class profiles::wireguard_server ( Variant[String,Sensitive[String]] $private_key, Array[Hash] $peers, String $ifname = 'wg0', ) { include ::profiles::wireguard networking::networkd_instance { $ifname: type => 'netdev', mode => '0600', content => { 'NetDev' => { 'Name' => $ifname, 'Kind' => 'wireguard', 'Description' => "Wireguard tunnel ${ifname}", }, 'WireGuard' => { 'ListenPort' => $profiles::wireguard::port, 'PrivateKey' => $private_key, }, 'WireGuardPeer' => $peers, } } networking::networkd_instance { "${ifname}-network": type => 'network', content => { 'Match' => { 'Name' => $ifname, }, 'Route' => { 'Destination' => $ |$p| { $p['AllowedIPs'] }.flatten, } } } ['ip', 'ip6'].each |$provider| { firewall { "100 Forward ${provider} wireguard to network": table => 'nat', chain => 'POSTROUTING', jump => 'MASQUERADE', outiface => 'br0', proto => 'all', provider => "${provider}tables", } } # -A FORWARD -p udp -m udp --dport 51871 --destination $(dig +short AAAA) @@firewall { '100 Allow IPv6 traffic to wiregaurd': provider => 'ip6tables', proto => 'udp', dport => $profiles::wireguard::port, destination => $facts['ipaddress6'], tag => [ 'router', ], } # -A VSERVER -p udp -m udp --dport 51871 -j DNAT --to-destination @@firewall { '100 PortForward to wiregaurd server': provider => 'iptables', proto => 'udp', chain => 'VSERVER', dport => $profiles::wireguard::port, goto => 'DNAT', destination => $facts['ipaddress'], tag => [ 'router', ], } }