# Sets up a syncthing node, available to the net. # Doesn't configure reverse proxies or firewalls. # Also doesn't manage devices or folders in the instance. Those are # currently seen as program state class profiles::syncthing ( Array[String] $enable_for = [], ) { class { 'syncthing': manage_repo => $::osfamily == 'Debian', } systemd::dropin_file { 'nospam.conf': ensure => absent, unit => 'syncthing@.service', content => @(EOF) [Service] ExecStart= ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'set -o pipefail; /usr/bin/syncthing -no-browser -no-restart -logflags=0 | grep -v "INFO: "' | EOF } $enable_for.map |$user| { # TODO create deferred function returning passwd entries # {{{ruby # require 'etc' # Etc.getpwnam('hugo') # }}} # {{{ # => # # }}} $home = "/home/${user}" $conf_dir = "/home/${user}/.config/syncthing" syncthing::instance { $user: home_path => $conf_dir, daemon_uid => $user, gui => true, gui_tls => false, gui_address => '[::]', # TODO ldap gui_port => 8384, options => { 'startBrowser' => 'false', } # defaults } # ensure_packages(['syncthing-gtk-python3']) } }