path: root/manifests
diff options
authorHugo Hörnquist <>2023-05-05 00:31:37 +0200
committerHugo Hörnquist <>2023-05-05 00:31:37 +0200
commiteb38e6252b3c52a44d0d33679b3bc3178674c7f8 (patch)
treeb7958e38f9893c347af4c04a53f65a103cef3292 /manifests
parentInitial commit (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '')
4 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/manifests/init.pp b/manifests/init.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebb161b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/init.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# @param config_file
+# Bind9 configuration file
+# @param directory
+# Maps to bind9 directory. Base for all relative paths.
+# @param checkzone
+# Absolute path to named-checkzone binary
+# @param checkconf
+# Absolute path to named-checkconf binary
+# @param packagename
+# Name of the bind9 system package
+# @param manage_package
+# Should the bind9 system package be managed by this module.
+# @param rndc
+# Absolute path to rndc binary
+# @param keys
+# Dns::Key resources to create
+# @param zones
+# Dns::Zones resources to create
+# @param rndc_key_file
+# Location of rndc key. Note that this doesn't change where it ends up, but rather were we expect it to end up.
+# Key will be generated through `rndc-confgen -a`.
+# @param servicename
+# Name of the system service to manage
+# @param rndc_confgen
+# Path to rndc-confgen binary
+class dns (
+ String $config_file = '/etc/named.conf',
+ # String $config_dir = '/etc/named.d',
+ String $rndc_key_file = '/etc/rndc.key',
+ String $directory = '/var/named',
+ String $checkzone = '/usr/bin/named-checkzone',
+ String $checkconf = '/usr/bin/named-checkconf',
+ Array[Dns::Keyentry] $keys = [],
+ Array[Dns::Zoneentry] $zones = [],
+ String $packagename = 'bind9',
+ Boolean $manage_package = true,
+ String $servicename = 'named',
+ String $rndc = '/usr/bin/rndc',
+ String $rndc_confgen = '/usr/bin/rndc-confgen',
+) {
+ $zone_directory = "${directory}/zones"
+ $jnl_directory = "${directory}/journal"
+ file { $zone_directory:
+ ensure => directory,
+ recurse => true,
+ purge => true,
+ }
+ file { $jnl_directory:
+ ensure => directory,
+ }
+ if $manage_package {
+ package { $packagename:
+ ensure => installed,
+ }
+ }
+ service { $servicename:
+ ensure => running,
+ enable => true,
+ }
+ create_resources(dns::key, $keys)
+ create_resources(dns::zone, $zones)
+ # file { $config_dir:
+ # ensure => directory,
+ # recurse => true,
+ # }
+ exec { 'Setup rndc key':
+ cmd => [$rndc_confgen, '-a'],
+ creates => $rndc_key_file,
+ }
+ concat { $config_file:
+ ensure_newline => true,
+ warn => '; File managed by Puppet. Local changes WILL be overwritter',
+ validate_cmd => "${checkconf} %",
+ notify => Service[$servicename],
+ }
+ concat::fragment { 'named.conf main configuration':
+ target => $config_file,
+ content => epp("${module_name}/named.conf.epp"),
+ }
+ concat::fragment { 'named.conf rndc configuration':
+ target => $config_file,
+ content => epp("${module_name}/named-rndc.conf.epp"),
+ }
diff --git a/manifests/key.pp b/manifests/key.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..866bc70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/key.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# @summary A single dns key (for zone updates and the like)
+# TODO add stuff to autogenerate these, and insntead dump them to individual files.
+# @param algorithm
+# Algorithm used, must match secret
+# @param secret
+# Secret hash, must match algorithm
+# @param keyname
+# Name of key
+class dns::key (
+ String $algorithm,
+ Option[String, Sensitive[String]] $secret,
+ String $keyname = $name,
+) {
+ concat::fragment { "Dns::Key - ${keyname}":
+ content => epp("${module_name}/key.epp", {
+ keyname => $keyname,
+ algorithm => $algorithm,
+ secret => $secret,
+ }),
+ }
diff --git a/manifests/record.pp b/manifests/record.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83476a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/record.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# @param type
+# Record type (A, AAAA, ...)
+# @param class
+# DNS class type (IN, HS, CH, HS)
+# @param dns_name
+# Name of record (
+# Note that the trailing period **IS** significant
+# @param ttl
+# TTL for record.
+# @param duplicate
+# Allow multiple records with the same name and class.
+# Most record types only allow one value, but some allow multiple.
+# Setting this to true allows for multiple. This value is
+# automatically true for TXT & NS.
+# @param zone
+# Name of the zone this record belongs to.
+# @param value
+# Record content.
+# Syntax depends on `type`.
