# @summary Concourse local authentication # @param users # List of local users. # @param main_team_user # List of users which should be added to the "main" team. # @param main_team_group # Ignored, but here to keep the same "API" with the other auth modules. # @param ensure class concourse::auth::local ( Array[Struct[{ 'name' => String, 'password' => Variant[String, Sensitive[String]], }]] $users, Optional[Array[String]] $main_team_user = undef, Optional[Array[String]] $main_team_group = undef, # ignored Enum['absent', 'present'] $ensure = 'present', ) { $env_file = "${concourse::web::conf_dir}/auth-local" $environment = { 'CONCOURSE_ADD_LOCAL_USER' => $users.map |$user| { $name = $user['name'] $pass = $user['password'] ? { String => $user['password'], default => $user['password'].unwrap, } "${name}:${pass}" }.join(','), 'CONCOURSE_MAIN_TEAM_LOCAL_USER' => $main_team_group ? { Array => $main_team_group.join(','), default => undef, }, } file { $env_file: ensure => $ensure, content => epp("${module_name}/env.epp", { 'entries' => $environment }), # To not show new password show_diff => false, mode => '0600', } $dropin_content = @("EOF") [Service] EnvironmentFile=${env_file} | EOF systemd::dropin_file { 'concourse-local-auth': ensure => $ensure, unit => $concourse::web::service_unit, content => $dropin_content, } }