#include "vcal.h" #include #define TYPE content_line // #include "hash.inc" #include "trie.inc.h" #undef TYPE #define TYPE strbuf #include "linked_list.inc.h" #undef TYPE #define TYPE vcomponent #include "vector.inc.h" #undef TYPE INIT_F(vcomponent) { (void) this; ERR("Do not use"); return 0; } INIT_F(vcomponent, char* type) { return INIT(vcomponent, this, type, NULL); } INIT_F(vcomponent, char* type, char* filename) { INIT(TRIE(content_line), &this->clines); INIT(VECT(vcomponent), &this->components); this->filename = NULL; if (filename != NULL) { this->filename = calloc(sizeof(*filename), strlen(filename) + 1); strcpy(this->filename, filename); } this->type = calloc(sizeof(*type), strlen(type) + 1); strcpy(this->type, type); this->parent = NULL; return 0; } content_line* RESOLVE(content_line) (content_line* dest, content_line* new) { if (dest == NULL) return new; if (strbuf_cmp(&dest->key, &new->key) != 0) { ERR("Can't resolve between these two types"); return NULL; } /* * This destroys new. */ APPEND(LLIST(strbuf)) (&dest->vals, &new->vals); APPEND(LLIST(key_val)) (&dest->params, &new->params); FREE(strbuf)(&new->key); free(new); return dest; } content_line* get_property (vcomponent* ev, char* key) { return GET(TRIE(content_line))(&ev->clines, key); } INIT_F(content_line) { INIT(strbuf, &this->key); INIT( LLIST(strbuf), &this->vals ); INIT( LLIST(key_val), &this->params ); return 0; } INIT_F(content_line, int keylen, int vallen) { INIT(strbuf, &this->key, keylen); INIT( LLIST(strbuf), &this->vals ); NEW(strbuf, s, vallen); PUSH(LLIST(strbuf))(&this->vals, s); INIT( LLIST(key_val), &this->params ); return 0; } FREE_F(content_line) { FREE(strbuf)(&this->key); FREE(LLIST(strbuf))(&this->vals); FREE(LLIST(key_val))(&this->params); return 0; } int content_line_copy (content_line* dest, content_line* src) { DEEP_COPY(strbuf)(&dest->key, &src->key); DEEP_COPY(LLIST(strbuf))(&dest->vals, &src->vals); DEEP_COPY(LLIST(key_val))(&dest->params, &src->params); return 0; } FREE_F(vcomponent) { if (this->filename != NULL) free(this->filename); free(this->type); if (FREE(TRIE(content_line))(&this->clines) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error freeing vcomponent belonging to file \n %s \n", this->filename); } FREE(VECT(vcomponent))(&this->components); return 0; } int PUSH(vcomponent)(vcomponent* parent, vcomponent* child) { return PUSH(VECT(vcomponent))(&parent->components, child); } int DEEP_COPY(vcomponent)(vcomponent* a, vcomponent* b) { (void) a; (void) b; ERR("Deep copy not implemented for vcomponent"); return -1; } /* * TODO this doesn't seem to work. */ FMT_F(vcomponent) { int seek = 0; FOR(int, i, 40) fmtf("-"); seek += sprintf(buf, _YELLOW); seek += sprintf(buf, "VComponet (Type := %s)\n", this->type); seek += FMT(TRIE(content_line))(&this->clines, buf + seek); seek += sprintf(buf, _RESET); return seek; } FMT_F(content_line) { char str_a[100], str_b[100], str_c[100];; FMT(strbuf)(&this->key, str_a); FMT(LLIST(key_val))(&this->params, str_b); FMT(LLIST(strbuf))(&this->vals, str_c); return sprintf(buf, "[[cl|%s] params := %s vals := %s]", str_a, str_b, str_c); } INIT_F(key_val) { INIT(strbuf, &this->key, 100); INIT(strbuf, &this->val, 100); return 0; } FREE_F(key_val) { FREE(strbuf)(&this->key); FREE(strbuf)(&this->val); return 0; } FMT_F(key_val) { char keybuf[100]; char valbuf[100]; FMT(strbuf)(&this->key, keybuf); FMT(strbuf)(&this->val, valbuf); return sprintf(buf, "[[%s] := [%s]]", keybuf, valbuf); } int DEEP_COPY(key_val) (key_val* dest, key_val* src) { DEEP_COPY(strbuf)(&dest->key, &src->key); DEEP_COPY(strbuf)(&dest->val, &src->val); return 0; }