Concourse ========= Manages all parts of [Concourse](CONCOURSE), including web nodes, worker nodes, and databases. Usage ----- ### Nodes #### Web node Web nodes acts as the front-end, and dispatcher. Each web node is stateless, and manages its state through a shared database. If multiple nodes are used, then a [web node cluster](#web node cluster) should be used. (technically clusters are always used, and default to the cluster "default"). ```puppet class { 'concourse::web': postgres_user => '', postgres_password => '', } ``` ##### Authentication #### Worker Node #### Database #### Fly Client #### Web node cluster ### Special Hiera Keys - `concourse::${cluster}::postgres_user` - `concourse::${cluster}::postgres_password` - `concourse::${cluster}::session_signing_key` - `concourse::${cluster}::tsa_private_key` - `concourse::${cluster}::tsa_public_key` Keys ---- ### Session signing key Used by the web node for signing and verifying user session tokens. ### TSA host key Used by the web node for the SSH worker registration gateway server ("TSA"). The public key is given to each worker node to verify the remote host wthen connecting via SSH. ### Worker key Each worker node verifies its registration with the web node via a SSH key. The public key must be listed in the web node's *authorized worker keys* file in order for the worker to register. Hiera Examples -------------- ```yaml concourse::cluster::tsa_host: concourse::cluster::postgres_user: concourse concourse::cluster::postgres_password: MySuperSecretPassword concourse::cluster::session_signing_key: 'A valid key' concourse::cluster::tsa_private_key: 'A valid key' concourse::cluster::tsa_private_key: 'A valid key' ``` [CONCOURSE]: