Bool
+findHeading target (Header _ (text, _, _) _) = target == text
+findHeading _ _ = False
+oneOf :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool) -> a -> Bool
+oneOf f g x = f x || g x
+findHeadingByLevel :: Int -> Block -> Bool
+findHeadingByLevel target (Header level _ _) = target == level
+findHeadingByLevel _ _ = False
+findHorizontalRule :: Block -> Bool
+findHorizontalRule HorizontalRule = True
+findHorizontalRule _ = False
+headingLevel :: Block -> Int
+headingLevel (Header level _ _) = level
+headingLevel _ = error "Need header"
+getHeadingData :: Text -> [Block] -> [Block]
+getHeadingData heading blocks =
+ let (head:remaining) = dropWhile (not . findHeading heading) blocks
+ items = takeWhile (not . (oneOf (findHorizontalRule)
+ (findHeadingByLevel $ headingLevel head)))
+ remaining
+ in head : items
+main = do
+ args <- getArgs
+ case args of
+ [file, heading] -> do
+ putStrLn $ "Heading = " <> heading
+ text <- T.readFile file
+ -- html <- handleSourceText text
+ pandoc <- runIOorExplode $ readVimwiki def text
+ let Pandoc _ blocks = pandoc
+ -- putStr . valToStr $ blocks
+ pPrintList $ getHeadingData (pack heading) blocks
+ -- let htmlString = toStrict . renderHtml $ html
+ -- liftIO $ T.writeFile outTarget htmlString
+ _ -> error "Invalid command line"
diff --git a/hs/Html.hs b/hs/Html.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8c6c68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hs/Html.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Html
+( main
+) where
+import System.Directory hiding (isSymbolicLink)
+import System.Posix.Files
+ ( FileStatus
+ , getFileStatus
+ , isBlockDevice
+ , isCharacterDevice
+ , isDirectory
+ , isNamedPipe
+ , isRegularFile
+ , isSocket
+ , isSymbolicLink
+ )
+import Data.List.Extra ({-takeEnd, -}snoc, isPrefixOf)
+import System.FilePath
+ ( joinPath
+ -- , addExtension
+ -- , dropExtension
+ , takeDirectory
+ , takeExtension
+ -- , replaceExtension
+ , (</>)
+ , (-<.>))
+import Text.Pandoc
+ ( PandocMonad
+ , PandocIO
+ -- , ReaderOptions( readerStandalone
+ -- )
+ , WriterOptions( writerTemplate
+ , writerTableOfContents
+ , writerVariables
+ )
+ , runIOorExplode
+ -- , compileDefaultTemplate
+ , compileTemplate
+ , getTemplate
+ , writeHtml5
+ , readVimwiki
+ , toLang
+ , setTranslations
+ )
+import Data.Default (def)
+import Data.Text (Text, unpack, pack)
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
+import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict)
+import Network.URI (parseURI, uriPath)
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
+-- import Text.Blaze
+import Text.Blaze.Html (Html)
+import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text (renderHtml)
+import Text.Pandoc.Walk
+ ( Walkable (..)
