# @summary Sets up a environment file. # # Configures an environment file along with a systemd dropin unit for # loading that file. # # @param env # Environment to set. # @param service # Which service this environment belongs to. # Also configures which service file a dropin will be created for, # along with which service should be notified that its environment # was updated. # @param absolutepath # Absolute path to the configuration file. # If this is left unset, then it defaults to # `${concourse::confdir::conf_dir}/${relative_path}`. # # It's recommended to keep it that way. # @param relative_path # Basename of the generated environment file. # @param ensure # @api private define concourse::conf ( Hash[String, Any] $env, String $service, Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $absolutepath = undef, String $relative_path = $name, Enum['absent', 'present'] $ensure = 'present', ) { include concourse::confdir if $absolutepath { $path = $absolutepath } else { $path = "${concourse::confdir::conf_dir}/${relative_path}" } file { $path: ensure => $ensure, content => epp("${module_name}/env.epp", { 'entries' => $env }), show_diff => false, mode => '0600', notify => Service[$service], } $dropin_content = @("EOF") [Service] EnvironmentFile=${path} | EOF systemd::dropin_file { "concourse-${name}.conf": ensure => $ensure, unit => $concourse::web::service_unit, content => $dropin_content, notify_service => true, } }