path: root/mu4web
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Diffstat (limited to 'mu4web')
3 files changed, 560 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mu4web/__init__.py b/mu4web/__init__.py
index cb6f3fc..d561aa4 100644
--- a/mu4web/__init__.py
+++ b/mu4web/__init__.py
@@ -5,4 +5,20 @@ Mu4web is a web frontend to the mu mail indexer (can be found by
searching for mu4e, which also inspired the name).
+import xdg.BaseDirectory
+import os.path
VERSION = "0.1"
+Software version. Everything else referencing the version should reference this field.
+cache_dir = xdg.BaseDirectory.save_cache_path('mu4web')
+Directory for cache files.
+message_db = os.path.join(cache_dir, "message-relations.db")
+Path to database holding relations between messages.
diff --git a/mu4web/main.py b/mu4web/main.py
index bfade9d..59f14c7 100644
--- a/mu4web/main.py
+++ b/mu4web/main.py
@@ -18,12 +18,16 @@ from typing import (
+import sqlite3
from .mu import get_mail
from . import mu
+from . import message_db
from .html_render import HTML, render_document
from .user.local import LocalUser
from .user.pam import PamUser
from .maildir import find_maildirs, serialize_maildir
+from .tree import fetch_relation_tree, Tree
import flask
from flask import (
@@ -431,6 +435,29 @@ def search_result(q: str, by: Optional[str], direction: str) -> HTML:
('tbody', body)))
+def tree_to_html(current_id: str, tree: Tree) -> HTML:
+ """
+ Format the given tree as HTML.
+ Currently this is specific to a specific kind of trees.
+ """
+ body: list[HTML]
+ if current_id == tree.data.entry:
+ body = [
+ f"{tree.data.date:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M} {tree.data.from_}",
+ ]
+ else:
+ body = [
+ ('a', {'href': '?' + urlencode({'id': tree.data.entry})},
+ f"{tree.data.date:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M} {tree.data.from_}",
+ # tree.data.subject,
+ )
+ ]
+ if tree.children:
+ body += [('ul', [tree_to_html(current_id, c) for c in tree.children])]
+ return ('li', body)
def response_for(id: str, mail: EmailMessage) -> str:
Build response page for an email or a tree.
@@ -489,12 +516,23 @@ def response_for(id: str, mail: EmailMessage) -> str:
body.append(('a', {'href': url},
at.get_filename() or at.get_content_type()))
+ con = sqlite3.connect(message_db)
+ cur = con.cursor()
+ relation_tree_data = fetch_relation_tree(cur, mail)
+ relation_tree: HTML
+ if not relation_tree_data:
+ relation_tree = ''
+ else:
+ relation_tree = ('ul', tree_to_html(id, relation_tree_data))
# Setup attachements
tree, idx = attachement_tree(id, mail)
main_body: list[HTML] = [header_list,
+ relation_tree,
+ ('hr',),
('main', body),
('a', {'href': '/raw?' + urlencode({'id': id})},
diff --git a/mu4web/tree.py b/mu4web/tree.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a03953b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mu4web/tree.py
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+Index message trees and metadata.
+``mu`` is good for searching, but suboptimal for advanced queries.
+Instead, dump all messages in an sqlite database, along with their
+relations to each other, and some basic metadata to allow a quick join.
+from email.message import EmailMessage
+from email.parser import BytesParser
+from mu4web.util import find
+from socket import gethostname
+from datetime import datetime
+import email.message
+import email.policy
+import os
+import os.path
+import pathlib
+import re
+import sqlite3
+import time
+import traceback
+import uuid
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+from typing import (
+ Iterator,
+ TypeAlias,
+ Optional,
+from .util import cwd, Lists
+from . import mu
+from . import message_db, cache_dir
+MailEntry: TypeAlias = tuple[str, bytes, int | float]
+MailRelation: TypeAlias = tuple[str,
+ str,
+ str] # Literal['references', 'in-reply-to', 'attach']]
+parser = BytesParser(policy=email.policy.default)
+def create_maildir(dir: str) -> None:
+ """Create a maildir directory."""
+ for sub in ['cur', 'new', 'tmp']:
+ pathlib.Path(os.path.join(dir, sub)).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+def parse_msg_ids(s: str) -> list[str]:
+ """
+ Extract all msg-id's from a string.
