diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
6 files changed, 1122 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/.puppet-lint.rc b/.puppet-lint.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc96ece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.puppet-lint.rc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/.rubocop.yml b/.rubocop.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31e8248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.rubocop.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+- rubocop-performance
+- rubocop-rspec
+ DisplayCopNames: true
+ TargetRubyVersion: '2.5'
+ Include:
+ - "**/*.rb"
+ Exclude:
+ - bin/*
+ - ".vendor/**/*"
+ - "**/Gemfile"
+ - "**/Rakefile"
+ - pkg/**/*
+ - spec/fixtures/**/*
+ - vendor/**/*
+ - "**/Puppetfile"
+ - "**/Vagrantfile"
+ - "**/Guardfile"
+ Description: People have wide screens, use them.
+ Max: 200
+ Description: Beware of using after(:all) as it may cause state to leak between tests.
+ A necessary evil in acceptance testing.
+ Exclude:
+ - spec/acceptance/**/*.rb
+ Description: Prefer explicit :each argument, matching existing module's style
+ EnforcedStyle: each
+ Exclude:
+ - spec/unit/facter/**/*.rb
+ Description: Prefer braces for chaining. Mostly an aesthetical choice. Better to
+ be consistent then.
+ EnforcedStyle: braces_for_chaining
+ Description: Compact style reduces the required amount of indentation.
+ EnforcedStyle: compact
+ Description: Enforce against empty else clauses, but allow `nil` for clarity.
+ EnforcedStyle: empty
+ Description: Following the main puppet project's style, prefer the % format format.
+ EnforcedStyle: percent
+ Description: Following the main puppet project's style, prefer the simpler template
+ tokens over annotated ones.
+ EnforcedStyle: template
+ Description: Prefer the keyword for easier discoverability.
+ EnforcedStyle: literal
+ Description: Community preference. See https://github.com/voxpupuli/modulesync_config/issues/168
+ EnforcedStyle: percent_r
+ Description: Checks for use of parentheses around ternary conditions. Enforce parentheses
+ on complex expressions for better readability, but seriously consider breaking
+ it up.
+ EnforcedStyle: require_parentheses_when_complex
+ Description: Prefer always trailing comma on multiline argument lists. This makes
+ diffs, and re-ordering nicer.
+ EnforcedStyleForMultiline: comma
+ Description: Prefer always trailing comma on multiline literals. This makes diffs,
+ and re-ordering nicer.
+ EnforcedStyleForMultiline: comma
+ Description: Using percent style obscures symbolic intent of array's contents.
+ EnforcedStyle: brackets
+ EnforcedStyle: receive
+ Exclude:
+ - lib/puppet/parser/functions/**/*
+ - spec/**/*
+ EnforcedStyle: brackets
+ Enabled: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Enabled: false
diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc28658
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Gemfile
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+source ENV['GEM_SOURCE'] || 'https://rubygems.org'
+def location_for(place_or_version, fake_version = nil)
+ git_url_regex = %r{\A(?<url>(https?|git)[:@][^#]*)(#(?<branch>.*))?}
+ file_url_regex = %r{\Afile:\/\/(?<path>.*)}
+ if place_or_version && (git_url = place_or_version.match(git_url_regex))
+ [fake_version, { git: git_url[:url], branch: git_url[:branch], require: false }].compact
+ elsif place_or_version && (file_url = place_or_version.match(file_url_regex))
+ ['>= 0', { path: File.expand_path(file_url[:path]), require: false }]
+ else
+ [place_or_version, { require: false }]
+ end
+ruby_version_segments = Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION.dup).segments
+minor_version = ruby_version_segments[0..1].join('.')
