diff options
authorHugo Hörnquist <>2023-05-05 01:46:46 +0200
committerHugo Hörnquist <>2023-06-06 18:31:17 +0200
commit812c3f4d6162cf7af8f8cbedb6abb6d72bd537e9 (patch)
parenttmp disable creation. (diff)
"Working" product.
Diffstat (limited to '')
20 files changed, 658 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/data/os/Archlinux.yaml b/data/os/Archlinux.yaml
index 9b3ac1e..9034ac2 100644
--- a/data/os/Archlinux.yaml
+++ b/data/os/Archlinux.yaml
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
dns::packagename: bind
dns::servicename: named
+dns::user: named
diff --git a/data/os/Debian.yaml b/data/os/Debian.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b32301f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/os/Debian.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+dns::checkconf: /usr/sbin/named-checkconf
+dns::checkzone: /usr/sbin/named-checkzone
+dns::config_dir: /etc/bind
+dns::config_file: /etc/bind/named.conf
+dns::manage_dir: true
+dns::packagename: bind9
+dns::rndc: /usr/sbin/rndc
+dns::rndc_confgen: /usr/sbin/rndc-confgen
+dns::rndc_key_file: /etc/bind/rndc.key
+dns::servicename: named
+dns::user: bind
diff --git a/data/os/debian.yaml b/data/os/debian.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index d10e5c2..0000000
--- a/data/os/debian.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-dns::checkzone: /usr/sbin/named-checkzone
-dns::chcekconf: /usr/sbin/named-checkconf
-dns::rndc: /usr/sbin/rndc
-dns::packagename: bind9
-dns::servicename: named
-dns::rndc_confgen: /usr/sbin/rndc
diff --git a/hiera.yaml b/hiera.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42772e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hiera.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+version: 5
+ datadir: data
+ data_hash: yaml_data
+ - name: osfamily/release
+ paths:
+ - "os/%{}/%{facts.os.release.major}.yaml"
+ - name: osfamily
+ paths:
+ - "os/%{}.yaml"
+ - "os/%{}.yaml"
+ - name: common
+ path: common.yaml
diff --git a/lib/facter/dns_zone_serial.rb b/lib/facter/dns_zone_serial.rb
index 6f25148..6575757 100644
--- a/lib/facter/dns_zone_serial.rb
+++ b/lib/facter/dns_zone_serial.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
require 'resolv'
+def ensure_period(s)
+ if s[-1] == '.'
+ s
+ else
+ "#{s}."
+ end
Facter.add(:dns_zone_serial) do
confine do
@@ -13,7 +21,8 @@ Facter.add(:dns_zone_serial) do
.filter { |zone| zone.last == 'master' }
zone_map = {} do |zone|
- zone_map["#{zone[0]}."] = dns.getresource(zone[0], Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::SOA).serial
+ z = ensure_period(zone[0])
+ zone_map[z] = dns.getresource(z, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::SOA).serial
diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/dns_record2/named.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/dns_record2/named.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61f4a96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppet/provider/dns_record2/named.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# require 'resolv'
+Puppet::Type.type(:dns_record2).provide(:named) do
+ def self.instances
+ objects = []
+ # `named-checkconf -l`.split("\n").each do |zone|
+ # zonename, cls, view, _ = zone.split(' ')
+ # path = `rndc zonestatus #{zonename} #{cls} #{view} 2>/dev/null | awk -F' ' '/^files:/ { print $2 }'`.strip;
+ # `named-checkzone -q -D #{zonename} /var/named/#{path} | sed 's/[[:space:]]\+/ /g'`.split("\n").each do |record|
+ # key, ttl, cls, type, *value = record.split(' ')
+ # value = value.join(' ')
+ # name = "#{zonename} #{cls} #{view} #{key} #{type} #{value}"
+ # objects << new(:name => name,
+ # :key => key,
+ # :ttl => ttl,
+ # :class => cls,
+ # :type => type,
+ # :value => value)
+ # end
+ # end
+ objects
+ end
+ def create
+ # print("Create\n")
+ end
+ def destroy
+ # print("Destroy\n")
+ end
+ def exists?
