diff options
authorHugo Hörnquist <>2023-06-26 17:29:21 +0200
committerHugo Hörnquist <>2023-06-26 17:29:21 +0200
commita7e54399776977f9724e48c0b787795660704a60 (patch)
parentfix (diff)
Replace template based nspawn file with puppet based.
Diffstat (limited to '')
4 files changed, 178 insertions, 317 deletions
diff --git a/manifests/machine.pp b/manifests/machine.pp
index d65ae00..d8a2d5f 100644
--- a/manifests/machine.pp
+++ b/manifests/machine.pp
@@ -48,11 +48,9 @@ define nspawn::machine (
message => $final_config,
- file { "${nspawn::nspawn_dir}/${name}.nspawn":
+ nspawn::machine::nspawn { $name:
ensure => $ensure,
- content => epp("${module_name}/systemd/nspawn.epp", {
- 'data' => $final_config
- }),
+ content => $final_config,
if $ensure == 'present' {
diff --git a/manifests/machine/nspawn.pp b/manifests/machine/nspawn.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f00df40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/machine/nspawn.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# @summary Create a single nspawn file.
+# @param config
+# Configuration for the nspawn file.
+# @param name
+# Name of the machine, will be used for the filename.
+# @param ensure
+# @api private
+define nspawn::machine::nspawn (
+ Nspawn::Systemd::Nspawn $config,
+ String $machine_name = $name,
+ Enum['absent', 'present'] $ensure = 'present',
+) {
+ $exec = $config['Exec'].map |$key, $value| {
+ if $value =~ Undef {
+ []
+ } elsif $key in [
+ 'Boot', 'Ephemeral', 'ProcessTwo',
+ 'NoNewPrivileges', 'NotifyReady',
+ ] {
+ $value_ = if $value { 'yes' } else { 'no' }
+ ["${key}=${value_}"]
+ } elsif $key in [
+ 'User', 'WorkingDirectory', 'PivotRoot', 'AmbientCapability',
+ 'KillSignal', 'Personality', 'MachineID', 'Hostname',
+ 'ResolvConf', 'Timezone', 'LinkJournal',
+ ] {
+ ["${key}=${value}"]
+ } elsif $key == 'Parameters' {
+ $value_ = $value ? {
+ String => "${key}=${value}",
+ default => "${key}=" + ($ |$param| {
+ if ' ' in $param {
+ if '"' in $param {
+ "'${param}'"
+ } else {
+ "\"${param}\""
+ }
+ } else {
+ $param
+ }
+ }.join(' '))
+ }
+ ["${key}=${value_}"]
+ } elsif $key in ['Environment'] {
+ $ |$k, $v| {
+ "Environment=${k}=${v}"
+ }
+ } elsif $key in ['Capability', 'DropCapability'] {
+ $value_ = if $value == 'all' {
+ 'all'
+ } else {
+ $value.join(' ')
+ }
+ ["${key}=${value_}"]
+ } elsif $key in ['PrivateUsers'] {
+ $value_ = $value ? {
+ Boolean => if $value { 'yes' } else { 'no' },
+ Tuple => $value.join(':'),
+ default => $value,
+ }
+ ["${key}=${value_}"]
+ } elsif $key in ['SystemCallFilter'] {
+ ["${key}=${$value.join(' ')}"]
+ } elsif $key =~ /^Limit.*/ {
+ $value_ = $value ? {
+ Tuple => $value.join(':'),
+ default => $value,
+ }
+ ["${key}=${value_}"]
+ }
+ }
+ $files = $config['Files'].map |$key, $value| {
+ if $value =~ Undef {
+ []
+ } elsif $key in ['ReadOnly'] {
+ if $value {
+ ["${key}=yes"]
+ } else {
+ ["${key}=no"]
+ }
+ } elsif $key in ['PrivateUsersOwnership'] {
+ ["${key}=${value}"]
+ } elsif $key in ['BindUser', 'Inaccessible'] {
+ $ |$v| {
+ "${key}=${value}"
+ }
+ } elsif $key in ['Volatile'] {
+ $value_ = $value ? {
+ Boolean => if $value { 'yes' } else { 'no' },
+ default => $value,
+ }
+ ["${key}=${value_}"]
+ } elsif $key in ['Bind', 'BindReadOnly'] {
+ $value_ = $ |$v| {
+ $value_ = $v ? {
+ Tuple[String, String] => $v.join(':'),