+group :development do
+ gem "json", '= 2.0.4', require: false if Gem::Requirement.create('~> 2.4.2').satisfied_by?(Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION.dup))
+ gem "json", '= 2.1.0', require: false if Gem::Requirement.create(['>= 2.5.0', '< 2.7.0']).satisfied_by?(Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION.dup))
+ gem "json", '= 2.3.0', require: false if Gem::Requirement.create(['>= 2.7.0', '< 2.8.0']).satisfied_by?(Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION.dup))
+ gem "puppet-module-posix-default-r#{minor_version}", '~> 1.0', require: false, platforms: [:ruby]
+ gem "puppet-module-posix-dev-r#{minor_version}", '~> 1.0', require: false, platforms: [:ruby]
+ gem "puppet-module-win-default-r#{minor_version}", '~> 1.0', require: false, platforms: [:mswin, :mingw, :x64_mingw]
+ gem "puppet-module-win-dev-r#{minor_version}", '~> 1.0', require: false, platforms: [:mswin, :mingw, :x64_mingw]
+ gem "voxpupuli-puppet-lint-plugins", '>= 3.0', require: false
+group :system_tests do
+ gem "puppet-module-posix-system-r#{minor_version}", '~> 1.0', require: false, platforms: [:ruby]
+ gem "puppet-module-win-system-r#{minor_version}", '~> 1.0', require: false, platforms: [:mswin, :mingw, :x64_mingw]
+puppet_version = ENV['PUPPET_GEM_VERSION']
+facter_version = ENV['FACTER_GEM_VERSION']
+hiera_version = ENV['HIERA_GEM_VERSION']
+gems = {}
+gems['puppet'] = location_for(puppet_version)
+# If facter or hiera versions have been specified via the environment
+# variables
+gems['facter'] = location_for(facter_version) if facter_version
+gems['hiera'] = location_for(hiera_version) if hiera_version
+gems.each do |gem_name, gem_params|
+ gem gem_name, *gem_params
+# Evaluate Gemfile.local and ~/.gemfile if they exist
+extra_gemfiles = [
+ "#{__FILE__}.local",
+ File.join(Dir.home, '.gemfile'),
+extra_gemfiles.each do |gemfile|
+ if File.file?(gemfile) && File.readable?(gemfile)
+ eval(File.read(gemfile), binding)
+ end
+# vim: syntax=ruby
diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9e1ffd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Gemfile.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+ remote: https://rubygems.org/
+ specs:
+ CFPropertyList (2.3.6)
+ addressable (2.8.0)
+ public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 5.0)
+ ansi (1.5.0)
+ ast (2.4.2)
+ awesome_print (1.9.2)
+ aws-eventstream (1.2.0)
+ aws-partitions (1.591.0)
+ aws-sdk-core (3.131.1)
+ aws-eventstream (~> 1, >= 1.0.2)
+ aws-partitions (~> 1, >= 1.525.0)
+ aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
+ jmespath (~> 1, >= 1.6.1)
+ aws-sdk-ec2 (1.316.0)
+ aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
+ aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
+ aws-sigv4 (1.5.0)
+ aws-eventstream (~> 1, >= 1.0.2)
+ bcrypt_pbkdf (1.1.0)
+ bindata (2.4.10)
+ bolt (3.22.1)
+ CFPropertyList (~> 2.2)
+ addressable (~> 2.5)
+ aws-sdk-ec2 (~> 1)
+ concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
+ ffi (>= 1.9.25, < 2.0.0)
+ hiera-eyaml (~> 3)
+ jwt (~> 2.2)
+ logging (~> 2.2)
+ minitar (~> 0.6)
+ net-scp (~> 1.2)
+ net-ssh (>= 4.0)
+ net-ssh-krb (~> 0.5)
+ orchestrator_client (~> 0.5)
+ puppet (>= 6.18.0)
+ puppet-resource_api (>= 1.8.1)
+ puppet-strings (~> 2.3)
+ puppetfile-resolver (~> 0.5)
+ r10k (~> 3.10)
+ ruby_smb (~> 1.0)
+ terminal-table (~> 3.0)
+ winrm (~> 2.0)
+ winrm-fs (~> 1.3)
+ builder (3.2.4)
+ codecov (0.6.0)
+ simplecov (>= 0.15, < 0.22)
+ coderay (1.1.3)
+ colored2 (3.1.2)
+ concurrent-ruby (1.1.10)
+ connection_pool (2.2.5)
+ cri (2.15.11)
+ deep_merge (1.2.2)
+ dependency_checker (0.3.0)
+ parallel
+ puppet_forge (>= 2.2, < 4.0)
+ rake (~> 13.0)
+ semantic_puppet (~> 1.0)
+ diff-lcs (1.5.0)
+ docile (1.4.0)
+ docker-api (2.2.0)
+ excon (>= 0.47.0)
+ multi_json
+ domain_name (0.5.20190701)
+ unf (>= 0.0.5, < 1.0.0)
+ ed25519 (1.3.0)
+ erubi (1.10.0)
+ excon (0.92.3)
+ facter (4.2.9)
+ hocon (~> 1.3)
+ thor (>= 1.0.1, < 2.0)
+ facterdb (1.16.1)
+ facter (< 5.0.0)
+ jgrep
+ faraday (1.10.0)
+ faraday-em_http (~> 1.0)
+ faraday-em_synchrony (~> 1.0)
+ faraday-excon (~> 1.1)
+ faraday-httpclient (~> 1.0)
+ faraday-multipart (~> 1.0)
+ faraday-net_http (~> 1.0)
+ faraday-net_http_persistent (~> 1.0)
+ faraday-patron (~> 1.0)
+ faraday-rack (~> 1.0)
+ faraday-retry (~> 1.0)
+ ruby2_keywords (>= 0.0.4)
+ faraday-em_http (1.0.0)
+ faraday-em_synchrony (1.0.0)
+ faraday-excon (1.1.0)
+ faraday-httpclient (1.0.1)
+ faraday-multipart (1.0.3)
+ multipart-post (>= 1.2, < 3)
+ faraday-net_http (1.0.1)
+ faraday-net_http_persistent (1.2.0)
+ faraday-patron (1.0.0)
+ faraday-rack (1.0.0)
+ faraday-retry (1.0.3)
+ faraday_middleware (1.2.0)
+ faraday (~> 1.0)
+ fast_gettext (1.1.2)
+ ffi (1.15.5)
+ ffi-compiler (1.0.1)
+ ffi (>= 1.0.0)
+ rake
+ forwardable (1.3.2)
+ gettext (3.4.3)
+ erubi
+ locale (>= 2.0.5)
+ prime
+ text (>= 1.3.0)
+ gettext-setup (0.31)
+ fast_gettext (~> 1.1.0)
+ gettext (>= 3.0.2)
+ locale
+ gssapi (1.3.1)
+ ffi (>= 1.0.1)
+ gyoku (1.4.0)
+ builder (>= 2.1.2)
+ rexml (~> 3.0)
+ hiera (3.9.0)
+ hiera-eyaml (3.3.0)
+ highline
+ optimist
+ highline (2.0.3)
+ hirb (0.7.3)
+ hocon (1.3.1)
+ honeycomb-beeline (2.10.0)
+ libhoney (>= 1.14.2)
+ http (5.0.4)
+ addressable (~> 2.8)
+ http-cookie (~> 1.0)
+ http-form_data (~> 2.2)
+ llhttp-ffi (~> 0.4.0)
+ http-accept (1.7.0)
+ http-cookie (1.0.4)
+ domain_name (~> 0.5)