+ # print("record = [#{record().inspect}]\n")
+ record() != nil
+ end
+ def type
+ resource[:type]
+ end
+ def value
+ # print("Get old value (#{resource[:value]}, #{get(:value)})\n")
+ t = record()
+ case t
+ when NilClass
+ :absent
+ when String
+ t
+ else
+ "INVALID VALUE (#{t.class}, #{t})"
+ end
+ end
+ def value=(v)
+ # print("Set new value (#{v})\n")
+ # resource[:value] = v
+ end
+ def key
+ resource[:key]
+ end
+ # def key=(v)
+ # resource[:key] = v
+ # end
+ def zone
+ resource[:zone]
+ end
+ def full_key
+ if resource[:key] == '@'
+ resource[:zone]
+ elsif resource[:key][-1] == '.'
+ resource[:key]
+ else
+ "#{resource[:key]}.#{resource[:zone]}"
+ end
+ end
+ # def zone=(v)
+ # # set(:zone, v)
+ # resource[:zone] = v
+ # end
+ def record
+ # dns = ['localhost'])
+ # type = {
+ # A: Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::A,
+ # AAAA: Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::AAAA,
+ # CNAME: Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::CNAME,
+ # HINFO: Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::HINFO,
+ # MINFO: Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::MINFO,
+ # MX: Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::MX,
+ # NS: Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::NS,
+ # PTR: Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::PTR,
+ # SOA: Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::SOA,
+ # TXT: Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::TXT,
+ # WKS: Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::WKS,
+ # }[resource[:type]]
+ # if type == nil
+ # nil
+ # else
+ # rs = dns.getresources(full_key, type)
+ # if rs.length == 0
+ # nil
+ # else
+ # rs[0]
+ # end
+ # end
+ lines = `named-checkzone -j -q -D #{zone} /var/named/zones/#{zone}db`
+ .split("\n")
+ .map {|line| line.gsub(/[[:space:]]+/, ' ').split(' ') }
+ matches = lines
+ .filter {|line|
+ line[0] == full_key and line[3].to_sym == resource[:type]
+ }
+ .map {|line| line[(4..)].join(' ') }
+ if matches.length == 0
+ nil
+ elsif matches.length == 1
+ matches[0]
+ else
+ matches
+ end
+ end
+ def cls
+ 'IN'
+ end
diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/dns_zone2/named.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/dns_zone2/named.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e249be6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppet/provider/dns_zone2/named.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+Puppet::Type.type(:dns_zone2).provide(:named) do
+ def self.instances
+ `named-checkconf -l`.split("\n").map do |record|
+ name, cls, view, type = record.split(' ');
+ new(:name => name, :cls => cls, :view => view, :type => type)
+ end
+ end
+ def create(records)
+ print("Create #{resource[:name]}\n")
+ write_zone records
+ end
+ def destroy
+ print("Remove #{resource[:name]}\n")
+ end
+ def refresh(records)
+ print("Refresh #{resource[:name]}\n")
+ write_zone records
+ end
+ def exists?
+ # instances.find { |r| == resource[:name] }
+ # resource[:ensure] == :present
+ `named-checkconf -l`
+ .split("\n")
+ .grep(/#{resource[:origin]} /)
+ .length > 0
+ end
+ def filename
+ "/var/named/zones/#{resource[:name]}db"
+ end
+ def zone_content(records)
+ content = <<~EOF
+ ; File managed by Puppet.
