path: root/manifests/syncthing.pp
diff options
authorHugo Hörnquist <>2022-01-25 01:31:42 +0100
committerHugo Hörnquist <>2022-02-09 18:06:31 +0100
commit423ff522158d9256841c0441cd1e2a9b50de3c9a (patch)
tree2c243d2950fbc081d75b4afddf036885fcd75bd0 /manifests/syncthing.pp
parentAugas test. (diff)
Rewrite syncthing profile to use module.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/manifests/syncthing.pp b/manifests/syncthing.pp
index 0a30851..e31449a 100644
--- a/manifests/syncthing.pp
+++ b/manifests/syncthing.pp
@@ -4,33 +4,14 @@ class profiles::syncthing (
Array[String] $augrules = [],
) {
- case $facts['osfamily'] {
- 'Debian': {
- file { '/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/syncthing.gpg':
- ensure => file,
- source => '',
- checksum => 'sha256',
- checksum_value => 'a3806c3511f2cce3d2f12962f64b58b9192a15c9d862886cc46f9de8a25d7dbf',
- }
- ensure_resource(exec, { 'apt update' => { refreshonly => true }})
- file { '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/syncthing.list':
- content => "deb syncthing stable\n",
- # TODO more general way to add apt repos
- notify => Exec['apt update'],
- before => Package['syncthing']
- }
- }
- }
- package { 'syncthing':
- ensure => installed
+ class { 'syncthing':
+ manage_repo => $::osfamily == 'Debian',
systemd::dropin_file { 'nospam.conf':
- unit => 'syncthing@.service',
+ ensure => absent,
+ unit => 'syncthing@.service',
content => @(EOF)
@@ -45,76 +26,102 @@ class profiles::syncthing (
managehome => true,
- $dir = "/home/${user}/.config/syncthing"
- file { "/home/${user}/.config":
- ensure => directory,
- owner => $user,
- group => $user,
+ $hp = "/home/${user}/.config/syncthing"
+ syncthing::instance { $user:
+ home_path => $hp,
+ daemon_uid => $user,
- exec { "/usr/bin/syncthing -generate='${dir}'":
- user => $user,
- creates => $dir,
+ $data['devices'].each |$name, $d| {
+ syncthing::device { $name:
+ home_path => $hp,
+ instance_name => $user,
+ id => $d['id'],
+ }
- # service { "syncthing@${user}":
- # enable => true,
- # }
+ $data['folders'].each |$name, $d| {
+ syncthing::folder { $name:
+ home_path => $hp,
+ instance_name => $user,
+ id => $d['id'],
+ path => $d['path'],
+ devices => $d['devices'].map |$name| { [ $data['devices'][$name]['id'], 'present' ] }.hash
+ }
+ }
- # augeas { 'syncthing_config':
- # # context => "/files/home/${user}.config/syncthing/config.xml/configuration",
- # changes => [
- # "defvar base /home/${user}/.config/syncthing/",
- # 'set /augeas/load/Xml/incl[1] $base/*.xml',
- # 'load',
- # 'defvar $ctx $base/config.xml/configuration',
- # 'set $ctx/gui/#attribute/enabled false',
- # 'save',
- # 'rm $ctx/folder/',
- # 'set $ctx/folder[0]/#attribute/label Documentns',
- # 'set $ctx/folder[0]/#attribute/path ~/sync/doc',
- # 'set $ctx/folder[0]/#attribute/id rrrr-xxxx',
- # 'set $ctx/folder[0]/#attribute/device[0]/#attribute/id something-really-long',
- # 'save',
- # ],
+ # $dir = "/home/${user}/.config/syncthing"
+ # file { "/home/${user}/.config":
+ # ensure => directory,
+ # owner => $user,
+ # group => $user,
+ # }
+ # exec { "/usr/bin/syncthing -generate='${dir}'":