+ http-form_data (2.3.0)
+ httpclient (2.8.3)
+ jgrep (1.5.4)
+ jmespath (1.6.1)
+ json (2.3.0)
+ json-schema (3.0.0)
+ addressable (>= 2.8)
+ jwt (2.2.3)
+ libhoney (2.2.0)
+ addressable (~> 2.0)
+ excon
+ http (>= 2.0, < 6.0)
+ little-plugger (1.1.4)
+ llhttp-ffi (0.4.0)
+ ffi-compiler (~> 1.0)
+ rake (~> 13.0)
+ locale (2.1.3)
+ log4r (1.1.10)
+ logging (2.3.1)
+ little-plugger (~> 1.1)
+ multi_json (~> 1.14)
+ metaclass (0.0.4)
+ metadata-json-lint (3.0.2)
+ json-schema (>= 2.8, < 4.0)
+ spdx-licenses (~> 1.0)
+ method_source (1.0.0)
+ mime-types (3.4.1)
+ mime-types-data (~> 3.2015)
+ mime-types-data (3.2022.0105)
+ minitar (0.9)
+ mocha (1.1.0)
+ metaclass (~> 0.0.1)
+ molinillo (0.8.0)
+ multi_json (1.15.0)
+ multipart-post (2.1.1)
+ net-http-persistent (4.0.1)
+ connection_pool (~> 2.2)
+ net-scp (1.2.1)
+ net-ssh (>= 2.6.5)
+ net-ssh (6.1.0)
+ net-ssh-krb (0.5.1)
+ gssapi (~> 1.3.0)
+ net-ssh (>= 2.0)
+ net-telnet (0.1.1)
+ netrc (0.11.0)
+ nori (2.6.0)
+ optimist (3.0.1)
+ orchestrator_client (0.5.3)
+ faraday
+ net-http-persistent
+ parallel (1.22.1)
+ parallel_tests (3.10.1)
+ parallel
+ parser (
+ ast (~> 2.4.1)
+ pathspec (1.0.0)
+ pluginator (1.5.0)
+ prime (0.1.2)
+ forwardable
+ singleton
+ pry (0.14.1)
+ coderay (~> 1.1)
+ method_source (~> 1.0)
+ public_suffix (4.0.7)
+ puppet (7.16.0)
+ concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
+ deep_merge (~> 1.0)
+ facter (> 2.0.1, < 5)
+ fast_gettext (>= 1.1, < 3)
+ hiera (>= 3.2.1, < 4)
+ locale (~> 2.1)
+ multi_json (~> 1.10)
+ puppet-resource_api (~> 1.5)
+ scanf (~> 1.0)
+ semantic_puppet (~> 1.0)
+ puppet-blacksmith (6.1.1)
+ puppet-modulebuilder (~> 0.2)
+ rest-client (~> 2.0)
+ puppet-debugger (1.2.0)
+ awesome_print (~> 1.7)
+ bundler
+ facterdb (>= 0.4.0)
+ pluginator (~> 1.5.0)
+ puppet (>= 5.5)
+ rb-readline (>= 0.5.5)
+ table_print (>= 1.0.0)
+ tty-pager (~> 0.13.0)
+ puppet-lint (2.5.2)
+ puppet-lint-absolute_classname-check (3.0.1)
+ puppet-lint (>= 1.0, < 3.0)
+ puppet-lint-anchor-check (1.0.1)
+ puppet-lint (>= 1.1, < 3.0)
+ puppet-lint-classes_and_types_beginning_with_digits-check (1.0.0)
+ puppet-lint (>= 1.0, < 3.0)
+ puppet-lint-file_ensure-check (1.0.0)
+ puppet-lint (>= 1.0, < 3.0)
+ puppet-lint-leading_zero-check (1.0.0)
+ puppet-lint (>= 1.0, < 3.0)
+ puppet-lint-legacy_facts-check (1.0.4)
+ puppet-lint (~> 2.4)
+ puppet-lint-lookup_in_parameter-check (1.0.0)
+ puppet-lint (~> 2.0)
+ puppet-lint-manifest_whitespace-check (0.1.17)
+ puppet-lint (>= 1.0, < 3.0)
+ puppet-lint-optional_default-check (1.0.0)
+ puppet-lint (>= 2.1, < 3.0)
+ puppet-lint-param-docs (1.7.5)
+ puppet-lint (>= 1.1, < 3.0)
+ puppet-lint-param-types (0.0.1)