+ ; Local changes WILL be overwritten
+ ; File last generated #{}
+ $ORIGIN #{resource[:origin]}
+ $TTL #{resource[:default_ttl]}
+ @ #{resource[:soa_ttl]} IN SOA #{resource[:mname]} #{resource[:rname]} (
+ #{serial+1} ; serial
+ #{resource[:refresh]} ; refresh
+ #{resource[:retry]} ; retry
+ #{resource[:expire]} ; expire
+ #{resource[:negative_ttl]} ; Negative TTL
+ )
+ records
+ .filter {|r| r[:zone] == resource[:name] }
+ .group_by {|r| r[:type]}
+ .sort_by {|(type, _)|
+ # Bit of a hack, but ensures that SOA is always first,
+ # NS is after
+ # And the rest have stable order
+ {
+ SOA: 0,
+ NS: 1,
+ A: 2,
+ AAAA: 3,
+ CNAME: 4,
+ HINFO: 5,
+ MINFO: 6,
+ MX: 7,
+ PTR: 8,
+ TXT: 9,
+ WKS: 10,
+ }[type]
+ }.each{|(type, values)|
+ content += <<~EOF
+ ; #{type} Records
+ values.each {|val|
+ content += <<~EOF
+ #{val[:key]} #{val[:ttl]} IN #{val[:type]} #{val[:value]}
+ }
+ }
+ content
+ end
+ def write_zone(content)
+, 'w') do |file|
+ file.write content
+ end
+ end
+ def serial
+ `rndc zonestatus #{name} | awk -F' ' '/^serial:/ { print $2 }'`.to_i
+ end
diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/dns_record2.rb b/lib/puppet/type/dns_record2.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2074782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppet/type/dns_record2.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+Puppet::Type.newtype(:dns_record2) do
+ @doc = %q{
+ }
+ #"named-checkconf -j -D -F raw $zonename $zonefile"
+ newproperty(:ensure) do
+ newvalue(:present) do
+ provider.create
+ end
+ newvalue(:absent) do
+ provider.destroy
+ end
+ defaultto :present
+ def retrieve
+ if provider.exists?
+ :present
+ else
+ :absent
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def exists?
+ provider.exists?
+ end
+ newparam(:name) do
+ end
+ newproperty(:type) do
+ desc %q{
+ Resource Record type, such as A, AAAA, ...
+ Only a few types are supported, due to the DNS library only supporting these.
+ }
+ newvalues(:A,
+ :AAAA,
+ :MX,
+ :NS,
+ :PTR,
+ :SOA,
+ :TXT,
+ :WKS,
+ )
+ end
+ newproperty(:value) do
+ desc %q{
+ DNS payload. For example an IP address.
+ }
+ end
+ newproperty(:key) do
+ desc %q{
+ DNS key.
+ Such as 'www'
+ }
+ end
+ newproperty(:zone) do
+ desc %q{
+ Zone this record belongs to
+ }
+ munge do |value|
+ if value[-1] == '.'
+ value
+ else
+ "#{value}."
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ newproperty(:cls) do
+ desc %q{
+ }
+ end
+ newproperty(:ttl) do
+ end
+ # autobefore('dns::zone') { value(:zone) }
+ autonotify('dns_zone2') { [value(:zone)] }
+ # autobefore('dns_zone2') { [value(:zone)] }
+ # TODO view
diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/dns_zone2.rb b/lib/puppet/type/dns_zone2.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cee6f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppet/type/dns_zone2.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+Puppet::Type.newtype(:dns_zone2, :self_refresh => true) do
+ @doc = %q{
+ }
+ newproperty(:ensure) do
+ newvalue(:present) do
+ provider.write_zone (resource.should_content)
+ end
+ # This should ideally remove the zone. This is however managed
+ # "higher" up in the puppet code.
+ # dns::init has a purge on the directory, and the named
+ # configuration file is fully managed by us.
+ # This means that decomissioning is as simple as removing the zone
+ # from the puppet environment.
+ newvalue(:absent) do
+ # provider.destroy
+ end
+ defaultto :present
+ def retrieve
+ if provider.exists?
+ :present
+ else
+ :absent
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def refresh
+ provider.write_zone(should_content)
+ end
+ newparam(:origin, :namevar => true) do
+ munge do |value|
+ if value[-1] == '.'
+ value
+ else
+ "#{value}."
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ newparam(:cls) do
+ defaultto :IN
+ end
+ newparam(:view) do
+ defaultto '_default'
+ end
+ newparam(:type) do
+ newvalues(:master, :slave,
+ :mirror, :hint, :stub, :static_stub, :forward, :redirect)
+ aliasvalue :primary, :master
+ aliasvalue :secondary, :slave
+ defaultto :master
+ end
+ newparam(:default_ttl) do
+ defaultto '300'
+ end
+ newparam(:mname) do
+ munge do |value|
+ if value[-1] == '.'
