# @summary Sets up configuration directory # # As noted elsewhere, concourse wants to be configured through environment variables. # This creates a directory to store the environment variables in. # # @param conf_dir # Where additional environment files will be stored. # @param purge_conf_dir # Should the directory mentioned in `conf_dir` be purged. If this # is true then decomissioning sub-configurations are done by simply # removing that resource. # @api private class concourse::confdir ( Stdlib::Absolutepath $conf_dir = '/etc/conf.d/concourse.d', Boolean $purge_conf_dir = true, Enum['absent', 'present'] $ensure = 'present', ) { file { $conf_dir: ensure => if $ensure == 'present' { 'directory' } else { 'absent' }, purge => $purge_conf_dir, recurse => true, } }