;;; Commentary: ;; ;; This is the base class of the monad interface. ;; It provides all the frames and glue required to use the library, and also ;; sets up the list monad (for multiple return values). ;; ;; To top it off, it gives default definitions to return and bind (>>=), ;; meaning that they will sort of work with any type. ;; ;;; Code: (define-module (monad) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (ice-9 curried-definitions) #:use-module (oop goops) #:replace (do) #:export (sequence mapM return <$> <*> >> >>=)) (define-generic return) ;; We start by defining our primitive operations, (define-method (return (a )) "@code{return :: Monad m => a -> m a} Since we can't directly defer type from context we instead allow @code{return} to take an object of the desired type for @code{return}. The default implementation is simple the identity function. " identity) (define-generic >>=) (define-method (>>= (a ) (proc )) "@code{bind :: Monad m => m a x (a -> m b) -> m b} Bind (or >>=) takes a monad value along with a procedure taking a regular value and returning a monad value. The default implementation simply applies proc to the value. Allowing any value to be have the monadic type of being a scheme object. " (proc a)) (define-generic >>) (define-method (>> (a ) (b )) (>>= a (lambda args b))) ;;; ---------------------------------------- ;;- We replace Scheme's built in @code{do} with our own, which works exactly like ;;- Haskell's do. @code{let} and @code{<-} included. (define-syntax do (syntax-rules (<- let =) ((_ let ptrn = val rest ...) (match val (ptrn (do rest ...)))) ((_ ptrn <- val rest ...) (>>= val (match-lambda (ptrn (do rest ...))))) ((_ a) a) ; Base case ((_ token rest ...) (>> token (do rest ...))))) ;;; ---------------------------------------- (define (<$> f m_) "@code{map :: Functor f => (a -> b) x f a -> f b} @code{Fmap}; works on any monadic type since all monads are monoids in the category of @emph{endofunctors}@footnote{What's the problem?}" (>>= m_ (lambda (m) ((return m_) (f m))))) (define (<*> f_ i_) "@code{applicative :: Functor f => f (a -> b) x f a -> f b}" (do f <- f_ i <- i_ ((return f_) (f i)))) ;;; ---------------------------------------- ;; This makes all curly infix operators be left associative, ;; discarding regular order of operations. ;; It does however work in my below example where I do ;; > f <$> a <*> b ;; Which is all that really matters. (define-syntax $nfx$ (syntax-rules () ((_ single) single) ((_ a * b rest ...) ($nfx$ (* a b) rest ...)))) ;; sequence :: (list (M a)) → M (list a) (define (sequence in-list) "Evaluate each monadic action in the structure from left to right, and collect the results. For a version that ignores the results see sequence_. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-" (define ((f done) item) (append done (list item))) (fold (lambda (m-item m-done) #!curly-infix { f <$> m-done <*> m-item }) ;; TODO this fails on a list of length 0 ((return (car in-list)) '()) in-list)) ;; mapM :: (a -> M b) x (list a) → M (list b) (define (mapM proc items) "Map each element of a structure to a monadic action, evaluate these actions from left to right, and collect the results. For a version that ignores the results see mapM_. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-" (sequence (map (lambda (x) (>>= x proc)) items))) ;;; ---------------------------------------- (define-method (return (a )) list) (define-method (>>= (this ) proc) '()) (define-method (>>= (this ) (proc )) (apply append (map proc this)))