+ value
+ else
+ "#{value}."
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ newparam(:rname) do
+ munge do |value|
+ if value[-1] == '.'
+ value
+ else
+ "#{value}."
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ newparam(:soa_ttl) do
+ end
+ newparam(:refresh) do
+ end
+ newparam(:retry) do
+ end
+ newparam(:expire) do
+ end
+ newparam(:negative_ttl) do
+ end
+ # List of all DNS records (at all)
+ #
+ # Should ideally be limited to records in this zone here instead of
+ # further down.
+ def records
+ catalog.resources.filter do |r|
+ r.is_a?(Puppet::Type.type(:dns_record2))
+ end
+ end
+ # Create the file resource for us.
+ # This prevents the directory purge on /var/named/zones from deleting us.
+ def generate
+ [Puppet::Type.type(:file).new({
+ ensure: :present,
+ path: provider.filename,
+ })]
+ end
+ def should_content
+ provider.zone_content(records)
+ end
+ # def eval_generate
+ # content = should_content
+ # catalog.resource("File[/var/named/zones/#{self[:name]}db]")[:content] = content
+ # # provider.refresh (resource.records)
+ # [catalog.resource("File[/var/named/zones/#{self[:name]}db]")]
+ # end
+ # autorequire(:file) {["/var/named/zones/#{self[:name]}db"]}
diff --git a/manifests/init.pp b/manifests/init.pp
index a7d2b05..ffb102d 100644
--- a/manifests/init.pp
+++ b/manifests/init.pp
@@ -23,38 +23,60 @@
# Name of the system service to manage
# @param rndc_confgen
# Path to rndc-confgen binary
+# @param config_dir
+# Directory for extra configuration files. Some systems places the
+# default configuration file inside this directory.
+# @param manage_dir
+# Should the configuration dir be managed by this module.
+# @param user
+# System user which runs the server.
+# Only used to set permissions for files, so MUST be set to what
+# the system already expects.
class dns (
String $config_file = '/etc/named.conf',
- # String $config_dir = '/etc/named.d',
+ String $config_dir = '/etc/named.d',
+ Boolean $manage_dir = false,
String $rndc_key_file = '/etc/rndc.key',
String $directory = '/var/named',
String $checkzone = '/usr/bin/named-checkzone',
String $checkconf = '/usr/bin/named-checkconf',
- Hash[String, Dns::Keyentry] $keys = [],
- Hash[String, Dns::Zoneentry] $zones = [],
+ Hash[String, Dns::Keyentry] $keys = {},
+ Hash[String, Dns::Zoneentry] $zones = {},
String $packagename = 'bind9',
Boolean $manage_package = true,
String $servicename = 'named',
String $rndc = '/usr/bin/rndc',
String $rndc_confgen = '/usr/bin/rndc-confgen',
+ String $user = 'bind',
) {
$zone_directory = "${directory}/zones"
$jnl_directory = "${directory}/journal"
- file { $zone_directory:
+ if $dns::manage_package {
+ package { $dns::packagename:
+ ensure => installed,
+ }
+ # bind9-dnsutils
+ }
+ file { $dns::directory:
+ ensure => directory,
+ owner => $dns::user,
+ mode => 'u+rwx',
+ }
+ file { $dns::zone_directory:
ensure => directory,
recurse => true,
purge => true,
+ owner => $dns::user,
+ mode => 'u+rwx',
- file { $jnl_directory:
+ file { $dns::jnl_directory:
ensure => directory,
- }
- if $manage_package {
- package { $packagename:
- ensure => installed,
- }
+ owner => $dns::user,
+ mode => 'u+rwx',
service { $servicename:
@@ -62,27 +84,27 @@ class dns (
enable => true,
- notify {
- 'zones': message => "${zones}" ;
- 'keys': message => "${keys}" ;
- }