+ , walk )
+import Text.Pandoc.Builder
+import Text.DocTemplates (Context(..), ToContext(toVal))
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+(&) = flip ($)
+mkdirP = createDirectoryIfMissing True
+fmt :: FileStatus -> String
+fmt st | isBlockDevice st = "block"
+ | isCharacterDevice st = "char"
+ | isNamedPipe st = "pipe"
+ | isRegularFile st = "regular"
+ | isDirectory st = "directory"
+ | isSymbolicLink st = "symlink"
+ | isSocket st = "socket"
+ | otherwise = "UNKNOWN"
+instance Show FileStatus where
+ show st = fmt st
+fileTree :: [FilePath] -> IO [(FileStatus, [FilePath])]
+fileTree base = do
+ items <- listDirectory (joinPath base)
+ concat <$>
+ mapM (\entry -> do
+ let here = snoc base entry
+ let path = joinPath here
+ st <- getFileStatus path
+ let d = (st, here)
+ if isDirectory st
+ then (d :) <$> fileTree here
+ else return [ d ]
+ ) items
+isWikiFile st path = isRegularFile st && (takeExtension . last $ path) == ".wiki"
+vimwikiToHTML :: Text -> IO Text
+-- vimwikiToHTML txt = runIOorExplode $ do
+-- pdoc <- readVimwiki def txt
+-- html <- writeHtml5 def pdoc
+-- return $ toStrict . renderHtml $ html
+vimwikiToHTML txt = do
+ pdoc <- runIOorExplode $ readVimwiki def txt
+ print pdoc
+ html <- runIOorExplode $ writeHtml5 def pdoc
+ return $ toStrict . renderHtml $ html
+handleWikilink :: Inline -> Inline
+handleWikilink l@(Link attributes body (url, title))
+ | isPrefixOf "mail:" (unpack url) =
+ case parseURI . unpack $ url of
+ Just uri -> Link attributes body (pack $ "http://localhost:8090/?id=" <> (uriPath uri), title)
+ Nothing -> l
+ -- TODO don't do this for inter-page links
+ | otherwise = Link attributes body (url <> ".html", title)
+handleWikilink l = l
+rebuildLinks l@(Link _ _ (_, title))
+ | title == "wikilink" = handleWikilink l
+ | otherwise = l
+rebuildLinks other = other
+-- Link ("",[],[]) [Str "#M\246te 7"] ("#M\246te 7","wikilink")
+-- Link ("",[],[]) [Str ""] ("","")
+-- Link ("",[],[]) [Str "Beslut",Space,Str "LIU-2020-02033"] ("file:LinTek/2021/Beslut om riktlinjer och rutiner f\246r genomf\246rande av skriftliga salsskrivningar inklusive digitala tent.pdf","wikilink")
+-- buildCheckboxes s@(Span (ids, cls, kvs) _)
+buildCheckboxes s@(Span (_, cls, _) _)
+ | "done0" `elem` cls = RawInline (Format "html") "<input type='checkbox' disabled='true'/>"
+ | "done1" `elem` cls = RawInline (Format "html") "<input type='checkbox' disabled='true'/>"
+ | "done2" `elem` cls = RawInline (Format "html") "<input type='checkbox' disabled='true'/>"
+ | "done3" `elem` cls = RawInline (Format "html") "<input type='checkbox' disabled='true'/>"
+ | "done4" `elem` cls = RawInline (Format "html") "<input type='checkbox' disabled='true' checked/>"
+ | otherwise = s
+buildCheckboxes l = l
+buildCheckboxes' (Plain (Str "[-]" : Space : xs)) = Plain
+ [ RawInline (Format "html") "<input type='checkbox' disabled='true' checked/>"
+ , Strikeout xs
+ ]
+buildCheckboxes' l = l
+applyFilters :: Pandoc -> Pandoc
+applyFilters pandoc = pandoc
+ & walk rebuildLinks
+ & walk buildCheckboxes
+ & walk buildCheckboxes'
+handleSourceText :: PandocMonad m => Text -> m Html
+handleSourceText text = do
+ pandoc <- readVimwiki def text
+ --runIO $ print . show $ pandoc
+ -- Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList [ ("date",MetaInlines [Str "2000-01-01"])
+ -- , ("title",MetaInlines [Str "Custom",Space,Str "Title"])]})
+ -- [ Header 1 ("Test Wiki",[],[]) [Str "Test",Space,Str "Wiki"]
+ -- , Header 1 ("Generated Tags",[],[]) [Str "Generated",Space,Str "Tags"]]
+ let Pandoc meta blocks = pandoc
+ -- let pandoc = Pandoc (meta & setMeta "lang" ("sv-SE"::Text)) blocks
+ let pandoc = Pandoc meta blocks
+ let pandoc' = pandoc
+ & applyFilters
+ & setTitle (str "Some form of title")
+ & setAuthors [ str "Hugo Hörnquist" ]
+ & setDate (str "2022-01-26")
+ template <- compileDefaultTemplate "html5"
+ {-
+ templateData <- getTemplate "template.html5"
+ template' <- compileTemplate "template.html5" templateData
+ template <- case template' of
+ Left err -> error err
+ Right template -> return template
+ -}
+ let htmlAttr = def { writerTemplate = Just template
+ -- Table of content only works if document
+ -- looks like expected
+ , writerTableOfContents = True
+ , writerVariables = Context $ M.fromList
+ -- Needed to generate header for TOC
+ [ ("toc-title", toVal ("Table of Contents"::Text))
+ -- setting this removes some default styles...