+ Tuple[String, String, Array] => "${v[0]}:${v[1]}:${v[2].join(':')}",
+ Struct => "${v['source']}:${v['dest']}" + if $v['options'] =~ Undef {
+ ''
+ } else {
+ $v['options'].join(':')
+ },
+ default => $v,
+ }
+ ["${key}=${value_}"]
+ }
+ } elsif $key in ['TemporaryFileSystem'] {
+ $ |$v| {
+ $value_ = $v ? {
+ Tuple => $v.join(':'),
+ default => $v,
+ }
+ "${key}=${value_}"
+ }
+ } elsif $key in ['Overlay'] {
+ $ |$v| {
+ "${key}=${$v.join(':')}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # TODO
+ $network = $config['Network'].map |$key, $value| {
+ if $key in [
+ 'Private', 'VirtualEthernet',
+ ] {
+ if $value {
+ ["${key}=yes"]
+ } else {
+ ["${key}=no"]
+ }
+ } elsif $key in [
+ 'Bridge', 'Zone',
+ ] {
+ ["${key}=${value}"]
+ } elsif $key in ['MACVLAN', 'IPVLAN', 'Interface'] {
+ "${key}=${value.join(' ')}"
+ } elsif $key in ['VirtualEthernetExtra'] {
+ $ |$v| {
+ $value_ = $v ? {
+ Tuple => $v.join(':'),
+ default => $v,
+ }
+ "${key}=${value_}"
+ }
+ } elsif $key in ['Port'] {
+ $ |$v| {
+ "${key}=${v.join(':')}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $hash = {
+ 'Exec' => $files.reduce([]) |$a, $b| { $a + $b },
+ 'Files' => $exec.reduce([]) |$a, $b| { $a + $b },
+ 'Network' => $network.reduce([]) |$a, $b| { $a + $b },
+ }.map |$x| { $x }
+ file { "${nspawn::nspawn_dir}/${machine_name}.nspawn":
+ ensure => $ensure,
+ content => epp("${module_name}/service.epp", { 'settings' => $hash }),
+ show_diff => true,
+ }
diff --git a/templates/service.epp b/templates/service.epp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ce3778
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/service.epp
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<%- | Array[Tuple[String, Array[String]]] $settings | -%>
+# File managed by Puppet.
+# Local changes WILL be overwritten
+<%- $settings.each |$section| { -%>
+[<%= $section[0] %>]
+<%- $section[1].each |$line| { -%>
+<%= $line %>
+<%- } -%>
+<%- } -%>
diff --git a/templates/systemd/nspawn.epp b/templates/systemd/nspawn.epp
deleted file mode 100644
index ee79ba0..0000000
--- a/templates/systemd/nspawn.epp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-<%- | Nspawn::Systemd::Nspawn $data | -%>
-<%- $exec = $data['Exec'] -%>
-<%- if $exec['Boot'] == false { -%>
-<%- } elsif $exec['Boot'] == true { -%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- if $exec['Ephemeral'] == false { -%>
-<%- } elsif $exec['Ephemeral'] == true { -%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- if $exec['ProcessTwo'] == false { -%>
-<%- } elsif $exec['ProcessTwo'] == true { -%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['Parameters'] =~ Undef { -%>
-<%- if $exec['Parameters'] =~ String { -%>
-Parameters=<%= $exec['Parameters'] %>
-<%- } else { -%>
-Parameters=<%= $exec['Parameters'].map |$param| {
- if ' ' in $param {
- if '"' in $param {
- "'${param}'"
- } else {
- "\"${param}\""
- }
- } else {
- $param
- }
-}.join(' ') %>
-<%- } } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['Environment'] =~ Undef { -%>
-<%- $exec['Environment'].each |$key, $value| { -%>
-Environment=<%= $key %>=<%= $value %>
-<%- } } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['User'] =~ Undef { -%>
-User=<%= $exec['User'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['WorkingDirectory'] =~ Undef { -%>
