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+# Reference
+<!-- DO NOT EDIT: This document was generated by Puppet Strings -->
+## Table of Contents
+### Classes
+#### Public Classes
+* [`letsencrypt`](#letsencrypt): Sets up letsencrypt for other classes
+* [`letsencrypt::authenticator::nginx`](#letsencrypt--authenticator--nginx): Sets up nginx specific configuration, and provides access to variables for enterpolating into nginx configurations These use the default cer
+#### Private Classes
+* `letsencrypt::renew::cron::setup`: Handles renewal certificates through CRON
+* `letsencrypt::renew::setup`: Sets up timers for automatically renewing certificates
+* `letsencrypt::renew::systemd::setup`: Handles renewal certificates through systemd timers
+### Defined types
+#### Public Defined types
+* [`letsencrypt::cert`](#letsencrypt--cert): A single certificate
+* [`letsencrypt::domain`](#letsencrypt--domain): A single domain name which should be part of a certificate
+#### Private Defined types
+* `letsencrypt::renew`: Configures automatic renewal for the given certificate
+* `letsencrypt::renew::systemd`
+### Functions
+* [`letsencrypt::conf::nginx`](#letsencrypt--conf--nginx): Returns a hash to be merged into a nginx::resource::server resources parameters.
+* [`letsencrypt::conf::nginx::location`](#letsencrypt--conf--nginx--location): Returns a hash to be merged into a nginx::resource::location resource.
+### Data types
+* [`Letsencrypt::Authenticator`](#Letsencrypt--Authenticator): Known authenticator types
+* [`Letsencrypt::Renewal_provider`](#Letsencrypt--Renewal_provider): Known backends which can keep track of when to issue renewal requests.
+* [`Letsencrypt::Ssl_conf::Nginx`](#Letsencrypt--Ssl_conf--Nginx): SSL configuration hash for nginx
+* [`Letsencrypt::Ssl_conf::Nginx::Location`](#Letsencrypt--Ssl_conf--Nginx--Location): SSL configuration for a single nginx location.
+## Classes
+### <a name="letsencrypt"></a>`letsencrypt`
+Sets up letsencrypt for other classes
+#### Parameters
+The following parameters are available in the `letsencrypt` class:
+* [`email`](#-letsencrypt--email)
+* [`manage_package`](#-letsencrypt--manage_package)
+* [`certbot_package`](#-letsencrypt--certbot_package)
+* [`server`](#-letsencrypt--server)
+* [`renewal_provider`](#-letsencrypt--renewal_provider)
+* [`config`](#-letsencrypt--config)
+##### <a name="-letsencrypt--email"></a>`email`
+Data type: `String`
+Contact email sent to letsencrypt
+##### <a name="-letsencrypt--manage_package"></a>`manage_package`
+Data type: `Boolean`
+Should the certbot package resource be managed by this class
+Default value: `true`
+##### <a name="-letsencrypt--certbot_package"></a>`certbot_package`
+Data type: `String`
+Name of the certbot package. Should be automatically set through hiera.
+Default value: `'certbot'`
+##### <a name="-letsencrypt--server"></a>`server`
+Data type: `String`
+Server providing ACME challenge
+Default value: `'https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory'`
+##### <a name="-letsencrypt--renewal_provider"></a>`renewal_provider`
+Data type: `Letsencrypt::Renewal_provider`
+Service responsible for periodically renewing the certificate
+##### <a name="-letsencrypt--config"></a>`config`
+Data type: `Hash[String, Any]`
+Default configuration values to pass to certbot. $server and
+$email is added here if not explicitly set. It's later merged with
+a specific instance for each certificate.
+Default value: `{}`
+### <a name="letsencrypt--authenticator--nginx"></a>`letsencrypt::authenticator::nginx`
+Sets up nginx specific configuration, and provides access to
+variables for enterpolating into nginx configurations
+These use the default cert name
+#### Parameters
+The following parameters are available in the `letsencrypt::authenticator::nginx` class:
+* [`certbot_plugin_package`](#-letsencrypt--authenticator--nginx--certbot_plugin_package)
+* [`manage_package`](#-letsencrypt--authenticator--nginx--manage_package)
+##### <a name="-letsencrypt--authenticator--nginx--certbot_plugin_package"></a>`certbot_plugin_package`
+Data type: `String`
+Name of the system package providing this plugin.
+Populated through hiera.
+##### <a name="-letsencrypt--authenticator--nginx--manage_package"></a>`manage_package`
+Data type: `Boolean`
+If this class should manage the package.