+ , ("css", toVal ["style.css"::Text])
+ ]
+ }
+ -- TODO this warns "[WARNING] The term Abstract has no translation defined"
+ writeHtml5 htmlAttr pandoc'
+-- Becomes wikilink when the URI scheme doesn't match one of
+-- Text.Pandoc.Shared (schemes)
+-- Link (_,_,_) _ (_, "wikilink")
+handlePart :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> PandocIO ()
+handlePart wiki_root parts = do
+ let item_path = joinPath parts
+ let inTarget = wiki_root </> item_path
+ let outTarget = "/tmp/wiki" </> item_path -<.> "html"
+ liftIO $ mkdirP . takeDirectory $ outTarget
+ text <- liftIO $ T.readFile inTarget
+ html <- handleSourceText text
+ let htmlString = toStrict . renderHtml $ html
+ liftIO $ T.writeFile outTarget htmlString
+extractLink :: Inline -> [Inline]
+extractLink l@(Link {}) = [l]
+extractLink _ = []
+findLinks :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> PandocIO (FilePath, [Inline])
+findLinks wiki_root parts = do
+ let item_path = joinPath parts
+ let inTarget = wiki_root </> item_path
+ text <- liftIO $ T.readFile inTarget
+ pandoc <- readVimwiki def text
+ return (item_path, query extractLink pandoc)
+ -- let htmlString = toStrict . renderHtml $ html
+ -- liftIO $ T.writeFile outTarget htmlString
+buildBacklinkSet :: FilePath -> [Inline] -> M.Map Inline [FilePath]
+buildBacklinkSet source targets = foldr (M.alter f) M.empty targets
+ where f Nothing = Just [source]
+ f (Just lst) = Just (source:lst)
+main = do
+ let wiki_root = "/home/hugo/wiki/test"
+ wiki_files <- filter (uncurry isWikiFile) <$> fileTree [ wiki_root ]
+ let relative_paths = tail . snd <$> wiki_files
+ -- What each page links to
+ -- forwardLinks :: [(FilePath, [String])]
+ forwardLinks <- runIOorExplode $ mapM (findLinks wiki_root) relative_paths
+ let backLinks = M.unions $ uncurry buildBacklinkSet <$> forwardLinks
+ runIOorExplode $ do
+ mlang <- toLang $ Just "sv-SE"
+ case mlang of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just l -> setTranslations l
+ mapM_ (handlePart wiki_root) relative_paths
+ -- mapM_ (putStrLn . show) wiki_files
diff --git a/hs/main.hs b/hs/main.hs
index 227a7cd..1e76f0e 100644
--- a/hs/main.hs
+++ b/hs/main.hs
@@ -1,119 +1,19 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-import System.Directory hiding (isSymbolicLink)
-import System.Posix.Files
-import Data.List.Extra (takeEnd, snoc)
-import System.FilePath (joinPath, addExtension, dropExtension, takeDirectory, takeExtension, replaceExtension, (</>), (-<.>))
-import Text.Pandoc
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict)
+module Main where
-import Text.Blaze
-import Text.Blaze.Html
-import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text
-import Text.Pandoc.Walk
+import qualified Html
+-- import qualified Handlingar
-import Text.Pandoc.Builder
+main = Html.main
-import Text.DocTemplates (Context(..), ToContext(toVal))
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-(&) = flip ($)
-mkdirP = createDirectoryIfMissing True
-fmt :: FileStatus -> String
-fmt st | isBlockDevice st = "block"
- | isCharacterDevice st = "char"
- | isNamedPipe st = "pipe"
- | isRegularFile st = "regular"
- | isDirectory st = "directory"
- | isSymbolicLink st = "symlink"
- | isSocket st = "socket"
-instance Show FileStatus where
- show st = fmt st
-fileTree :: [FilePath] -> IO [(FileStatus, [FilePath])]
-fileTree base = do
- items <- listDirectory (joinPath base)
- concat <$>
- mapM (\entry -> do
- let here = snoc base entry
- let path = joinPath here
