runState (return "X") 1 => ("X", 1) ;;; return set the result value but leave the state unchanged (read-enable 'curly-infix) (use-modules (oop goops) (oop goops describe) (ice-9 match) (srfi srfi-1)) (define-generic bind) (define-generic return) (define-class () (slot #:init-value #f #:init-keyword #:slot) (just #:init-value #t #:init-keyword #:just)) (define (nothing) (make #:just #f)) (define (just obj) (make #:just #t #:slot obj)) (define (nothing? this) (not (slot-ref this 'just))) (define (just? this) (not (nothing? this))) (define-method (write (this ) port) (if (just? this) (format port "[Just ~s]" (slot-ref this 'slot)) (format port "[Nothing]"))) ;; bind :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b ;; return :: Monad m => a -> m a ;; map :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b (define-method (>>= (this ) (proc )) (cond ((nothing? this) (nothing)) ((just? this) (match this (($ slot) (proc slot)))))) (define-method (>>= (this ) proc) '()) (define-method (>>= (this ) (proc )) (concatenate! (map proc this))) (define-syntax do (syntax-rules (<- let =) ((_ let var = val rest ...) (let ((var val)) (do rest ...))) ((_ ptrn <- val rest ...) (<- ptrn val rest ...)) ((_ a) a) ((_ token rest ...) (begin token (do rest ...))))) (define-syntax <- (lambda (x) (syntax-case x (just) ((_ (just var) val rest ...) #'(>>= val (lambda (var) rest ...)))))) ;;; Examples: (do (just x) <- (just 10) x) ; => 10 (do let y = (just 10) (just x) <- y (+ x 5)) ; => 15 (do (just x) <- (nothing) (+ x 5)) ; => [Nothing]