# @summary A single certificate # @param cert_name # Name of the certificate, can be anything, but $::fqdn is recommended # @param ensure Present or absent (currently does nothing) # @param include_self # Should the certificates name be one of its domains? # @param authenticator # How should the challenge be handled. # @param domains # List of domains to add to certificate # @param config # Additional config for this entry define letsencrypt::cert ( Letsencrypt::Authenticator $authenticator, String $cert_name = $name, Enum['present', 'absent'] $ensure = 'present', Boolean $include_self = true, Array[String] $domains = [], Hash[String, Any] $config = {}, ) { $conf_file = "${letsencrypt::config_dir}/${cert_name}.ini" $domain_file = "${letsencrypt::config_dir}/${cert_name}.domains" include "::letsencrypt::authenticator::${authenticator}" $local_conf = { 'cert-name' => $cert_name, 'rsa-key-size' => 4096, 'authenticator' => $authenticator, 'agree-tos' => true, 'quiet' => true, 'keep-until-expiring' => true, 'non-interactive' => true, } $conf = $letsencrypt::config_ + $local_conf + $config file { $conf_file: ensure => file, content => epp("${module_name}/ini.epp", { 'values' => $conf }), } concat { $domain_file: ensure_newline => true, warn => true, } $domains.each |$domain| { letsencrypt::domain { $domain: cert_name => $cert_name, } } if $include_self and ! $cert_name in $domains { letsencrypt::domain { $cert_name: cert_name => $cert_name, } } letsencrypt::renew { $cert_name: } # This might be incorrect. If a certificate of that name already # exists then the new certificate will instead be called # ${cert-name}-0001. See # https://eff-certbot.readthedocs.io/en/stable/using.html#where-are-my-certificates exec { "letsencrypt - get initial ${cert_name}": creates => "${letsencrypt::cert_dir}/${cert_name}", command => [$letsencrypt::renew::setup::renew_script, $cert_name], require => File[$letsencrypt::renew::setup::renew_script], } exec { "letsencrypt - refresh ${cert_name}": command => [$letsencrypt::renew::setup::renew_script, $cert_name], subscribe => [File[$conf_file], Concat[$domain_file]], refreshonly => true, require => File[$letsencrypt::renew::setup::renew_script], } }