+define dns::record (
+ String $zone,
+ Dns::Rr $type,
+ String $value,
+ Dns::Class $class = 'IN',
+ String $dns_name = $name,
+ Optional[Dns::Ttl] $ttl = undef,
+ Boolean $duplicate = false,
+) {
+ $allow_duplicate = case $type {
+ 'TXT',
+ 'NS': {
+ true
+ }
+ default: {
+ false
+ }
+ }
+ $frag_name = if $allow_duplicate {
+ "Dns::Record - ${zone} - ${class} ${type} ${dns_name} ${value}"
+ } else {
+ "Dns::Record - ${zone} - ${class} ${type} ${dns_name}"
+ }
+ concat::fragment { $frag_name:
+ target => "${dns::zone_directory}/${zone}.db",
+ }
diff --git a/manifests/zone.pp b/manifests/zone.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2226994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/zone.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# @param zone
+# Domain this zone controls.
+# @param mname
+# Primary master
+# @param rname
+# mail to zone admin
+# @param retry
+# Retry value for zone
+# @param expire
+# Expire value for zone
+# @param negative_ttl
+# Negative ttl for zone
+# @param default_ttl
+# Default ttl for zone
+# @param refresh
+# Refresh value for SOA
+# @param records
+# Hash of records to create. Instanciates Dns::Record resources.
+# @param ns
+# List of nameservers for this zone. Creates Dns::Record resources
+# with NS entries.
+# @param type
+# Zonetype. master, slave, ...
+# @param update_policy
+# A bind9 update policy, as a string.
+# @param dynamic
+# However if this zone should be treated as a dynamic zone. If
+# enabled rndc freezes and thaws the zone around static updates.
+# Otherwise the zone file will be directly changed, and simply
+# reloaded afterwards.
+# Defaults to true if an update_policy is set.
+define dns::zone (
+ String $mname,
+ String $rname,
+ Dns::Ttl $refresh,
+ Dns::Ttl $retry,
+ Dns::Ttl $expire,
+ Dns::Ttl $negative_ttl,
+ Dns::Ttl $default_ttl,
+ String $zone = $name,
+ Array[Dns::RecordEntry] $records = [],
+ Array[String] $ns = [],
+ String $type = 'master',
+ Optional[String] $update_policy = undef,
+ Boolean $dynamic = $update_policy != undef,
+) {
+ $zone_ = dns::ensure_ending_period($zone)
+ concat { "${dns::zone_directory}/${zone}.db":
+ validate_cmd => "${dns::checkzone} '${zone}' %",
+ ensure_newline => true,
+ require => if $dynamic { Exec["Dns::zone freeze ${zone}"] } else { undef },
+ }
+ $zone_serial = $facts.get("dns_zone_serial.'${zone_}'", 0)
+ concat::fragment { "Dns::Record - ${zone} - SOA":
+ target => "${dns::zone_directory}/${zone}.db",
+ order => '01',
+ content => epp("${module_name}/zone.epp", {
+ zone => $zone_,
+ mname => dns::ensure_ending_period($mname),
+ rname => dns::convert_to_rname($rname),
+ serial => $zone_serial + 1,
+ refresh => $refresh,
+ expire => $expire,
+ negative_ttl => $negative_ttl,
+ default_ttl => $default_ttl,
+ }),
+ }
+ concat::fragment { "Dns::Zone - ${zone}":
+ target => $dns::config_file,
+ content => epp("${module_name}/zoneconf.epp", {
+ zone => $zone_,
+ type => $type,
+ update_policy => $update_policy,
+ }),
+ }
+ $ns.each |$ns| {
+ dns::record { "Dns::Zore - record - ${zone} NS ${ns}":
+ type => 'NS',
+ zone => $zone,
+ }
+ }
+ $fixed_records = $records.each |$record| {
+ { "Dns::Zone - record - ${zone} - ${record['class']} ${record['type']} ${record['key']} ${record['value']}"
+ => $record + { dns_name => $record['key'] } }
+ }
+ create_resources(dns::record, $fixed_records, {
+ zone => $zone,
+ })
+ if $dynamic {
+ exec { "Dns::zone freeze ${zone}":
+ command => [$dns::rndc, 'freeze', $zone],
+ refreshonly => true,
+ }
+ exec { "Dns::zone thaw ${zone}":
+ command => [$dns::rndc, 'thaw', $zone],
+ refreshonly => true,
+ subscribe => Concat["${dns::zone_directory}/${zone}.db"],
+ }
+ } else {
+ exec { "Dns::zone reload ${zone}":
+ command => [$dns::rndc, 'reload', $zone],
+ refreshonly => true,
+ subscribe => Concat["${dns::zone_directory}/${zone}.db"],
+ }
+ }