#Legal Website built by Hugo Hornquist (me), however, some parts are made by other people with their permission. ###[Parsedown](//parsedown.org) Parsedown is used for tracing the markdown files the entries are written in into proper html. It is used under the MIT License, readable [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/erusev/parsedown/master/LICENSE.txt) ###[imgur](//imgur.com) Most images are hosted by imgur. You can read the appropriate terms of service [here](//imgur.com/tos). ### [RSS Logo](//www.mozilla.org/en-US/foundation/feed-icon-guidelines/) This is my public statement that I try to follow these guidelines. --- ##Disclaimer Any text on this website is subject to change at any time. Everything that I write is in some way shape or form connected to me. Please refrain from being majorly offended by my opinions and remember that I have moderation capabilities. --- Upon pressing the following button you agree to give your soul to whatever form of devil you believe in. If a deity of required sort isn't available then you instead surrender your legally owned land to the former communist state.