+ puppet-lint (>= 1.1, < 3.0)
+ puppet-lint-params_empty_string-check (1.0.0)
+ puppet-lint (~> 2.5)
+ puppet-lint-resource_reference_syntax (1.1.0)
+ puppet-lint (>= 1.0, < 3.0)
+ puppet-lint-strict_indent-check (2.0.8)
+ puppet-lint (> 1.0)
+ puppet-lint-top_scope_facts-check (1.0.1)
+ puppet-lint (~> 2.0)
+ puppet-lint-topscope-variable-check (1.0.1)
+ puppet-lint (~> 2.0)
+ puppet-lint-trailing_comma-check (0.4.2)
+ puppet-lint (>= 1.0, < 3.0)
+ puppet-lint-unquoted_string-check (2.1.0)
+ puppet-lint (>= 2.1, < 3.0)
+ puppet-lint-variable_contains_upcase (1.2.0)
+ puppet-lint (>= 1.0, < 3.0)
+ puppet-lint-version_comparison-check (1.0.0)
+ puppet-lint (>= 1.0, < 3.0)
+ puppet-module-posix-default-r2.7 (1.1.1)
+ puppet-module-posix-dev-r2.7 (1.1.1)
+ bcrypt_pbkdf (~> 1.0)
+ codecov (~> 0.2)
+ concurrent-ruby (!= 1.1.6)
+ dependency_checker (~> 0.2)
+ ed25519 (~> 1.2)
+ facterdb (>= 0.8.1, < 2.0.0)
+ metadata-json-lint (>= 2.0.2, < 4.0.0)
+ mocha (>= 1.0.0, < 1.2.0)
+ parallel_tests (~> 3.4)
+ pry (~> 0.10)
+ puppet-blacksmith (~> 6.0)
+ puppet-debugger (~> 1.0)
+ puppet-lint (>= 2.3.0, < 3.0.0)
+ puppet-resource_api (~> 1.8)
+ puppet-strings (~> 2.0)
+ puppet-syntax (~> 3.0)
+ puppetlabs_spec_helper (>= 2.9.0, < 4.0.0)
+ rainbow (~> 2.0)
+ rspec-puppet (>= 2.3.2, < 3.0.0)
+ rspec-puppet-facts (>= 1.10.0, < 3)
+ rspec_junit_formatter (~> 0.2)
+ rubocop (= 1.6.1)
+ rubocop-performance (= 1.9.1)
+ rubocop-rspec (= 2.0.1)
+ serverspec (~> 2.41)
+ simplecov (< 0.19.0)
+ simplecov-console (~> 0.4.2)
+ specinfra (= 2.82.2)
+ puppet-module-posix-system-r2.7 (1.1.1)
+ puppet_litmus (~> 0.20)
+ puppet-modulebuilder (0.3.0)
+ minitar (~> 0.9)
+ pathspec (>= 0.2.1, < 2.0.0)
+ puppet-resource_api (1.8.14)
+ hocon (>= 1.0)
+ puppet-strings (2.9.0)
+ rgen
+ yard (~> 0.9.5)
+ puppet-syntax (3.2.1)
+ puppet (>= 5)
+ rake
+ puppet_forge (3.2.0)
+ faraday (~> 1.3)
+ faraday_middleware (~> 1.0)
+ minitar
+ semantic_puppet (~> 1.0)
+ puppet_litmus (0.33.2)
+ bolt (>= 2.0.1, < 4.0.0)
+ docker-api (>= 1.34, < 3.0.0)
+ honeycomb-beeline
+ parallel
+ puppet-modulebuilder (>= 0.2.1, < 1.0.0)
+ retryable (~> 3.0)
+ rspec
+ rspec_honeycomb_formatter
+ tty-spinner (>= 0.5.0, < 1.0.0)
+ puppetfile-resolver (0.5.0)
+ molinillo (~> 0.6)
+ semantic_puppet (~> 1.0)
+ puppetlabs_spec_helper (3.0.0)
+ mocha (~> 1.0)
+ pathspec (>= 0.2.1, < 1.1.0)
+ puppet-lint (~> 2.0)
+ puppet-syntax (>= 2.0, < 4)
+ rspec-puppet (~> 2.0)
+ r10k (3.15.0)
+ colored2 (= 3.1.2)
+ cri (>= 2.15.10)
+ fast_gettext (>= 1.1.0, < 3.0.0)
+ gettext (>= 3.0.2, < 4.0.0)
+ gettext-setup (~> 0.24)
+ jwt (~> 2.2.3)
+ log4r (= 1.1.10)
+ minitar (~> 0.9)
+ multi_json (~> 1.10)
+ puppet_forge (>= 2.3.0)
+ rainbow (2.2.2)
