;;; Commentary: ;; Test base functionallity of vcomponent structures. ;;; Code: (define-module (test vcomponent) :use-module (srfi srfi-17) :use-module (srfi srfi-64) :use-module (srfi srfi-88) :use-module (hnh util table) :use-module (datetime) :use-module (vcomponent base) :use-module ((vcomponent create) :select (vevent vcalendar with-parameters))) (define ev (prop (vcomponent type: 'DUMMY) 'X-KEY "value")) (test-eqv "Non-existant properties return #f" #f (prop ev 'MISSING)) (test-assert "Existing property is non-false" (prop ev 'X-KEY)) (test-equal "Getting value of existing property" "value" (prop ev 'X-KEY)) (define calendar (add-child (vcomponent type: 'VCALENDAR) ev)) (test-equal 1 (length (children calendar))) ;;; TODO remove child ;; (abandon! calendar ev) ;; (test-equal 0 (length (children calendar))) (define vline* (vline key: 'DTSTART vline-value: (date year: 2020 month: 01 day: 02) vline-parameters: (alist->table '((VALUE . "DATE"))) vline-source: "DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:2020-01-02")) (test-group "vline" (test-assert "Type check works as expected" (vline? vline*))) (define vcomponent* (vcomponent type: 'VEVENT)) (test-assert "Type check works as expected" (vcomponent? vcomponent*)) (define child (vcomponent type: 'CHILD)) (test-eqv "An added component extends length" 1 (length (children (add-child vcomponent* child)))) (test-eqv "But the source isn't modified" 0 (length (children vcomponent*))) (test-equal "Setting property" (list (list 'KEY (vline key: 'KEY vline-value: "Value"))) (properties (prop vcomponent* 'KEY "Value"))) (let ((vl (vline key: 'KEY vline-value: "Value"))) (test-equal "Setting property vline" (list (list 'KEY vl)) (properties (prop* vcomponent* 'KEY vl)))) (test-equal "Set properties test" '(K1 K2) (map car (properties (apply set-properties vcomponent* `((K1 . "V1") (K2 . "V2")))))) (test-equal "VLine string representation" "(vline #:key KEY #:vline-value \"Value\") " (with-output-to-string (lambda () (write (vline key: 'KEY vline-value: "Value") )))) (test-equal "VLine with parameters representation" "(vline #:key KEY #:vline-value \"Value\" #:vline-parameters (#:a \"1\")) " (with-output-to-string (lambda () (write (vline key: 'KEY vline-value: "Value" vline-parameters: (alist->table '((a . "1")))))))) (test-equal "VComponent string representation" "(vcomponent 'VCALENDAR (list (vcomponent 'VEVENT #:dtstart (with-parameters #:TZID \"Europe/Stockholm\" #2023-03-01T10:00:00) #:uid \"049d9004-cb1e-4c8d-bb54-042689d9808b\"))) " (with-output-to-string (lambda () (write (vcalendar ;; name: "Hello" (list (vevent uid: "049d9004-cb1e-4c8d-bb54-042689d9808b" dtstart: (with-parameters tzid: "Europe/Stockholm" (datetime year: 2023 month: mars day: 1 hour: 10))))))))) ;; remove-property ;; extract extract* ;; remove-parameter ;; value ;; param ;; parameters ;; properties (test-group "x-property?" (test-assert (x-property? 'X-Extension)) (test-assert (not (x-property? 'Regular))) (test-assert (not (x-property? '-internal)))) (test-group "internal-field?" (test-assert (not (internal-field? 'X-Extension))) (test-assert (not (internal-field? 'Regular))) (test-assert (internal-field? '-internal))) '((vcomponent base))