;;; Commentary: ;; Basic tests of xcal convertion. ;; Currently only checks that events survive a round trip. ;;; Code: (((vcomponent formats xcal parse) sxcal->vcomponent) ((vcomponent formats xcal output) vcomponent->sxcal) ((vcomponent formats ical parse) parse-calendar) ((hnh util) ->) ((vcomponent base) parameters prop* children) ) ;;; Some different types, same parameters (define ev (call-with-input-string "BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//calparse-test BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Test event DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20200625T133000 DTEND:20200625T143000Z DTSTAMP:20200609T131418Z UID:1 SEQUENCE:0 CREATED:20200609T081725Z DESCRIPTION:Short description LAST-MODIFIED:20200609T081725Z STATUS;X-TEST-PARAM=10:CONFIRMED TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR" parse-calendar)) (define twice-converted (-> ev vcomponent->sxcal sxcal->vcomponent)) ;;; NOTE both these tests may fail since neither properties nor parameters are ordered sorted. (test-equal "c->x & c->x->c->x" (vcomponent->sxcal ev) (vcomponent->sxcal twice-converted)) (test-equal "xcal parameters" '((X-TEST-PARAM "10")) (parameters (prop* (car (children twice-converted)) 'STATUS)))