#!/usr/bin/guile \ -e main -s !# (add-to-load-path (dirname (current-filename))) (use-modules (texinfo reflection) (texinfo serialize) (texinfo indexing) (sxml simple)) (define name "Haskell-like Monads") (define filename "monad.info") (define infile "monad.texi") (define version "0.7") (define years '(2019)) (define last-updated (strftime "%Y-%m-%d" (localtime (current-time)))) (define modules '(((monad) "Base module") ((monad optional) "Optional (Maybe) type") ((monad state) "State monad") ((monad stack) "Stacks implemented on top of the state monad") ((monad writer) "Your classical writer monad") )) (define prolog (package-stexi-standard-prologue name filename "The Algorithmic Language Scheme" ; (dir) Top category "Haskell like monads in Scheme" ; For (dir) Top (package-stexi-standard-copying name version last-updated years "Hugo Hörnquist" "Permissions?") (package-stexi-standard-titlepage name version last-updated '(("Hugo Hörnquist" . "hugo@lysator.liu.se"))) (package-stexi-standard-menu name (map car modules) (map cdr modules) '()))) (define stexi-doc (package-stexi-documentation (map car modules) name filename prolog '())) (define (main args) (with-output-to-file infile (lambda () (display (stexi->texi stexi-doc)))))