+Default value: `true`
+## Defined types
+### <a name="letsencrypt--cert"></a>`letsencrypt::cert`
+A single certificate
+#### Parameters
+The following parameters are available in the `letsencrypt::cert` defined type:
+* [`cert_name`](#-letsencrypt--cert--cert_name)
+* [`ensure`](#-letsencrypt--cert--ensure)
+* [`include_self`](#-letsencrypt--cert--include_self)
+* [`authenticator`](#-letsencrypt--cert--authenticator)
+* [`domains`](#-letsencrypt--cert--domains)
+* [`config`](#-letsencrypt--cert--config)
+##### <a name="-letsencrypt--cert--cert_name"></a>`cert_name`
+Data type: `String`
+Name of the certificate, can be anything, but $::fqdn is recommended
+Default value: `$name`
+##### <a name="-letsencrypt--cert--ensure"></a>`ensure`
+Data type: `Enum['present', 'absent']`
+Present or absent (currently does nothing)
+Default value: `'present'`
+##### <a name="-letsencrypt--cert--include_self"></a>`include_self`
+Data type: `Boolean`
+Should the certificates name be one of its domains?
+Default value: `true`
+##### <a name="-letsencrypt--cert--authenticator"></a>`authenticator`
+Data type: `Letsencrypt::Authenticator`
+How should the challenge be handled.
+##### <a name="-letsencrypt--cert--domains"></a>`domains`
+Data type: `Array[String]`
+List of domains to add to certificate
+Default value: `[]`
+##### <a name="-letsencrypt--cert--config"></a>`config`
+Data type: `Hash[String, Any]`
+Additional config for this entry
+Default value: `{}`
+### <a name="letsencrypt--domain"></a>`letsencrypt::domain`
+A single domain name which should be part of a certificate
+#### Parameters
+The following parameters are available in the `letsencrypt::domain` defined type:
+* [`cert_name`](#-letsencrypt--domain--cert_name)
+* [`domain_name`](#-letsencrypt--domain--domain_name)
+##### <a name="-letsencrypt--domain--cert_name"></a>`cert_name`
+Data type: `String`
+Which certificate this domain name belongs to
+##### <a name="-letsencrypt--domain--domain_name"></a>`domain_name`
+Data type: `String`
+The domain name to be added
+Default value: `$name`
+## Functions
+### <a name="letsencrypt--conf--nginx"></a>`letsencrypt::conf::nginx`
+Type: Puppet Language
+Returns a hash to be merged into a nginx::resource::server resources
+#### `letsencrypt::conf::nginx(String $cert_name)`
+Returns a hash to be merged into a nginx::resource::server resources
+Returns: `Letsencrypt::Ssl_conf::Nginx` hash usable with nginx::resource::server
+##### `cert_name`
+Data type: `String`
+name of the domain in question, NOT the local certificate name.
+### <a name="letsencrypt--conf--nginx--location"></a>`letsencrypt::conf::nginx::location`
+Type: Puppet Language
+Returns a hash to be merged into a nginx::resource::location resource.
+#### `letsencrypt::conf::nginx::location(String $cert_name)`
+Returns a hash to be merged into a nginx::resource::location resource.
+Returns: `Letsencrypt::Ssl_conf::Nginx::Location` hash usable with nginx::resource::location
+##### `cert_name`
+Data type: `String`
+Domain for which we want the configuration.
+NOT the local certificate name.
+## Data types
+### <a name="Letsencrypt--Authenticator"></a>`Letsencrypt::Authenticator`
+Known authenticator types
+Alias of `Enum['nginx']`
+### <a name="Letsencrypt--Renewal_provider"></a>`Letsencrypt::Renewal_provider`
+Known backends which can keep track of when to issue renewal
+Alias of `Enum['systemd', 'cron']`
+### <a name="Letsencrypt--Ssl_conf--Nginx"></a>`Letsencrypt::Ssl_conf::Nginx`
+Will either have ssl set to false, or ssl set to true, along with
+appropriate ssl parameters.
+Alias of
+ ssl => Boolean,
+ }], Struct[{
+ ssl => Boolean,
+ ssl_redirect => Boolean,
+ ssl_cert => String,
+ ssl_key => String,
+ }]]
+### <a name="Letsencrypt--Ssl_conf--Nginx--Location"></a>`Letsencrypt::Ssl_conf::Nginx::Location`
+SSL configuration for a single nginx location.
+Alias of
+ ssl => Boolean,
+ }], Struct[{
+ ssl => Boolean,
+ ssl_only => Boolean,
+ }]]