+ rake
+ rake (13.0.6)
+ rb-readline (0.5.5)
+ regexp_parser (2.4.0)
+ rest-client (2.1.0)
+ http-accept (>= 1.7.0, < 2.0)
+ http-cookie (>= 1.0.2, < 2.0)
+ mime-types (>= 1.16, < 4.0)
+ netrc (~> 0.8)
+ retryable (3.0.5)
+ rexml (3.2.5)
+ rgen (0.9.0)
+ rspec (3.11.0)
+ rspec-core (~> 3.11.0)
+ rspec-expectations (~> 3.11.0)
+ rspec-mocks (~> 3.11.0)
+ rspec-core (3.11.0)
+ rspec-support (~> 3.11.0)
+ rspec-expectations (3.11.0)
+ diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)
+ rspec-support (~> 3.11.0)
+ rspec-its (1.3.0)
+ rspec-core (>= 3.0.0)
+ rspec-expectations (>= 3.0.0)
+ rspec-mocks (3.11.1)
+ diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)
+ rspec-support (~> 3.11.0)
+ rspec-puppet (2.11.1)
+ rspec
+ rspec-puppet-facts (2.0.5)
+ facter
+ facterdb (>= 0.5.0)
+ puppet
+ rspec-support (3.11.0)
+ rspec_honeycomb_formatter (0.2.1)
+ honeycomb-beeline
+ rspec-core (~> 3.0)
+ rspec_junit_formatter (0.5.1)
+ rspec-core (>= 2, < 4, != 2.12.0)
+ rubocop (1.6.1)
+ parallel (~> 1.10)
+ parser (>=
+ rainbow (>= 2.2.2, < 4.0)
+ regexp_parser (>= 1.8, < 3.0)
+ rexml
+ rubocop-ast (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)
+ ruby-progressbar (~> 1.7)
+ unicode-display_width (>= 1.4.0, < 2.0)
+ rubocop-ast (1.18.0)
+ parser (>=
+ rubocop-performance (1.9.1)
+ rubocop (>= 0.90.0, < 2.0)
+ rubocop-ast (>= 0.4.0)
+ rubocop-rspec (2.0.1)
+ rubocop (~> 1.0)
+ rubocop-ast (>= 1.1.0)
+ ruby-progressbar (1.11.0)
+ ruby2_keywords (0.0.5)
+ ruby_smb (1.1.0)
+ bindata
+ rubyntlm
+ windows_error
+ rubyntlm (0.6.3)
+ rubyzip (2.3.2)
+ scanf (1.0.0)
+ semantic_puppet (1.0.4)
+ serverspec (2.42.0)
+ multi_json
+ rspec (~> 3.0)
+ rspec-its
+ specinfra (~> 2.72)
+ sfl (2.3)
+ simplecov (0.18.5)
+ docile (~> 1.1)
+ simplecov-html (~> 0.11)
+ simplecov-console (0.4.2)
+ ansi
+ hirb
+ simplecov
+ simplecov-html (0.12.3)
+ singleton (0.1.1)
+ spdx-licenses (1.3.0)
+ specinfra (2.82.2)
+ net-scp
+ net-ssh (>= 2.7)
+ net-telnet (= 0.1.1)
+ sfl
+ strings (0.1.8)
+ strings-ansi (~> 0.1)
+ unicode-display_width (~> 1.5)
+ unicode_utils (~> 1.4)
+ strings-ansi (0.2.0)
+ table_print (1.5.7)
+ terminal-table (3.0.2)
+ unicode-display_width (>= 1.1.1, < 3)
+ text (1.3.1)
+ thor (1.2.1)
+ tty-cursor (0.7.1)
+ tty-pager (0.13.0)
+ strings (~> 0.1.8)
+ tty-screen (~> 0.8)
+ tty-screen (0.8.1)
+ tty-spinner (0.9.3)
+ tty-cursor (~> 0.7)
+ unf (0.1.4)
+ unf_ext
+ unf_ext (
+ unicode-display_width (1.8.0)
+ unicode_utils (1.4.0)
+ voxpupuli-puppet-lint-plugins (3.0.0)
+ puppet-lint (>= 2.5.0)
+ puppet-lint-absolute_classname-check (>= 2.0.0)
+ puppet-lint-anchor-check
+ puppet-lint-classes_and_types_beginning_with_digits-check
+ puppet-lint-file_ensure-check
