diff options
authorHugo Hörnquist <>2023-06-18 18:41:38 +0200
committerHugo Hörnquist <>2023-06-18 18:41:38 +0200
commit8c572ffbcb1941446f6c05cbaec4a7b2f5fd8ae8 (patch)
parentPuppetserver: setup eyaml. (diff)
Replace concourse with module.
Diffstat (limited to '')
3 files changed, 59 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/files/concourse.service b/files/concourse.service
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cb969f..0000000
--- a/files/concourse.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-Description=Continuos thing-doer.
-ExecStart=concourse web
diff --git a/manifests/concourse.pp b/manifests/concourse.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7679106..0000000
--- a/manifests/concourse.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# @summary Sets up the Concourse CI/CD system
-# TODO file modes for just about everything.
-class profiles::concourse (
- String $database_name = 'atc',
- String $database_username = 'concourse',
- String $database_password = extlib::cache_data('profiles', 'concourse_database_password', extlib::random_password(25)),
- String $keydir = '/usr/lib/concourse',
- String $session_signing_key = "${keydir}/session_signing_key",
- String $tsa_host_key = "${keydir}/tsa_host_key",
- String $worker_key = "${keydir}/worker_key",
- String $authorized_worker_keys = "${keydir}/authorized_worker_keys",
-) {
- ensure_packages([
- 'concourse',
- 'concourse-resource-types',
- 'concourse-fly-cli',
- ])
- include ::profiles::postgresql
- postgresql::server::db { $database_name:
- user => $database_username,
- password => $database_password,
- grant => 'all',
- comment => 'Concourse CI',
- }
- exec { 'Concourse generate signing key':
- command => ['concourse', 'generate-key', '-t', 'rsa', '-f', $session_signing_key],
- creates => $session_signing_key,
- path => ['/sbin', '/usr/sbin', '/bin', '/usr/bin',]
- }
- exec { 'Concourse generate TSA host key':
- command => ['concourse', 'generate-key', '-t', 'ssh', '-f', $tsa_host_key],
- creates => $tsa_host_key,
- path => ['/sbin', '/usr/sbin', '/bin', '/usr/bin',]
- }
- exec { 'Concourse generate worker key':
- command => ['concourse', 'generate-key', '-t', 'ssh', '-f', $worker_key],
- creates => $worker_key,
- path => ['/sbin', '/usr/sbin', '/bin', '/usr/bin',]
- }
- file { $authorized_worker_keys:
- content => $worker_key,
- require => Exec['Concourse generate worker key'],
- subscribe => Exec['Concourse generate worker key'],
- }
- $env = {
- 'CONCOURSE_ADD_LOCAL_USER' => 'hugo:password',
- 'CONCOURSE_SESSION_SIGNING_KEY' => $session_signing_key,
- 'CONCOURSE_TSA_HOST_KEY' => $tsa_host_key,
- 'CONCOURSE_TSA_AUTHORIZED_KEYS' => $authorized_worker_keys,
- 'CONCOURSE_POSTGRES_USER' => $database_username,
- 'CONCOURSE_POSTGRES_PASSWORD' => $database_password,
- }
- $env_declarations = $ |$k, $v| { "${k}=${v}" }.join("\n")
- $env_str = @("EOF")
- # Environment file for concourse.service
- # File managed by Puppet. Local changes WILL be overwritten.
- ${env_declarations}
- | EOF
- file { '/etc/conf.d/concourse':
- content => $env_str,
- }
- systemd::unit_file { 'concourse.service':
- source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/concourse.service",
- } ~> service { 'concourse':
- ensure => running,
- enable => true,
- }
- # concourse quickstart --worker-work-dir=/usr/local/data/concourse
- #
- # cat worker-key >> authorized-worker-keys
diff --git a/manifests/concourse_complete.pp b/manifests/concourse_complete.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69f83b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/concourse_complete.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# @summary A complete concourse setup.
+# Configures all components of a concourse setup.
+# Session signing key is the one generated by
+# concourse generate-key -t rsa -f session_signing_key
+# The tsa key pair is the two files generated by
+# concourse generate-key -t ssh -f worker_key
+class profiles::concourse_complete (
+ Sensitive[String] $session_signing_key,
+ Sensitive[String] $tsa_public_key,
+ Sensitive[String] $tsa_private_key,
+) {
+ class { '::concourse':
+ clusters => {
+ $concourse::default_cluster => {
+ # Database settings
+ 'postgres_user' => 'concourse',
+ 'postgres_password' => Sensitive(cache_data(
+ 'profiles::concourse',
+ 'postgres_password',
+ extlib::random_password(25)
+ )),
+ 'db_name' => "atc-${concourse::default_cluster}",
+ # worker settings
+ 'external_domain' => '',
+ 'tsa_public_key' => $tsa_public_key,
+ # Web settings
+ 'tsa_private_key' => $tsa_private_key,
+ 'session_signing_key' => $session_signing_key,
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ include ::profiles::postgresql
+ concourse::database { 'Concourse Database':
+ }
+ include ::concourse::worker
+ include ::concourse::web
+ # Settings are gotten through hiera instead, all namespaced directly with
+ # `concourse::auth::ldap::`.
+ include ::concourse::auth::ldap
+ concourse::proxy::nginx { '':
+ }
+ include ::concourse::fly
+ @@dns::record { 'CNAME':
+ type => 'CNAME',
+ zone => '',
+ key => 'concourse',
+ value => '',
+ }