path: root/manifests/graylog.pp
diff options
authorHugo Hörnquist <>2022-10-12 22:33:15 +0200
committerHugo Hörnquist <>2022-10-12 22:33:15 +0200
commit9bef7d37599a5dd80a30daec65bc7fc6641bb5c8 (patch)
tree62cc6fa6831d300b253b84a5ca88d2d9b0bd0bb4 /manifests/graylog.pp
parentRevert "Add githook for updating description from metadata.json." (diff)
Add graylog.graylog
Diffstat (limited to 'manifests/graylog.pp')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/manifests/graylog.pp b/manifests/graylog.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c56b55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/graylog.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+class profiles::graylog {
+ include ::java
+ class { 'mongodb::globals':
+ version => '4.4.11',
+ manage_package_repo => true,
+ pidfilepath => '/run/mongodb/',
+ } -> class { 'mongodb::server':
+ bind_ip => [ '', ],
+ }
+ # Why can't usit file be well written‽
+ systemd::dropin_file { 'mongodb-runtime-dir.conf':
+ unit => 'mongod.service',
+ content => @(EOF)
+ [Service]
+ RuntimeDirectory=mongodb
+ | EOF
+ }
+ class { 'elasticsearch':
+ version => '7.10.2',
+ manage_repo => true,
+ config => {
+ 'cluster' => {
+ 'name' => 'graylog',
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $password_secret = extlib::cache_data('graylog', 'password_secret', extlib::random_password(128))
+ $root_password = '799e141582ed92803062eb890a05839a500c6f05ef531cc3c669c7ac42bed505'
+ class { 'graylog::repository':
+ version => '4.2',
+ } -> class { 'graylog::server':
+ config => {
+ 'password_secret' => $password_secret,
+ 'root_password_sha2' => $root_password,
+ # 'http_bind_address' => '[::]:9000',
+ 'root_timezone' => lookup('profiles::common::timezone'),
+ }
+ }
+ # This allows graylog to bind to privileged ports.
+ # Used mostly to bind to the default syslog port.
+ systemd::dropin_file { 'graylog-bind.conf':
+ unit => 'graylog-server.service',
+ notify => Service['graylog-server'],
+ content => @(EOF)
+ [Service]
+ AmbientCapabilities=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE
+ | EOF
+ }
+ service_entry { 'gelf':
+ port => 12201,
+ comment => 'Graylog extended log format',
+ }
+ service_entry { 'mongo':
+ port => 27017,
+ proto => 'tcp',
+ comment => ''
+ }
+ service_entry { 'mongo-shard':
+ port => 27018,
+ proto => 'tcp',
+ }
+ service_entry { 'mongo-conf':
+ port => 27019,
+ proto => 'tcp',
+ }
+ include ::nginx
+ $certname = lookup('certname')
+ $certdir = $facts['letsencrypt_directory'][$certname]
+ $ssl = $certdir != undef
+ if $ssl {
+ $ssl_cert = "${certdir}/fullchain.pem"
+ $ssl_key = "${certdir}/privkey.pem"
+ } else {
+ $ssl_cert = undef
+ $ssl_key = undef
+ }
+ nginx::resource::server { 'graylog':
+ ssl => $ssl,
+ ssl_redirect => $ssl,
+ ssl_cert => $ssl_cert,
+ ssl_key => $ssl_key,
+ access_log => 'absent',
+ error_log => 'absent',
+ ipv6_enable => true,
+ listen_options => 'default_server',
+ ipv6_listen_options => 'default_server',
+ use_default_location => false,
+ }
+ nginx::resource::location { '/':
+ ssl => $ssl,
+ ssl_only => $ssl,
+ proxy => '',
+ server => 'graylog',
+ }