+ create_resources(dns::key, $keys)
+ create_resources(dns::zone, $zones)
- # create_resources(dns::key, $keys)
- # create_resources(dns::zone, $zones)
- # file { $config_dir:
- # ensure => directory,
- # recurse => true,
- # }
+ if $manage_dir {
+ file { $config_dir:
+ ensure => directory,
+ recurse => true,
+ purge => true,
+ }
+ }
exec { 'Setup rndc key':
- cmd => [$rndc_confgen, '-a'],
+ command => [$rndc_confgen, '-a', '-u', $user],
creates => $rndc_key_file,
+ } -> file { $rndc_key_file:
+ ensure => file,
concat { $config_file:
ensure_newline => true,
- warn => '; File managed by Puppet. Local changes WILL be overwritter',
+ warn => '# File managed by Puppet. Local changes WILL be overwritter',
validate_cmd => "${checkconf} %",
notify => Service[$servicename],
@@ -90,10 +112,12 @@ class dns (
concat::fragment { 'named.conf main configuration':
target => $config_file,
content => epp("${module_name}/named.conf.epp"),
+ order => '01',
concat::fragment { 'named.conf rndc configuration':
target => $config_file,
content => epp("${module_name}/named-rndc.conf.epp"),
+ order => '05',
diff --git a/manifests/key.pp b/manifests/key.pp
index 2a762ae..01856a3 100644
--- a/manifests/key.pp
+++ b/manifests/key.pp
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ define dns::key (
String $keyname = $name,
) {
concat::fragment { "Dns::Key - ${keyname}":
+ target => $dns::config_file,
content => epp("${module_name}/key.epp", {
keyname => $keyname,
algorithm => $algorithm,
diff --git a/manifests/record.pp b/manifests/record.pp
index 83476a0..2ecb52f 100644
--- a/manifests/record.pp
+++ b/manifests/record.pp
@@ -11,23 +11,29 @@
# Allow multiple records with the same name and class.
# Most record types only allow one value, but some allow multiple.
# Setting this to true allows for multiple. This value is
-# automatically true for TXT & NS.
+# automatically true for TXT, MX & NS.
# @param zone
# Name of the zone this record belongs to.
# @param value
# Record content.
# Syntax depends on `type`.
+# Some record types have extra processing.
+# TXT splits data into chunks of 255 characters (TODO shouldn't
+# this be bytes) and the surrounds each chunk with quotation marks.
define dns::record (
String $zone,
Dns::Rr $type,
String $value,
- Dns::Class $class = 'IN',
- String $dns_name = $name,
+ Dns::Class $cls = 'IN',
+ String $key = $name,
Optional[Dns::Ttl] $ttl = undef,
Boolean $duplicate = false,
) {
+ $zone_ = dns::ensure_ending_period($zone)
$allow_duplicate = case $type {
+ 'MX',
'NS': {
@@ -36,13 +42,21 @@ define dns::record (
- $frag_name = if $allow_duplicate {
- "Dns::Record - ${zone} - ${class} ${type} ${dns_name} ${value}"
- } else {
- "Dns::Record - ${zone} - ${class} ${type} ${dns_name}"
+ $value_ = case $type {
+ 'TXT': {
+ $value.slice(255).map |$x| { "\"${x.join()}\"" }.join(' ')
+ }
+ default: {
+ $value
+ }
- concat::fragment { $frag_name:
- target => "${dns::zone_directory}/${zone}.db",
+ dns_record2 { $name:
+ type => $type,
+ value => $value_,
+ cls => $cls,
+ zone => $zone,
+ ttl => $ttl,
+ key => $key,
diff --git a/manifests/zone.pp b/manifests/zone.pp
index 954ff48..33c2b0d 100644
--- a/manifests/zone.pp
+++ b/manifests/zone.pp
@@ -30,21 +30,25 @@
# reloaded afterwards.
# Defaults to true if an update_policy is set.
+# @param soa_ttl
+# TTL of SOA record.