-WorkingDirectory=<%= $exec['WorkingDirectory'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['PivotRoot'] =~ Undef { -%>
-PivotRoot=<%= $exec['PivotRoot'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['Capability'] =~ Undef { -%>
-Capability=<% if $exec['Capability'] == 'all' {%>all<%} else { %><%= $exec['Capability'].join(' ') -%>
-<%- } } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['DropCapability'] =~ Undef { -%>
-DropCapability=<% if $exec['DropCapability'] == 'all' {%>all<%} else { %><%= $exec['DropCapability'].join(' ') -%>
-<%- } } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['AmbientCapability'] =~ Undef { -%>
-AmbientCapability=<%= $exec['AmbientCapability'].join(' ') -%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['NoNewPrivileges'] =~ Undef { -%>
-NoNewPrivileges=<%= if $exec['NoNewPrivileges'] { 'yes' } else { 'no' }%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['KillSignal'] =~ Undef { -%>
-KillSignal=<%= $exec['KillSignal'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['Personality'] =~ Undef { -%>
-Personality=<%= $exec['Personality'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['MachineID'] =~ Undef { -%>
-MachineID=<%= $exec['MachineID'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['PrivateUsers'] =~ Undef { -%>
-if $exec['PrivateUsers'] =~ Boolean {
- if $exec['PrivateUsers'] { 'yes' } else { 'no' }
-} elsif $exec['PrivateUsers'] =~ Tuple {
- "<%= $exec['PrivateUsers'].join(':') %>"
-} else {
- $exec['PrivateUsers']
-} %><%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['NotifyReady'] =~ Undef { -%>
-NotifyReady=<%= if $exec['NotifyReady'] { 'yes' } else { 'no' }%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['SystemCallFilter'] =~ Undef { -%>
-SystemCallFilter=<%= $exec['SystemCallFilter'].join(' ') %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['LimitCPU'] =~ Undef { -%>
-<%- if $exec['LimitCPU'] =~ Tuple { -%>
-LimitCPU=<%= $exec['LimitCPU'].join(':') %>
-<%- } else { -%>
-LimitCPU=<%= $exec['LimitCPU'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['LimitFSIZE'] =~ Undef { -%>
-<%- if $exec['LimitFSIZE'] =~ Tuple { -%>
-LimitFSIZE=<%= $exec['LimitFSIZE'].join(':') %>
-<%- } else { -%>
-LimitFSIZE=<%= $exec['LimitFSIZE'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['LimitDATA'] =~ Undef { -%>
-<%- if $exec['LimitDATA'] =~ Tuple { -%>
-LimitDATA=<%= $exec['LimitDATA'].join(':') %>
-<%- } else { -%>
-LimitDATA=<%= $exec['LimitDATA'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['LimitSTACK'] =~ Undef { -%>
-<%- if $exec['LimitSTACK'] =~ Tuple { -%>
-LimitSTACK=<%= $exec['LimitSTACK'].join(':') %>
-<%- } else { -%>
-LimitSTACK=<%= $exec['LimitSTACK'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['limitSTACK'] =~ Undef { -%>
-<%- if $exec['limitSTACK'] =~ Tuple { -%>
-limitSTACK=<%= $exec['limitSTACK'].join(':') %>
-<%- } else { -%>
-limitSTACK=<%= $exec['limitSTACK'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['LimitCORE'] =~ Undef { -%>
-<%- if $exec['LimitCORE'] =~ Tuple { -%>
-LimitCORE=<%= $exec['LimitCORE'].join(':')%>
-<%- } else { -%>
-LimitCORE=<%= $exec['LimitCORE'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['LIMITRSS'] =~ Undef { -%>
-<%- if $exec['LIMITRSS'] =~ Tuple { -%>
-LIMITRSS=<%= $exec['LIMITRSS'].join(':') %>
-<%- } else { -%>
