define profiles::webdav_server ( String $nginx_server, String $file_path, String $location = $name, String $passwd_file = "${file_path}/.htpasswd", String $owner = 'http', String $group = 'share', Array[Array[String,2,2]] $users = [], Array[String] $dav_methods = ['PUT', 'DELETE', 'MKCOL', 'COPY', 'MOVE'], Array[String] $dav_ext_methods = ['PROPFIND', 'OPTIONS'], Hash[String,String] $dav_access = { 'user' => 'rw', 'group' => 'rw', } ) { # TODO install this module somehow # AUR: nginx-mainline-mod-dav-ext require ::nginx $modname = 'ngx_http_dav_ext_module' file { "/etc/nginx/modules-enabled/${modname}.conf": ensure => file, content => @("EOF") load_module /usr/lib/nginx/modules/${modname}.so; | EOF } file { default: owner => $owner, group => $group, ; $file_path: ensure => 'directory', mode => '0770', recurse => 'false', ; $passwd_file: ensure => 'file', mode => '0660', ; } # add entries to the htpasswd file through # $ echo "${user}:$(openssl passwd -apr1 $password)" >> .htpasswd $users.each |$pair| { $user = $pair[0] $passwd = $pair[1] file_line { "Add ${user} to dav passwd file": ensure => present, path => $passwd_file, line => "${user}:${passwd}", match => "^${user}:" } } nginx::resource::location { $location: server => $nginx_server, location_alias => $file_path, ssl => true, ssl_only => true, auth_basic => 'Enter password for dav access', auth_basic_user_file => $passwd_file, location_cfg_append => { 'dav_methods' => $dav_methods.join(' '), 'dav_ext_methods' => $dav_ext_methods.join(' '), 'dav_access' => $ |$k, $v| { "${k}:${v}" }.join(' '), 'client_body_temp_path' => "${file_path}/tmp", 'create_full_put_path' => 'on', 'autoindex' => 'on', 'allow' => 'all', } } }