define dns::zone (
- String $mname,
- String $rname,
+ Boolean $manage_soa = true,
+ String $rname = undef,
+ String $mname = $ns[0],
Dns::Ttl $refresh = '24h',
Dns::Ttl $retry = '2h',
Dns::Ttl $expire = '1000h',
Dns::Ttl $negative_ttl = '2d',
Dns::Ttl $ttl = '24h',
+ Optional[Dns::Ttl] $soa_ttl = undef,
String $zone = $name,
Array[Dns::RecordEntry] $records = [],
- Array[String] $ns = [],
+ Array[String] $ns = [$mname],
String $type = 'master',
@@ -53,30 +57,9 @@ define dns::zone (
) {
$zone_ = dns::ensure_ending_period($zone)
- concat { "${dns::zone_directory}/${zone}.db":
- validate_cmd => "${dns::checkzone} '${zone}' %",
- ensure_newline => true,
- require => if $dynamic { Exec["Dns::zone freeze ${zone}"] } else { undef },
- }
$zone_serial = $facts.get("dns_zone_serial.'${zone_}'", 0)
- concat::fragment { "Dns::Record - ${zone} - SOA":
- target => "${dns::zone_directory}/${zone}.db",
- order => '01',
- content => epp("${module_name}/zone.epp", {
- zone => $zone_,
- mname => dns::ensure_ending_period($mname),
- rname => dns::convert_to_rname($rname),
- serial => $zone_serial + 1,
- refresh => $refresh,
- expire => $expire,
- negative_ttl => $negative_ttl,
- default_ttl => $ttl,
- }),
- }
- concat::fragment { "Dns::Zone - ${zone}":
+ concat::fragment { "Dns::Zone - ${zone_}":
target => $dns::config_file,
content => epp("${module_name}/zoneconf.epp", {
zone => $zone_,
@@ -85,38 +68,59 @@ define dns::zone (
- $ns.each |$ns| {
- dns::record { "Dns::Zore - record - ${zone} NS ${ns}":
- type => 'NS',
- zone => $zone,
- }
- }
+ # $ns.each |$ns| {
+ # dns::record { "Dns::Zone - record - ${zone} NS ${ns}":
+ # key => '@',
+ # type => 'NS',
+ # zone => $zone_,
+ # value => $ns,
+ # }
+ # }
- $fixed_records = $records.each |$record| {
- { "Dns::Zone - record - ${zone} - ${record['class']} ${record['type']} ${record['key']} ${record['value']}"
- => $record + { dns_name => $record['key'] } }
- }
+ # $fixed_records = $ |$record| {
+ # ["Dns::Zone - record - ${zone_} - ${record['class']} ${record['type']} ${record['key']} ${record['value']}",
+ # $record + { key => $record['key'] } - ['key']]
+ # }.convert_to(Hash)
+ # create_resources(dns::record, $fixed_records, {
+ # zone => $zone_,
+ # })
- create_resources(dns::record, $fixed_records, {
- zone => $zone,
- })
+ $params = {
+ 'rname' => $rname,
+ 'mname' => $mname,
+ 'refresh' => $refresh,
+ 'expire' => $expire,
+ 'negative_ttl' => $negative_ttl,
+ 'soa_ttl' => $soa_ttl,
+ 'retry' => $retry,
+ }
if $dynamic {
- exec { "Dns::zone freeze ${zone}":
- command => [$dns::rndc, 'freeze', $zone],
+ dns_zone2 { $zone:
+ require => Exec["Dns::zone freeze ${zone_}"],
+ * => $params,
+ }
+ exec { "Dns::zone freeze ${zone_}":
+ command => [$dns::rndc, 'freeze', $zone_],
refreshonly => true,
- exec { "Dns::zone thaw ${zone}":
- command => [$dns::rndc, 'thaw', $zone],
+ exec { "Dns::zone thaw ${zone_}":
+ command => [$dns::rndc, 'thaw', $zone_],
refreshonly => true,
- subscribe => Concat["${dns::zone_directory}/${zone}.db"],
+ subscribe => Dns_zone2[$zone_],
} else {
- exec { "Dns::zone reload ${zone}":
- command => [$dns::rndc, 'reload', $zone],
+ dns_zone2 { $zone:
+ * => $params,
+ }
+ exec { "Dns::zone reload ${zone_}":
+ command => [$dns::rndc, 'reload', $zone_],
refreshonly => true,
- subscribe => Concat["${dns::zone_directory}/${zone}.db"],
+ subscribe => Dns_zone2[$zone_],
diff --git a/templates/named-rndc.conf.epp b/templates/named-rndc.conf.epp
