#include "vcal.h" #include #define TYPE content_line // #include "hash.inc" #include "trie.inc.h" #undef TYPE #define TYPE strbuf #include "linked_list.inc.h" #undef TYPE content_line** clines; int cline_ptr; INIT_F(vevent, char* filename) { INIT(TRIE(content_line), &this->clines); this->filename = calloc(sizeof(*filename), strlen(filename) + 1); strcpy(this->filename, filename); this->calendar = NULL; return 0; } content_line* RESOLVE(content_line) (content_line* dest, content_line* new) { if (dest == NULL) return new; if (strbuf_cmp(&dest->key, &new->key) != 0) { ERR("Can't resolve between these two types"); return NULL; } /* TODO actuall iterators could be fun */ for (LINK(strbuf)* s = new->vals.head->after; s->after != NULL; s = s->after) { LLIST_CONS(strbuf) (&dest->vals, s->value); } FREE(content_line)(new); return dest; } content_line* get_property (vevent* ev, char* key) { return TRIE_GET(content_line)(&ev->clines, key); } int add_content_line (vevent* ev, content_line* c) { // TODO memmory safety on strbuf? return TRIE_PUT(content_line)(&ev->clines, c->key.mem, c); } INIT_F(content_line) { clines[cline_ptr++] = this; INIT(strbuf, &this->key); // INIT(strbuf, &this->val); INIT( LLIST(strbuf), &this->vals ); // TODO remaining fields return 0; } INIT_F(content_line, int keylen, int vallen) { clines[cline_ptr++] = this; INIT(strbuf, &this->key, keylen); // INIT(strbuf, &this->val, vallen); INIT( LLIST(strbuf), &this->vals ); NEW(strbuf, s, vallen); LLIST_CONS(strbuf)(&this->vals, s); // TODO remaining fields return 0; } int content_line_copy (content_line* dest, content_line* src) { strbuf_init_copy(&dest->key, &src->key); // strbuf_init_copy(&dest->val, &src->val); DEEP_COPY(LLIST(strbuf))(&dest->vals, &src->vals); // TODO remaining fields return 0; } FREE_F(content_line) { FREE(strbuf)(&this->key); // FREE(strbuf)(&this->val); // LLIST_FREE(strbuf)(&this->vals); FREE(LLIST(strbuf))(&this->vals); // TODO this is just for the GC. for (int i = 0; i < cline_ptr; i++) { if (clines[i] == this) { clines[i] = NULL; } } // TODO remaining fields return 0; } FREE_F(vevent) { if (this->filename != NULL) free(this->filename); if (FREE(TRIE(content_line))(&this->clines) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error freeing vevent belonging to file \n %s \n", this->filename); } return 0; } int push_event(vcalendar* cal, vevent* ev) { ev->calendar = cal; /* Make sure that cal->eents is large enough */ if (cal->n_events + 1 > cal->alloc) { cal->alloc <<= 1; cal->events = realloc(cal->events, sizeof(*cal->events) * cal->alloc); } // vevent_init_copy(&cal->events[cal->n_events], ev); cal->events[cal->n_events] = ev; cal->n_events++; return 0; } INIT_F(vcalendar) { clines = calloc(sizeof(*clines), 10000); cline_ptr = 0; this->alloc = 1; this->events = calloc(sizeof(*this->events), this->alloc); this->n_events = 0; return 0; } int free_vcalendar (vcalendar* cal) { for (size_t i = 0; i < cal->n_events; i++) { FFREE(vevent, cal->events[i]); } free (cal->events); return 0; }