#!/usr/bin/guile \ -e main -s !# (add-to-load-path (dirname (current-filename))) (use-modules (texinfo reflection) (texinfo serialize) (texinfo indexing) (sxml simple)) (define name "Haskell-like Monads") (define filename "monad.info") (define infile "monad.texi") (define version "0.7") (define years '(2019)) (define last-updated (strftime "%Y-%m-%d" (localtime (current-time)))) (define modules '(((monad) "Base module") ((monad optional) "Optional (Maybe) type") ((monad state) "State monad") ((monad stack) "Stacks implemented on top of the state monad") )) (define prolog (package-stexi-standard-prologue name filename "The Algorithmic Language Scheme" ; (dir) Top category "Haskell like monads in Scheme" ; For (dir) Top (package-stexi-standard-copying name version last-updated years "Hugo Hörnquist" "Permissions?") (package-stexi-standard-titlepage name version last-updated '(("Hugo Hörnquist" . "hugo@lysator.liu.se"))) (package-stexi-standard-menu name (map car modules) (map cdr modules) '()))) (define stexi-doc (package-stexi-documentation (map car modules) name filename prolog '())) (define (main args) (with-output-to-file infile (lambda () (display (stexi->texi stexi-doc-real)))))