# @summary Enable a pre-existing periodic rule # @param value # Target value for parameter. # Strings will be double quoted, meaning that shell expansions will # be done in them at the time of use. Integers will be interpreted # inserted literally. # # This is most often set to "YES" or "NO" # # @param key # The actually name to set. Valid values depen on available # periodic files. # @param ensure # Should the resource be added or removed. # Note that if `periodic::setup::purge` is true then simply removing # the puppet declaratipurges the rule. define periodic ( Variant[String, Integer] $value, String $key = $name, Enum['present', 'absent'] $ensure = 'present', ) { include periodic::setup $file = "${periodic::setup::periodic_dir}/${key}${periodic::setup::suffix}" $value_ = $value ? { Integer => $value, String => "\"${value}\"", } file { $file: ensure => $ensure, content => epp("${module_name}/periodic-entry", { key => $key, value => $value_ }), } }