- st <- getFileStatus path
- let d = (st, here)
- if isDirectory st
- then (d :) <$> fileTree here
- else return [ d ]
- ) items
-isWikiFile st path = isRegularFile st && (takeExtension . last $ path) == ".wiki"
-vimwikiToHTML :: Text -> IO Text
--- vimwikiToHTML txt = runIOorExplode $ do
--- pdoc <- readVimwiki def txt
--- html <- writeHtml5 def pdoc
--- return $ toStrict . renderHtml $ html
-vimwikiToHTML txt = do
- pdoc <- runIOorExplode $ readVimwiki def txt
- print pdoc
- html <- runIOorExplode $ writeHtml5 def pdoc
- return $ toStrict . renderHtml $ html
-rebuildLinks l@(Link attributes body (url, title))
- | title == "wikilink" = Link attributes body (url <> ".html", title)
- | otherwise = l
-rebuildLinks other = other
--- Link ("",[],[]) [Str "#M\246te 7"] ("#M\246te 7","wikilink")
--- Link ("",[],[]) [Str ""] ("","")
--- Link ("",[],[]) [Str "Beslut",Space,Str "LIU-2020-02033"] ("file:LinTek/2021/Beslut om riktlinjer och rutiner f\246r genomf\246rande av skriftliga salsskrivningar inklusive digitala tent.pdf","wikilink")
-buildCheckboxes s@(Span (ids, cls, kvs) _)
- | "done0" `elem` cls = RawInline (Format "html") "<input type='checkbox' disabled='true'/>"
- | "done1" `elem` cls = RawInline (Format "html") "<input type='checkbox' disabled='true'/>"
- | "done2" `elem` cls = RawInline (Format "html") "<input type='checkbox' disabled='true'/>"
- | "done3" `elem` cls = RawInline (Format "html") "<input type='checkbox' disabled='true'/>"
- | "done4" `elem` cls = RawInline (Format "html") "<input type='checkbox' disabled='true' checked/>"
- | otherwise = s
-buildCheckboxes l = l
-main = do
- let wiki_root = "/home/hugo/wiki/public"
- wiki_files <- filter (uncurry isWikiFile) <$> fileTree [ wiki_root ]
- mapM_ ((\parts -> do
- print parts
- let item_path = joinPath parts
- let inTarget = wiki_root </> item_path
- let outTarget = "/tmp/wiki" </> item_path -<.> "html"
- mkdirP . takeDirectory $ outTarget
- text <- T.readFile inTarget
- pandoc <- runIOorExplode $ readVimwiki def {
- readerStandalone = True
- } text
- let (Pandoc meta blocks) = pandoc
- & walk rebuildLinks
- & walk buildCheckboxes
- -- let pandoc' = Pandoc meta [Div ("", ["main-content"], []) blocks]
- let pandoc' = Pandoc meta blocks
- & setTitle (str "Some form of title")
- & setAuthors [ str "Hugo Hörnquist" ]
- & setDate (str "2022-01-26")
- template <- runIOorExplode $ compileDefaultTemplate "html5"
- let htmlAttr = def { writerTemplate = Just template
- -- Table of content only works if document
- -- looks like expected
- , writerTableOfContents = True
- , writerVariables = Context $ M.fromList
- [ ("toc-title", toVal ("Table of Contents"::Text))
- -- setting this removes some default styles...
- , ("css", toVal ["style.css"::Text])
- ]
- }
- html <- runIOorExplode $ writeHtml5 htmlAttr pandoc'
- let htmlString = toStrict . renderHtml $ html
- T.writeFile outTarget htmlString
- -- >>= vimwikiToHTML >>= T.writeFile outTarget
- ) . tail . snd) wiki_files
- -- mapM_ (putStrLn . show) wiki_files
+-- TODO
+-- at top, trace to go back
+-- in footer,
+-- backlinks
+-- Special url types
+-- - wn.public:
+-- - mail:
diff --git a/hs/vimwiki.cabal b/hs/vimwiki.cabal
index 339f0c3..eb84aeb 100644
--- a/hs/vimwiki.cabal
+++ b/hs/vimwiki.cabal
@@ -24,10 +24,14 @@ executable Main
-- this one is just silly
+ -Wno-orphans
+ Html,
+ Handlingar
base >=4.9,
+ data-default,
@@ -38,5 +42,7 @@ executable Main
+ network-uri,
+ pretty-show,
default-language: Haskell2010