path: root/modules
diff options
authorHugo Hörnquist <>2021-12-13 23:39:36 +0100
committerHugo Hörnquist <>2021-12-13 23:39:36 +0100
commitfa66475b6dd9835ac6f060202acc744632dd4c89 (patch)
tree080683699268c34cda01e881739995059a7469cc /modules
parentGandalf web certbot. (diff)
Raspi setup was a bad idea.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 143 deletions
diff --git a/modules/raspi/manifests/init.pp b/modules/raspi/manifests/init.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index c622f26..0000000
--- a/modules/raspi/manifests/init.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-define raspi (
- String $dir,
- String $version,
-) {
- #
- file { $dir:
- ensure => directory,
- }
- $img_file = "${version}-raspios-buster-armhf-lite"
- file { "${dir}/${img_file}.zip":
- ensure => file,
- source => "${img_file}.zip",
- checksum => 'sha256',
- checksum_value => 'c5dad159a2775c687e9281b1a0e586f7471690ae28f2f2282c90e7d59f64273c',
- } ~> exec { "/usr/bin/unzip ${img_file}.zip":
- creates => "${dir}/${img_file}.img",
- cwd => $dir,
- }
- # see modprobe.d(5)
- # /sys/module/loop/parameters/max_part
- file { '/etc/modprobe.d/loop.conf':
- content => "options loop max_part=8\n",
- }
- ['root'].each |$d| {
- file { "${dir}/${d}":
- ensure => directory,
- }
- ['base', 'export', 'overlays', 'workdirs'].each |$subdir| {
- file { "${dir}/${d}/${subdir}":
- ensure => directory,
- }
- }
- }
- $mounts = {
- 'root' => ['music',],
- # 'boot' => ['music',],
- }
- # overlay fs not supported for FAT32 filesystems
- $fstab = "${dir}/fstab"
- file { $fstab:
- ensure => file,
- }
- File[$fstab] -> File_Line <| path == $fstab |>
- $mounts.each |$type, $lst| {
- $lst.each |$name| {
- $dict = {
- lowerdir => "${dir}/${type}/base",
- upperdir => "${dir}/${type}/overlays/${name}",
- workdir => "${dir}/${type}/workdirs/${name}",
- nfs_export => 'on',
- }
- $target = "${dir}/${type}/export/${name}"
- file { [
- $dict['upperdir'],
- $dict['workdir'],
- $target,
- ] :
- ensure => directory,
- }
- $opts = $ |$k, $v| { "$k=$v" }.join(',')
- file_line { "Raspi fstab ${type} ${target}":
- ensure => present,
- path => $fstab,
- line => "overlay ${target} overlay ${opts}",
- }
- }
- }
- ensure_packages ( ['nfs-utils'], { ensure => latest, })
- service { 'nfs-server':
- ensure => running,
- enable => true,
- }
- exports { "${dir}/root/export":
- options => {
- '*' => [
- 'rw',
- 'no_subtree_check',
- 'no_root_squash',
- # Our mounts under the exported tree are also exported, which is
- # needed since our export point is simply a mount point
- 'crossmnt',
- 'fsid=1',
- ],
- },
- }
- # TODO ensure that we are mounted before we start changing stuff
- $root = "${dir}/root/export/music"
- file { "${root}/etc/systemd/system/":
- ensure => link,
- target => '/lib/systemd/system/ssh.service',
- }
- file { "${root}/etc/fstab":
- ensure => absent,
- }
- file { "${root}/root/.ssh":
- ensure => directory,
- }
- file { "${root}/root/.ssh/authorized_keys":
- ensure => file,
- }
- file_line { 'raspbian root key':
- path => "${root}/root/.ssh/authorized_keys",
- line => 'ssh-rsa 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 hugo@gandalf',
- }
- # $ l=$(losetup --show -f ${file}.img)
- # $ mount "${l}p1" boot/base
- # $ mount "${l}p2" root/base
- # $ dd if=/dev/loop0p1 of=boot-sector.img
- # console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 root=/dev/nfs rootfstype=,vers=4.1,proto=tcp id=dhcp elevator=deadline rootwait rw
- # cmdline.txt
- # root=/dev/nfs
- # rootfstype=,vers=4.1,proto=tcp