+ puppet-lint-leading_zero-check
+ puppet-lint-legacy_facts-check
+ puppet-lint-lookup_in_parameter-check
+ puppet-lint-manifest_whitespace-check
+ puppet-lint-optional_default-check
+ puppet-lint-param-docs
+ puppet-lint-param-types
+ puppet-lint-params_empty_string-check
+ puppet-lint-resource_reference_syntax
+ puppet-lint-strict_indent-check
+ puppet-lint-top_scope_facts-check
+ puppet-lint-topscope-variable-check
+ puppet-lint-trailing_comma-check
+ puppet-lint-unquoted_string-check
+ puppet-lint-variable_contains_upcase
+ puppet-lint-version_comparison-check
+ webrick (1.7.0)
+ windows_error (0.1.4)
+ winrm (2.3.6)
+ builder (>= 2.1.2)
+ erubi (~> 1.8)
+ gssapi (~> 1.2)
+ gyoku (~> 1.0)
+ httpclient (~> 2.2, >=
+ logging (>= 1.6.1, < 3.0)
+ nori (~> 2.0)
+ rubyntlm (~> 0.6.0, >= 0.6.3)
+ winrm-fs (1.3.5)
+ erubi (~> 1.8)
+ logging (>= 1.6.1, < 3.0)
+ rubyzip (~> 2.0)
+ winrm (~> 2.0)
+ yard (0.9.27)
+ webrick (~> 1.7.0)
+ ruby
+ json (= 2.3.0)
+ puppet (= 7.16.0)
+ puppet-module-posix-default-r2.7 (~> 1.0)
+ puppet-module-posix-dev-r2.7 (~> 1.0)
+ puppet-module-posix-system-r2.7 (~> 1.0)
+ puppet-module-win-default-r2.7 (~> 1.0)
+ puppet-module-win-dev-r2.7 (~> 1.0)
+ puppet-module-win-system-r2.7 (~> 1.0)
+ voxpupuli-puppet-lint-plugins (>= 3.0)
+ 2.1.4
diff --git a/metadata.json b/metadata.json
index 8ec88ca..834628d 100644
--- a/metadata.json
+++ b/metadata.json
@@ -2,34 +2,37 @@
"name": "HugoNikanor-letsencrypt",
"version": "0.1.0",
"author": "HugoNikanor",
+ "summary": "",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
- "tags": [
- "letsencrypt",
- "let's encrypt",
- "certbot",
- "acme"
- ],
+ "source": "",
"operatingsystem_support": [
"operatingsystem": "Archlinux"
- },
- {
- "operatingsystem": "CentOS",
- "operatingsystemrelease": [
- "7", "8"
- ]
- },
- {
- "operatingsystem": "Fedora",
- "operatingsystemrelease": [
- "36"
- ]
- },
+ }
+ ],
+ "requirements": [
- "operatingsystem": "FreeBSD, Debian, Ubuntu, ..."
+ "name": "puppet",
+ "version_requirement": ">= 6.21.0 < 8.0.0"
- "dependencies": {
- "stdlib": {}
- }
+ "dependencies": [
+ {
+ "name": "puppetlabs/stdlib",
+ "version_requirement": ">= 4.13.1 < 9.0.0"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "puppetlabs/concat",
+ "version_requirement": ">= 7.0.0 < 8.8.8"
+ }
+ ],
+ "tags": [
+ "letsencrypt",
+ "let's encrypt",
+ "certbot",
+ "acme"
+ ],
+ "pdk-version": "2.5.0",
+ "template-url": "pdk-default#2.5.0",
+ "template-ref": "tags/2.5.0-0-g369d483"
diff --git a/pdk.yaml b/pdk.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bef4bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pdk.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ignore: []