;;; Commentary: ;; Checks that HTTP server can start correctly, and that at least some ;; endpoints return correct information. ;; ;; NOTE This test, when ran in as `tests/run-tests --only web-server.scm' ;; segfaults on Guile 2.2.7, but not on Guile 3.0.8. This doesn't happen ;; when it's run as one of all tests. ;;; Code: (((calp server routes) make-make-routes) ((web server) run-server) ((ice-9 threads) call-with-new-thread cancel-thread) ((web client) http-get) ((hnh util) let*) ((web response) response-code response-location) ((web uri) build-uri uri-path) ((guile) socket inet-pton bind make-socket-address setsockopt AF_INET PF_INET SOL_SOCKET SO_REUSEADDR SOCK_STREAM ) ) (define host "") (define sock (socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0)) (setsockopt sock SOL_SOCKET SO_REUSEADDR 1) (define-values (port sock) (let ((addr (inet-pton AF_INET host))) (let loop ((port 8090)) (catch 'system-error (lambda () (bind sock (make-socket-address AF_INET addr port)) (values port sock)) (lambda (err proc fmt args data) (if (and (not (null? data)) ;; errno address already in use (= 98 (car data))) (loop (1+ port)) ;; rethrow (throw err fmt args data))))))) (define server-thread (call-with-new-thread (lambda () (run-server (make-make-routes) 'http `(socket: ,sock)) ;; This test should always fail, but should never be run (test-assert "Server returned unexpectedly" #f)))) (let* ((response body (http-get (build-uri 'http host: host port: port)))) (test-eqv "Basic connect" 200 (response-code response))) (let* ((response body (http-get (build-uri 'http host: host port: port path: "/today" query: "view=week&date=2020-01-04")))) (test-eqv "Redirect" 302 (response-code response)) (test-equal "Fully specified redirect position" "/week/2020-01-04.html" (uri-path (response-location response)))) (cancel-thread server-thread)