# @summary sets up a DNS server # # @param config_file # Bind9 configuration file # @param directory # Maps to bind9 directory. Base for all relative paths. # @param checkzone # Absolute path to named-checkzone binary # @param checkconf # Absolute path to named-checkconf binary # @param packagename # Name of the bind9 system package # @param manage_package # Should the bind9 system package be managed by this module. # @param rndc # Absolute path to rndc binary # @param keys # Dns::Key resources to create # @param zones # Dns::Zones resources to create # @param rndc_key_file # Location of rndc key. Note that this doesn't change where it ends up, but rather were we expect it to end up. # Key will be generated through `rndc-confgen -a`. # @param servicename # Name of the system service to manage # @param rndc_confgen # Path to rndc-confgen binary # @param config_dir # Directory for extra configuration files. Some systems places the # default configuration file inside this directory. # @param manage_dir # Should the configuration dir be managed by this module. # @param user # System user which runs the server. # Only used to set permissions for files, so MUST be set to what # the system already expects. # @param zoneconf_dir # Directory in which zone declarations (as part of named's # configuraion) should be placed. # @param keyconf_dir # Directory in which key declarations (as part of named's # configuraion) should be placed. # @param purge_zoneconf # Should the zoneconf_dir be purged. If this is true then zones are # decomissioned by simply removing their (Dns::Zone) resource declaration. # Otherwise a proper ensure => absent must be used. # @param purge_zonefiles # Should the zonefiles stored in ${directory}/zones be # automatically purged. Also see Dns::Zone. # @param purge_keyconf # Should $keyconf_dir be automatically purged. # Leaving this as true means that decomissioning keys is as simple # asremoving the Dns::Key declaration, otherwise an explicit # ensure => absent must be sent. class dns ( String $config_file = '/etc/named.conf', String $config_dir = '/etc/named.d', Boolean $manage_dir = false, String $zoneconf_dir = "${config_dir}/zones", String $keyconf_dir = "${config_dir}/keys", Boolean $purge_zoneconf = true, Boolean $purge_zonefiles = true, Boolean $purge_keyconf = true, String $rndc_key_file = '/etc/rndc.key', String $directory = '/var/named', String $checkzone = '/usr/bin/named-checkzone', String $checkconf = '/usr/bin/named-checkconf', Hash[String, Dns::Keyentry] $keys = {}, Hash[String, Dns::Zoneentry] $zones = {}, String $packagename = 'bind9', Boolean $manage_package = true, String $servicename = 'named', String $rndc = '/usr/bin/rndc', String $rndc_confgen = '/usr/bin/rndc-confgen', String $user = 'bind', ) { $zone_directory = "${directory}/zones" $jnl_directory = "${directory}/journal" if $dns::manage_package { package { $dns::packagename: ensure => installed, } # bind9-dnsutils } file { $dns::directory: ensure => directory, owner => $dns::user, mode => 'u+rwx', } file { default: ensure => directory, owner => $dns::user, mode => 'u+rwx', recurse => true, ; $zoneconf_dir: purge => $purge_zoneconf, ; $keyconf_dir: purge => $purge_keyconf, ; $zone_directory: purge => $purge_zonefiles, } file { [ "${zoneconf_dir}/empty.conf", "${keyconf_dir}/empty.conf", ]: source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/empty.conf", } file { $dns::jnl_directory: ensure => directory, owner => $dns::user, mode => 'u+rwx', } service { $servicename: ensure => running, enable => true, } create_resources(dns::key, $keys) create_resources(dns::zone, $zones) if $manage_dir { file { $config_dir: ensure => directory, recurse => true, purge => true, } } exec { 'Setup rndc key': command => [$rndc_confgen, '-a', '-u', $user], creates => $rndc_key_file, } -> file { $rndc_key_file: ensure => file, } file { $config_file: validate_cmd => "${checkconf} %", notify => Service[$servicename], require => File[$rndc_key_file], content => epp("${module_name}/named.conf.epp"), } }