# @summary Sets up mu4web # # Instanciates an nginx server, and a gunicorn instance. # # @param package_name # Name of system package for mu4web # @param server_name # Where mu4web should be made available # TODO Will currently CNAME that domain to gandalf.adrift.space # @param wsgi_server # Address to use for wsgi (gunicorn) instance # @param wsgi_port # Port to use for wsgi (gunicorn) instance # @param wsgi_address # *Actuall* address used by wsgi instance. Should be possible to # change this to a unix socket. # @param secret_key # Secret key for flask instance. class profiles::mu4web ( String $package_name = 'mu4web', String $server_name = 'mail.adrift.space', String $wsgi_server = 'localhost', Stdlib::Port $wsgi_port = 8095, String $wsgi_address = "${wsgi_server}:${wsgi_port}", Sensitive[String] $secret_key = Sensitive(extlib::cache_data('mu4web', 'mu4web_secret_key', extlib::random_password(24))), ) { include ::nginx include ::profiles::certificate letsencrypt::domain { $server_name: cert_name => $profiles::certificate::cert_name, } ensure_packages([$package_name]) gunicorn::instance { 'mu4web': app => 'mu4web.main:app', # TODO generalize this. user => 'hugo', group => 'nobody', address => $wsgi_address, } # https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.2.x/config/#instance-folders # TODO directories file { '/usr/var/mu4web.main-instance/settings.py': content => epp("${module_name}/mu4web.py.epp"), } nginx::resource::server { $server_name: ipv6_enable => true, ipv6_listen_options => '', www_root => '/', use_default_location => false, access_log => absent, error_log => absent, * => letsencrypt::conf::nginx($server_name), } # TODO generalize this @@dns::record { $server_name: key => 'mail', value => 'gandalf', type => 'CNAME', zone => "${facts['domain']}.", } if $facts['letsencrypt_directory'][$server_name] { nginx::resource::location { default: server => $server_name, ssl => true, ssl_only => true, index_files => [], ; "${server_name} - mu4web /": location => '/', try_files => ['$uri', '@gunicorn',], ; "${server_name} - mu4web @gunicorn": location => '@gunicorn', proxy => "http://${wsgi_address}", } } }