(define-module (test webdav-propfind) :use-module ((hnh util) :select (sort*)) :use-module ((calp namespaces) :select (webdav)) :use-module (calp webdav property) :use-module (calp webdav propfind) :use-module (calp webdav resource virtual) :use-module (datetime) :use-module (oop goops) :use-module (srfi srfi-64) :use-module (srfi srfi-88) :use-module (sxml namespaced) ) (define (sort-symbols symbs) (sort* symbs string<=? symbol->string)) (define (sort-propstats propstats) (map (lambda (propstat) (make-propstat (propstat-status-code propstat) (sort* (propstat-property propstat) string< (compose symbol->string xml-element-tagname car)) (propstat-error propstat) (propstat-response-description propstat))) (sort* propstats < propstat-status-code))) (define dt #2010-11-12T13:14:15) (define resource (make ;; local-path: '("") name: "*root" content: #vu8(1 2 3 4) creation-time: dt)) (define ns1 (string->symbol "http://example.com/namespace")) (test-group "\"All\" live properties" (let ((most (propfind-most-live-properties resource))) (test-equal "Correct amount of keys" 10 (length most)) (for-each (lambda (propstat) (test-assert "Propstat is propstat" (propstat? propstat)) (test-equal (format #f "Propstat well formed: ~a" (propstat-property propstat)) 1 (length (propstat-property propstat))) (test-assert "Propstat child is xml" (xml-element? (caar (propstat-property propstat))))) most) (test-equal "Correct keys" '(creationdate displayname getcontentlanguage getcontentlength getcontenttype getetag getlastmodified lockdiscovery resourcetype supportedlock) (sort-symbols (map (compose xml-element-tagname caar propstat-property) most))))) (test-equal "propfind-selected-properties" (list (propstat 404 `((,(xml webdav 'displayname))))) (propfind-selected-properties resource (list (xml webdav 'displayname)))) (test-group "parse-propfind" (test-group "propname" (let ((props (parse-propfind `(,(xml webdav 'propfind) (,(xml webdav 'propname))) resource))) (test-group "Propfind should NEVER fail for an existing resource" (test-equal 1 (length props)) (test-equal 200 (propstat-status-code (car props)))) (test-assert "Propstat objects are returned" (propstat? (car props))) (for-each (lambda (el) (test-assert "Base is list" (list? el)) (test-eqv "List only contains head el" 1 (length el)) #; (test-assert (format #f "Head is an xml tag: ~a" el) (xml-element? (car el)))) (propstat-property (car props))) #; (test-equal "Correct property keys" (sort-symbols (cons* 'test 'is-virtual webdav-keys)) (sort-symbols (map (compose xml-element-tagname car) (propstat-property (car props))))) (test-group "No property should contain any data" (for-each (lambda (el) (test-eqv (format #f "Propname property: ~s" el) 1 (length el))) (propstat-property (car props)))))) (test-group "direct property list" (let ((props (parse-propfind `((xml webdav 'propfind) (,(xml webdav 'prop) (,(xml webdav 'displayname)))) resource))) (test-equal "Simple lookup" (list (propstat 404 (list (list (xml webdav 'displayname) )))) props))) ;; TODO test that calendar properties are reported by propname ;; TODO test that non-native caldav propreties aren't reported by allprop (test-group "allprop" (let ((props (parse-propfind `(,(xml webdav 'propfind) (,(xml webdav 'allprop))) resource))) (test-equal "Propfind result" (list (propstat 200 (list (list (xml webdav 'creationdate) (datetime->string dt "~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~SZ")) (list (xml webdav 'getcontentlength) 4) (list (xml webdav 'getcontenttype) "application/binary") (list (xml webdav 'getlastmodified) "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT") (list (xml webdav 'lockdiscovery) '()) (list (xml webdav 'resourcetype) ; (list (xml webdav 'collection)) ) (list (xml webdav 'supportedlock) '()) ;; (list (xml ns1 'test) "Content") )) (propstat 404 (list (list (xml webdav 'displayname)) (list (xml webdav 'getcontentlanguage)))) (propstat 501 (list (list (xml webdav 'getetag)) ))) (sort-propstats props)))) (test-group "allprop with include" (let ((props (parse-propfind `((xml webdav 'propfind) (,(xml webdav 'allprop)) (,(xml webdav 'include))) resource))) (test-equal "Include NOTHING" (list (propstat 200 (list (list (xml webdav 'creationdate) (datetime->string dt "~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~SZ")) (list (xml webdav 'getcontentlength) 4) (list (xml webdav 'getcontenttype) "application/binary") (list (xml webdav 'getlastmodified) "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT") (list (xml webdav 'lockdiscovery) '()) (list (xml webdav 'resourcetype) ; (list (xml webdav 'collection)) ) (list (xml webdav 'supportedlock) '()) ;; (list (xml ns1 'test) "Content") )) (propstat 404 (list (list (xml webdav 'displayname)) (list (xml webdav 'getcontentlanguage)))) (propstat 501 (list (list (xml webdav 'getetag)) ))) (sort-propstats props))) (let ((props (parse-propfind `(,(xml webdav 'propfind) (,(xml webdav 'allprop)) (,(xml webdav 'include) (,(xml virtual-ns 'isvirtual)))) resource))) (test-equal "Include isvirtual" (list (propstat 200 (list (list (xml webdav 'creationdate) (datetime->string dt "~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~SZ")) (list (xml webdav 'getcontentlength) 4) (list (xml webdav 'getcontenttype) "application/binary") (list (xml webdav 'getlastmodified) "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT") (list (xml virtual-ns 'isvirtual) "true") (list (xml webdav 'lockdiscovery) '()) (list (xml webdav 'resourcetype)) (list (xml webdav 'supportedlock) '()) ;; (list (xml ns1 'test) "Content") )) (propstat 404 (list (list (xml webdav 'displayname)) (list (xml webdav 'getcontentlanguage)))) (propstat 501 (list (list (xml webdav 'getetag)) ))) (sort-propstats props))))) (test-equal (list (propstat 200 `((,(xml webdav 'getcontentlength) 4) (,(xml webdav 'getlastmodified) "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT") (,(xml webdav 'resourcetype)))) (propstat 404 `((,(xml webdav 'checked-in)) (,(xml webdav 'checked-out)) (,(xml (string->symbol "http://apache.org/dav/props/") 'executable))))) (let ((request (xml->namespaced-sxml " "))) (sort-propstats (parse-propfind (caddr request) resource)))) (test-equal "All dead properties" (list #; (propstat 200 (list (list (xml ns1 'test) "Content") ; ))) (propfind-all-dead-properties resource)) '((calp webdav propfind))