+ # user => $user,
+ # creates => $dir,
# }
- $device_rules = flatten($data['devices'].map |$name, $d| {
- [
- "defnode node device[#attribute/name=$name] ''",
- "set \$node/#attribute/name ${name}",
- "set \$node/#attribute/id ${d['id']}",
- ]
- })
- $folder_rules = flatten($data['folders'].map |$name, $d| {
- [
- "defnode node folder[#attribute/label=$name] ''",
- "set \$node/#attribute/label ${name}",
- "set \$node/#attribute/path ${d['path']}",
- "set \$node/#attribute/id ${d['id']}",
- ] + flatten($d['devices'].map |$name| {
- alert($name)
- alert($data['devices'][$name])
- [ "set \$node/device[0]/#attribute/id ${data['devices'][$name]['id']}", ]
- })
- })
- augeas { 'syncthing-config':
- lens => 'Xml.lns',
- incl => "/home/${user}/.config/syncthing/config.xml",
- context => "/files/home/${user}/.config/syncthing/config.xml/configuration",
- changes => $device_rules + $folder_rules,
- # [
- # 'rm folder/',
- # 'set folder[0]/#attribute/label Documentsn',
- # 'set folder[0]/#attribute/path ~/sync/doc',
- # # 'set folder[0]/#attribute/id rrrr-xxxx',
- # # 'set folder[0]/#attribute/device[0]/#attribute/id something-really-long',
- # ],
- }
+ # # service { "syncthing@${user}":
+ # # enable => true,
+ # # }
+ # # augeas { 'syncthing_config':
+ # # # context => "/files/home/${user}.config/syncthing/config.xml/configuration",
+ # # changes => [
+ # # "defvar base /home/${user}/.config/syncthing/",
+ # # 'set /augeas/load/Xml/incl[1] $base/*.xml',
+ # # 'load',
+ # # 'defvar $ctx $base/config.xml/configuration',
+ # # 'set $ctx/gui/#attribute/enabled false',
+ # # 'save',
+ # # 'rm $ctx/folder/',
+ # # 'set $ctx/folder[0]/#attribute/label Documentns',
+ # # 'set $ctx/folder[0]/#attribute/path ~/sync/doc',
+ # # 'set $ctx/folder[0]/#attribute/id rrrr-xxxx',
+ # # 'set $ctx/folder[0]/#attribute/device[0]/#attribute/id something-really-long',
+ # # 'save',
+ # # ],
+ # # }
+ # $device_rules = flatten($data['devices'].map |$name, $d| {
+ # [
+ # "defnode node device[#attribute/name=$name] ''",
+ # "set \$node/#attribute/name ${name}",
+ # "set \$node/#attribute/id ${d['id']}",
+ # ]
+ # })
+ # $folder_rules = flatten($data['folders'].map |$name, $d| {
+ # [
+ # "defnode node folder[#attribute/label=$name] ''",
+ # "set \$node/#attribute/label ${name}",
+ # "set \$node/#attribute/path ${d['path']}",
+ # "set \$node/#attribute/id ${d['id']}",
+ # ] + flatten($d['devices'].map |$name| {
+ # alert($name)
+ # alert($data['devices'][$name])
+ # [ "set \$node/device[0]/#attribute/id ${data['devices'][$name]['id']}", ]
+ # })
+ # })
+ # augeas { 'syncthing-config':
+ # lens => 'Xml.lns',
+ # incl => "/home/${user}/.config/syncthing/config.xml",
+ # context => "/files/home/${user}/.config/syncthing/config.xml/configuration",
+ # changes => $device_rules + $folder_rules,
+ # # [
+ # # 'rm folder/',
+ # # 'set folder[0]/#attribute/label Documentsn',
+ # # 'set folder[0]/#attribute/path ~/sync/doc',
+ # # # 'set folder[0]/#attribute/id rrrr-xxxx',
+ # # # 'set folder[0]/#attribute/device[0]/#attribute/id something-really-long',
+ # # ],
+ # }
- # TODO manage synced data
+ # # TODO manage synced data