[metadata] name = mu4web version = attr: mu4web.VERSION description = Web interface for the mu Maildir indexer url = https://git.hornquist.se/mu4web author = Hugo Hörnquist author_email = hugo@lysator.liu.se classifiers = Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Environment :: Web Environment License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later (AGPLv3+) license = AGPL3+ license_files = LICENSE [options] python_requires = >= 3.9 install_requires = flask >= 2.2.2 flask-login >= 0.6 urllib3 >= 1.26 pyxdg >= 0.28 # optionally natsort >= 8.2 # python-pam >= 2.0.2 for pam integration setup_requires = setuptools packages = find: include_package_data = True [options.packages.find] [mypy] ignore_missing_imports = True disallow_untyped_defs = True check_untyped_defs = True strict = True warn_unused_ignores = False [mypy-mu4web.main] # NOTE Flask endpoints aren't typed. # Prefer to move everything except flask endpoints # to proper modules disallow_untyped_defs = False [flake8] ignore = E731,D105,D107 max-line-length = 100