+ This is per RFC 2822, it should be extended to allow comments,
+ since the standard defined msg-id as::
+ msg-id = [CFWS] "<" id-left "@" id-right ">" [CFWS]
+ Where CFWS is either whitespace, or parenthesis delimited
+ comments, which can contain things looking like message id's.
+ """
+ return re.findall(r'<([^>]+)>', s)
+def extract_relations(msg: email.message.Message) -> list[MailRelation]:
+ """
+ Find all messages the given message directly references.
+ This checks the "References" and "In-Reply-To" headers, but
+ doesn't check any attachments.
+ """
+ relations: list[MailRelation] = []
+ msg_id = parse_msg_ids(msg['message-id'])[0]
+ for h in ['references', 'in-reply-to']:
+ if val := msg.get(h):
+ for id in parse_msg_ids(val):
+ relations.append((msg_id, id, h))
+ return relations
+def handle_entry(msg: email.message.Message,
+ file: bytes,
+ mtime: int | float) -> Lists[MailEntry, MailRelation]:
+ """
+ Find all messages the given message reference in any way.
+ This includes direct reference in the message header, but also
+ attached emails, and their headers.
+ :param msg:
+ The message to scan for references.
+ :param file:
+ Path to the file on disk which contains this message.
+ :param mtime:
+ :returns:
+ A pair of lists, the first containing information about each
+ encountered message, while the second contains information
+ about all referenced message.
+ """
+ data = Lists[MailEntry, MailRelation]()
+ msg_id = parse_msg_ids(msg['message-id'])[0]
+ data[0].append((msg_id, file, mtime))
+ # Fetch direct references
+ data[1].extend(extract_relations(msg))
+ # For each attachement, which is another email message.
+ referenced: list[email.message.Message] = []
+ for attach in msg.walk():
+ if attach.get_content_type() != 'message/rfc822':
+ continue
+ continue
+ # Forwarded messages seem to always have the form:
+ # - A short meta header
+ # - a blank line
+ # - Original headers and body as first attachment, coded
+ # as text/plain.
+ for sub_message in attach.walk():
+ if sub_message['message-id']:
+ referenced.append(sub_message)
+ elif sub_message.get_content_type() == 'text/plain':
+ # TODO check type better
+ parsed = parser.parsebytes(bytes((sub_message).get_body())) # type: ignore
+ if parsed['message-id']:
+ # referenced.append(parsed)
+ pass
+ for ref in referenced:
+ other_id = parse_msg_ids(ref['message-id'])[0]
+ data[1].append((msg_id, other_id, 'attach'))
+ data += handle_entry(ref, file, mtime)
+ return data
+def fetch_meta(cur: sqlite3.Cursor) -> None:
+ """
+ Update message metadata in the database.
+ Locate all the messages without cached metadata, collect it, and
+ update the database with that data.
+ The metadata collected contains (at least):
+ * Subject
+ * From
+ * Date
+ """
+ q = """
+ FROM message
+ LEFT JOIN message_data ON message.msgId = message_data.id
+ WHERE message_data.id IS NULL
+ """
+ cur.execute(f"SELECT count(1) FROM ({q})")
+ count, = list(cur)[0]
+ cur.execute(q)
+ records = []
+ for (idx, (id, path)) in enumerate(list(cur)):
+ print(f'{idx}/{count}', end='\033[K\r')
+ try:
+ with open(path, 'rb') as f:
+ msg = parser.parse(f)
+ records.append((
+ id,
+ msg['subject'],
+ msg['from'],
+ msg['date']))
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f'\nErr: {e}')
+ cur.executemany("""
+ INSERT INTO message_data (id, subject, `from`, date)
+ VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
+ """, records)
+def deliver(maildir: str, msg: EmailMessage) -> None:
+ """
+ "Deliver" a message to a mailbox.
+ Place the given message into the given maildir.
+ Technically doesn't follow the `maildir spec`_, since the
+ delivery identifiers doesn't use the "standards" overly
+ complicated uniqueness algorithm, and instead opt for UUIDv4.
+ But at least `mutt`_ doesn't care.
+ :param maildir:
+ Maildir in which to place the message in. The ``cur``,
+ ``new``, and ``tmp`` directories needs to be created
+ beforehand.
+ :param msg:
+ The message to deliver.
+ .. _maildir spec: http://cr.yp.to/proto/maildir.html
+ .. _mutt: http://www.mutt.org/
+ """
+ basename = '.'.join([str(int(time.clock_gettime(time.CLOCK_REALTIME))),
+ str(uuid.uuid4()),
+ gethostname()
+ .replace('/', fr"\0{ord('/')}")
+ .replace(':', fr"\0{ord(':'):o}")])
+ with cwd(maildir):
+ with open(f'tmp/{basename}', 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(msg.as_bytes(policy=email.policy.SMTPUTF8))
+ os.rename(f'tmp/{basename}', f'new/{basename}:2,')
+def find_emails(maildir: str) -> Iterator[bytes]:
+ """
+ Iterate over all email messages in all maildirs.
+ Find all files directly in maildirs, where maildirs are defined as
+ directories containing ``new``, ``cur``, and ``tmp`` directories.
+ """
+ for file in find(maildir, type='f'):
+ if os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(file)) not in {b'new', b'cur', b'tmp'}:
+ continue
+ yield file
+def create_tables(cur: sqlite3.Cursor) -> None:
+ """Create SQL tables."""
+ cur.execute("""
+ -- Messages message present in the database.
+ -- Note that the same msgId might appear multiple times, while path is unique.
+ , path TEXT NOT NULL
+ )
+ """)
+ # `entry` references `ref` by means of `how`
+ cur.execute("""
+ -- How any given message relates to any other message.
+ ( entry TEXT NOT NULL
+ , how TEXT
+ , FOREIGN KEY (entry) REFERENCES message(msgId)
+ )
+ """)
+ cur.execute("""
+ -- Extra data extracted from the email.
+ -- Could also be queried through ``mu``, but this allows *much*
+ -- faster lookup of the data we almost always want.
+ ( id TEXT -- PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES message(msgId)
+ , subject TEXT
+ , `from` TEXT
+ , date DATETIME
+ )
+ """)
+ cur.execute("""
+ -- Easy access to the number of unique messages in the database.
+ -- Mostly for debug purposes.
+ CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS unique_messages AS
+ SELECT COUNT(1) AS amount FROM (SELECT * FROM message GROUP BY msgId)
+ """)
+def setup_relation_data(db_path: str, maildir: str) -> None:
+ """
+ Create database for mail relations, and populate it.
+ Creates a cache database for how each mail relates to each other,
+ and then populates it. This is idempotent, and will only add
+ missing or changed entries.
+ """
+ con = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
+ cur = con.cursor()
+ err_maildir = os.path.join(
+ cache_dir, "error",
+ datetime.now().isoformat('T', 'seconds'))
+ create_maildir(err_maildir)
+ total = len(list(find_emails(maildir)))
+ create_tables(cur)
+ cur.execute("SELECT path, mtime FROM message")
+ mtimes = {row[0]: row[1] for row in cur}
+ data: Lists[MailEntry, MailRelation] = Lists()
+ failures: int = 0
+ # For every mail in our mail directories
+ for idx, file in enumerate(find_emails(maildir)):
+ print(f' {idx}/{total}, {file!r}', end='\033[K\r')
+ current_mtime = os.stat(file).st_mtime
+ last_mtime = mtimes.get(file, 0)
+ if not (current_mtime > last_mtime):
+ continue
+ with open(file, 'rb') as f:
+ msg = None
+ try:
+ msg = parser.parse(f)
+ data += handle_entry(msg, file, current_mtime)
+ except Exception as e:
+ failures += 1
+ errmsg = EmailMessage()
+ errmsg['Subject'] = str(e)
+ fname = file.decode('UTF-8', errors='ignore')
+ errmsg.add_attachment(f"File: {fname}\n\n" + traceback.format_exc(),
+ filename="Python error report")
+ if msg:
+ # maintype='message', subtype='rfc822'
+ errmsg.add_attachment(msg)
+ try:
+ deliver(err_maildir, errmsg)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f"\nFailed delivering error {e}")
+ entries = list(set(data[0]))
+ relations = list(set(data[1]))
+ print(f"\nInserting {len(entries)} entries and {len(relations)} references")
+ if failures > 0:
+ print(f"Failed on {failures} entries")
+ print(f"See the maildir at '{err_maildir}' for report")
+ cur.execute("PRAGMA FOREIGN_KEYS = OFF")
+ cur.executemany("INSERT INTO message (msgId, path, mtime) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", entries)
+ cur.executemany("INSERT INTO msg_reference (entry, ref, how) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", relations)
+ con.commit()
+ print()
+ fetch_meta(cur)
+ con.commit()
+ cur.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS message_id ON message (msgId)")
+ cur.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS msg_ref_from ON msg_reference (entry)")
+ cur.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS msg_ref_to ON msg_reference (ref)")
+ con.commit()
+# --------------------------------------------------
+class TreeEntry:
+ """
+ A flat message tree entry.