-LIMITRSS=<%= $exec['LIMITRSS'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['LimitNOFILE'] =~ Undef { -%>
-<%- if $exec['LimitNOFILE'] =~ Tuple { -%>
-LimitNOFILE=<%= $exec['LimitNOFILE'].join(':') %>
-<%- } else { -%>
-LimitNOFILE=<%= $exec['LimitNOFILE'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['LimitAS'] =~ Undef { -%>
-<%- if $exec['LimitAS'] =~ Tuple { -%>
-LimitAS=<%= $exec['LimitAS'].join(':') %>
-<%- } else { -%>
-LimitAS=<%= $exec['LimitAS'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['LimitNPROC'] =~ Undef { -%>
-<%- if $exec['LimitNPROC'] =~ Tuple { -%>
-LimitNPROC=<%= $exec['LimitNPROC'].join(':') %>
-<%- } else { -%>
-LimitNPROC=<%= $exec['LimitNPROC'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['LimitLOCKS'] =~ Undef { -%>
-<%- if $exec['LimitLOCKS'] =~ Tuple { -%>
-LimitLOCKS=<%= $exec['LimitLOCKS'].join(':') %>
-<%- } else { -%>
-LimitLOCKS=<%= $exec['LimitLOCKS'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['LimitSIGPENDING'] =~ Undef { -%>
-<%- if $exec['LimitSIGPENDING'] =~ Tuple { -%>
-LimitSIGPENDING=<%= $exec['LimitSIGPENDING'].join(':') %>
-<%- } else { -%>
-LimitSIGPENDING=<%= $exec['LimitSIGPENDING'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['LimitMSGQUEUE'] =~ Undef { -%>
-<%- if $exec['LimitMSGQUEUE'] =~ Tuple { -%>
-LimitMSGQUEUE=<%= $exec['LimitMSGQUEUE'].join(':') %>
-<%- } else { -%>
-LimitMSGQUEUE=<%= $exec['LimitMSGQUEUE'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['LimitNICE'] =~ Undef { -%>
-<%- if $exec['LimitNICE'] =~ Tuple { -%>
-LimitNICE=<%= $exec['LimitNICE'].join(':') %>
-<%- } else { -%>
-LimitNICE=<%= $exec['LimitNICE'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['LimitRTPRIO'] =~ Undef { -%>
-<%- if $exec['LimitRTPRIO'] =~ Tuple { -%>
-LimitRTPRIO=<%= $exec['LimitRTPRIO'].join(':') %>
-<%- } else { -%>
-LimitRTPRIO=<%= $exec['LimitRTPRIO'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['LimitRTTIME'] =~ Undef { -%>
-<%- if $exec['LimitRTTIME'] =~ Tuple { -%>
-LimitRTTIME=<%= $exec['LimitRTTIME'].join(':') %>
-<%- } else { -%>
-LimitRTTIME=<%= $exec['LimitRTTIME'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['OOMScoreAdjust'] =~ Undef { -%>
-OOMScoreAdjust=<%= $exec['OOMScoreAdjust'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['CPUAffinity'] =~ Undef { -%>
-CPUAffinity=<%= $exec['CPUAffinity'].map |$aff| {
- if $aff =~ Tuple {
- "${aff[0]}-${aff[1]}"
- } else {
- "${aff}"
- }.join(',')
-} %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['Hostname'] =~ Undef { -%>
-Hostname=<%= $exec['Hostname'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['ResolvConf'] =~ Undef { -%>
-ResolvConf=<%= $exec['ResolvConf'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['Timezone'] =~ Undef { -%>
-Timezone=<%= $exec['Timezone'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['LinkJournal'] =~ Undef { -%>
-LinkJournal=<%= $exec['LinkJournal'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['ReadOnly'] =~ Undef { -%>
-ReadOnly=<%= if $exec['ReadOnly'] { 'yes' } else { 'no' } %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['Volatile'] =~ Undef { -%>
-<%- if $exec['Volatile'] =~ Boolean { -%>
-Volatile=<%= if $exec['Volatile'] { 'yes' } else { 'no' } %>
-<%- } else { -%>