index 5c56cce..fd069a5 100644
--- a/templates/named-rndc.conf.epp
+++ b/templates/named-rndc.conf.epp
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ include "<%= $dns::rndc_key_file %>";
controls {
inet port 953 allow {; } keys { "rndc-key"; };
diff --git a/templates/named.conf.epp b/templates/named.conf.epp
index c8f7fda..9fe10b1 100644
--- a/templates/named.conf.epp
+++ b/templates/named.conf.epp
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
options {
- directory "<%= $dns::zone_directory %>";
- forwarers {;; };
+ directory "<%= $dns::directory %>";
+ forwarders {;; };
recursion yes;
allow-query { any; };
dnssec-validation yes;
- empty-zone-enable yes;
listen-on-v6 { any; };
allow-recursion { localnets; localhost; };
diff --git a/templates/zone-serial.epp b/templates/zone-serial.epp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba8ded9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zone-serial.epp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<%- | Integer[0,4294967295] $serial,
+ | -%>
+ <%= $serial %> ; Serial
diff --git a/templates/zone.epp b/templates/zone.epp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f374d2..0000000
--- a/templates/zone.epp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-<%- | String $zone,
- String $mname,
- String $rname,
- Integer[0,4294967295] $serial,
- Dns::Ttl $refresh,
- Dns::Ttl $retry,
- Dns::Ttl $expire,
- Dns::Ttl $negative_ttl,
- Dns::Ttl $default_ttl,
- | -%>
-<%# The actual zonefile %>
-; File managed by Puppet.
-; Local changes WILL be overwritten!
-$ORIGIN <%= $zone %>
-$TTL <%= $default_ttl %>
-@ SOA <%= $mname %> <%= $rname %> (
- <%= $serial %>
- <%= $refresh %>
- <%= $retry %>
- <%= $expire %>
- <%= $negative_ttl %>
- )
diff --git a/templates/zone1.epp b/templates/zone1.epp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..289fc2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zone1.epp
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<%- | String $zone,
+ String $mname,
+ String $rname,
+ Dns::Ttl $default_ttl,
+ Optional[Dns::Ttl] $soa_ttl,
+ | -%>
+First half of the Zonefile's header, up until the serial field.
+; File managed by Puppet.
+; Local changes WILL be overwritten!
+$ORIGIN <%= $zone %>
+$TTL <%= $default_ttl %>
+@ <%= $soa_ttl %> IN SOA <%= $mname %> <%= $rname %> (
diff --git a/templates/zone2.epp b/templates/zone2.epp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0663466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zone2.epp
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<%- | Dns::Ttl $refresh,
+ Dns::Ttl $retry,
+ Dns::Ttl $expire,
+ Dns::Ttl $negative_ttl,
+ | -%>
+Second half of the Zonefile's header. Everything after the serial
+ <%= $refresh %> ; Refresh
+ <%= $retry %> ; Retry
+ <%= $expire %> ; Expire
+ <%= $negative_ttl %> ; Negative TTL
+ )
diff --git a/templates/zoneconf.epp b/templates/zoneconf.epp
index cb702be..af0d6af 100644
--- a/templates/zoneconf.epp
+++ b/templates/zoneconf.epp
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
<%- | String $zone,
String $type,
- String $update_policy,
+ Optional[String] $update_policy,
| -%>
<%# one zone entry for the bind9 configuration file %>
zone "<%= $zone %>" {
type <%= $type %>;
- file "zones/<%= $zone %>.db";
+ file "zones/<%= $zone %>db";
<%- if $type == 'master' or $type == 'slave' { %>
- journal "journal/<%= $zone %>.jnl";
+ journal "journal/<%= $zone %>jnl";
<%- } %>