+ These are the entries initially querrief from the database, and
+ then later embedded in the "real" tree nodes as data containers.
+ This represents parts of an email message, limited to the parts we
+ want. This can be extended later, if more fields are needed.
+ :param entry:
+ Message id of the entry
+ :param ref:
+ The message id of the parent of this entry. Used for
+ constructing the final tree.
+ :param subject:
+ The message subject of this entry.
+ :param from_:
+ The sender of this
+ :param data:
+ """
+ entry: str
+ ref: str
+ subject: str
+ from_: str
+ date: datetime
+class Tree:
+ """
+ An email message tree.
+ :param data:
+ Contents of this node. See TreeEntry for details
+ :param parent:
+ Direct parent of this node. A value of ``None`` indicates that
+ this is the root of a tree.
+ :param children:
+ List of children of this node.
+ """
+ data: TreeEntry
+ parent: Optional[str] = None
+ children: list['Tree'] = field(default_factory=list)
+def _edge_list_to_tree(lst: list[TreeEntry]) -> Optional[Tree]:
+ """
+ Build a tree structure from a list of edge pairs.
+ Currently this function is overly specific, requiring very
+ specificly formatted structures. In short, it transforms a list of
+ nodes, whcih each contains an ``entry`` (for the nodes id) and
+ ``ref`` (for its parents id), and returns the realized tree.
+ .. todo::
+ This fails if the root isn't present in the database.
+ """
+ nodes: dict[str, Tree] = {}
+ root: Optional[Tree] = None
+ for e in lst:
+ nodes[e.entry] = Tree(data=e)
+ for entry in nodes.values():
+ if not entry.data.ref:
+ root = entry
+ parent = nodes.get(entry.data.ref)
+ if not parent:
+ continue
+ parent.children.append(entry)
+ return root
+def fetch_relation_tree(cur: sqlite3.Cursor, msg: EmailMessage) -> Optional[Tree]:
+ """
+ Build a tree of refenenced emails.
+ For a given email, find all other messages in its conversation
+ tree, and return that as an HTML tree.
+ """
+ id = parse_msg_ids(msg['message-id'])[0]
+ res = cur.execute("""
+-- Go up until we find the message trees root
+ parents(entry, ref, depth) AS
+ (SELECT '', ?, 0
+ SELECT DISTINCT m.entry, m.ref, r.depth + 1
+ FROM parents r
+ LEFT JOIN msg_reference m ON r.ref = m.entry
+ WHERE m.how = 'in-reply-to')
+, root(entry) AS (SELECT ref FROM parents ORDER BY depth DESC LIMIT 1)
+-- Then go down, finding all messages in the tree
+, children(entry, ref, how, depth) AS
+ (SELECT entry, '', '*base*', 0 FROM root
+ SELECT m.entry, r.entry, m.how, depth + 1
+ FROM msg_reference m
+ LEFT JOIN children r ON m.ref = r.entry
+ WHERE m.ref = r.entry
+ AND m.how = 'in-reply-to')
+SELECT entry
+ , ref
+ , subject
+ , `from`
+ , date
+FROM children c
+-- Attach some information about the message.
+LEFT JOIN message_data m ON c.entry = m.id
+GROUP BY entry
+ """, (id,))
+ nodes: list[TreeEntry] = []
+ for (entry, ref, subject, from_, date) in list(res):
+ # print('entry:', (entry, ref, subject, from_, date))
+ nodes.append(
+ TreeEntry(entry,
+ ref,
+ subject,
+ from_,
+ datetime.strptime(date, '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z')))
+ return _edge_list_to_tree(nodes)
+# --------------------------------------------------
+def main() -> None:
+ """Entry point for building cache."""
+ maildir = mu.info()['maildir']
+ db_path = message_db
+ setup_relation_data(db_path, maildir)
+if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover
+ main()