-Volatile=<%= $exec['Volatile'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['Bind'] =~ Undef { $exec['Bind'].each |$bind| { -%>
-<%- if $bind =~ Tuple[String, String] { -%>
-Bind=<%= $bind[0] %>:<%= $bind[1] %>
-<%- } elsif $bind =~ Tuple[String, String, Array[String]] { -%>
-Bind=<%= $bind[0] %>:<%= $bind[1] %>:<%= $bind[2].join(':') %>
-<%- } elsif $bind =~ Struct { -%>
-Bind=<%= $bind['source'] %>:<%= $bind['dest'] %><%-
-if $bind['options'] { %>:<%= $bind['options'].join(':') %><%- } -%>
-<%- } else { -%>
-Bind=<%= $exec['Bind'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- }} -%>
-<%- unless $exec['BindReadOnly'] =~ Undef { $exec['Bind'].each |$bind| { -%>
-<%- if $bind =~ Tuple[String, String] { -%>
-BindReadOnly=<%= $bind[0] %>:<%= $bind[1] %>
-<%- } elsif $bind =~ Tuple[String, String, Array[String]] { -%>
-BindReadOnly=<%= $bind[0] %>:<%= $bind[1] %>:<%= $bind[2].join(':') %>
-<%- } elsif $bind =~ Struct { -%>
-BindReadOnly=<%= $bind['source'] %>:<%= $bind['dest'] %><%-
-if $bind['options'] { %>:<%= $bind['options'].join(':') %><%- } -%>
-<%- } else { -%>
-BindReadOnly=<%= $exec['Bind'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- }} -%>
-<%- unless $exec['BindUser'] =~ Undef {$exec['BindUser'].each |$user| { -%>
-BindUser=<%= $user %>
-<%- } } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['TemporaryFileSystem'] =~ Undef {$exec['TemporaryFileSystem'].each |$fs| { -%>
-if $fs =~ Tuple {
- $fs.join(':')
-} else {
- $fs
-<%- } } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['Inaccessible'] =~ Undef {$exec['Inaccessible'].each |$path| { -%>
-Inaccessible=<%= $path %>
-<%- } } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['Overlay'] =~ Undef {$exec['Overlay'].each |$paths| { -%>
-Overlay=<%= $paths.join(':') %>
-<%- } } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['OverlayReadOnly'] =~ Undef {$exec['OverlayReadOnly'].each |$paths| { -%>
-OverlayReadOnly=<%= $paths.join(':') %>
-<%- } } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['PrivateUsersOwnership'] =~ Undef { -%>
-PrivateUsersOwnership=<%= $exec['PrivateUsersOwnership'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['Private'] =~ Undef { -%>
-Private=<%= if $exec['Private'] { 'yes' } else { 'no' } %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['VirtualEthernet'] =~ Undef { -%>
-VirtualEthernet=<%= if $exec['VirtualEthernet'] { 'yes' } else { 'no' } %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['VirtualEthernetExtra'] =~ Undef {
- $exec['VirtualEthernetExtra'].each |$interface| { -%>
-VirtualEthernetExtra=<%= if $interface =~ Tuple { $interface.join(':') } else { $interface } %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['Interface'] =~ Undef { -%>
-Interface=<%= $exec['Interface'].join(' ') %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['MACVLAN'] =~ Undef { -%>
-MACVLAN=<%= $exec['MACVLAN'].join(' ') %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['IPVLAN'] =~ Undef { -%>
-IPVLAN=<%= $exec['IPVLAN'].join(' ') %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['Bridge'] =~ Undef { -%>
-Bridge=<%= $exec['Bridge'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['Zone'] =~ Undef { -%>
-Zone=<%= $exec['Zone'] %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- unless $exec['Port'] =~ Undef {
- $exec['Port'].each |$p| { -%>
-Port=<%= $p.join(':') %>
-<%- } -%>
-<%- } -%>