;;; Commentary: ;; Checks some prodecuders from (hnh util) ;;; Code: (define-module (test util) :use-module (srfi srfi-64) :use-module (srfi srfi-64 test-error) :use-module (srfi srfi-88) :use-module (srfi srfi-1) :use-module (hnh util) :use-module (hnh util env) :use-module ((hnh util path) :select (path-append path-split file-hidden? realpath relative-to filename-extension))) (test-group "Conditionals" (test-equal "when" 1 (when #t 1)) (test-equal "'() when #f" '() (when #f 1)) (test-equal "unless" 1 (unless #f 1)) (test-equal "'() unless #t" '() (unless #t 1)) (test-equal "awhen it" '(3 4 5) (awhen (memv 2 '(1 2 3 4 5)) (cdr it))) (test-equal "awhen not" '() (awhen (memv 0 '(1 2 3 4 5)) (cdr it)))) (test-group "for" (test-equal "for simple" (iota 10) (for x in (iota 10) x)) (test-equal "for matching" (iota 12) (for (x c) in (zip (iota 12) (string->list "Hello, World")) x)) (test-equal "for break" 'x (for x in (iota 10) (break 'x) (test-assert "This should never happen" #f))) (test-equal "for continue" '(x #f 2) (for x in (iota 3) (case x ((0) (continue 'x)) ((1) (continue)) (else x))))) (test-equal "procedure label" 120 ((label factorial (lambda (n) (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (factorial (1- n)))))) 5)) ;; we can't test if sort*! destroys the list, since its only /allowed/ to do it, ;; not required. (test-equal "sort*!" '("a" "Hello" "Assparagus") (sort*! '("Hello" "a" "Assparagus") < string-length)) (test-assert "not equal" (!= 1 2)) (test-equal "Take to" '() (take-to '() 5)) (test-equal "Enumerate" '((0 #\H) (1 #\e) (2 #\l) (3 #\l) (4 #\o) (5 #\,) (6 #\space) (7 #\W) (8 #\o) (9 #\r) (10 #\l) (11 #\d) (12 #\!)) (enumerate (string->list "Hello, World!"))) (test-equal "unval first" 1 ((unval (lambda () (values 1 2 3))))) (test-equal "unval other" 2 ((unval car+cdr 1) (cons 1 2))) (test-group "Flatten" (test-equal "flatten already flat" (iota 10) (flatten (iota 10))) (test-equal "flatten really deep" '(1) (flatten '(((((((((((((((1))))))))))))))))) (test-equal "flatten mixed" '(1 2 3 4 5) (flatten '((((((1(((((2((((3))))))4))))))))5)))) ;; TODO test let-lazy (test-group "map/dotted" (test-equal "map/dotted without dot" '(1 2 3 4) (map/dotted 1+ '(0 1 2 3))) (test-equal "map/dotted with dot" '(1 2 3 . 4) (map/dotted 1+ '(0 1 2 . 3))) (test-equal "map/dotted direct value" 1 (map/dotted 1+ 0))) (test-group "Arrows" (test-equal "->" 9 (-> 1 (+ 2) (* 3))) (test-equal "-> order dependant" -1 (-> 1 (- 2))) (test-equal "->> order dependant" 1 (->> 1 (- 2)))) ;; TODO set and set-> ;; TODO and=>> (test-equal "Group" '((0 1) (2 3) (4 5) (6 7) (8 9)) (group (iota 10) 2)) ;; TODO test failure when grouping isn't possible? (test-group "Associations" (test-equal "assoc-ref-all" '(1 3) (assoc-ref-all '((a . 1) (b . 2) (a . 3)) 'a)) (test-equal "assq-ref-all" '(1 3) (assq-ref-all '((a . 1) (b . 2) (a . 3)) 'a)) (test-equal "assv-ref-all "'(1 3) (assv-ref-all '((a . 1) (b . 2) (a . 3)) 'a)) ;; TODO assq-limit ? (test-equal "assq merge" '((k 2 1) (v 2)) (assq-merge '((k 1) (v 2)) '((k 2)))) (test-equal "kvlist->assq" '((a . 1) (b . 2)) (kvlist->assq '(a: 1 b: 2))) (test-equal "kvlist->assq repeated key" '((a . 1) (b . 2) (a . 3)) (kvlist->assq '(a: 1 b: 2 a: 3)))) (test-equal "vector-last" 1 (vector-last #(0 2 3 1))) ;; TODO test catch* (test-equal "Filter sorted" '(3 4 5) (filter-sorted (lambda (x) (<= 3 x 5)) (iota 10))) (test-equal "set/r! = single" #f (let ((x #t)) (set/r! x = not))) (test-error 'syntax-error (test-read-eval-string "(set/r! x err not)")) (test-group "Find extremes" (call-with-values (lambda () (find-min (iota 10))) (lambda (extreme rest) (test-equal "Found correct minimum" 0 extreme) (test-equal "Removed \"something\" from the set" 9 (length rest)))) (call-with-values (lambda () (find-max '("Hello" "Test" "Something long") string-length)) (lambda (extreme rest) (test-equal "Found the longest string" "Something long" extreme) (test-equal "Removed the string" 2 (length rest)) (test-assert "Other members left 1" (member "Hello" rest)) (test-assert "Other members left 2" (member "Test" rest)))) (test-error 'wrong-type-arg (find-extreme '()))) (test-group "Span upto" (call-with-values (lambda () (span-upto 2 char-numeric? (string->list "123456"))) (lambda (head tail) (test-equal '(#\1 #\2) head) (test-equal '(#\3 #\4 #\5 #\6) tail))) (call-with-values (lambda () (span-upto 2 char-numeric? (string->list "H123456"))) (lambda (head tail) (test-equal '() head) (test-equal '(#\H #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6) tail)))) (test-group "Begin1" (let ((value #f)) (test-equal "begin1 return value" "Hello" (begin1 "Hello" (set! value "World"))) (test-equal "begin1 side effects" "World" value)) (let ((x 1)) (test-eqv "begin1 set! after return" 1 (begin1 x (set! x 10))) (test-eqv "Updates value" 10 x))) (test-equal 0 (iterate 1- zero? 10)) (test-equal "5" (->string 5)) (test-equal "5" (->string "5")) (test-group "Path operations" (test-equal "no slashes" "home/user" (path-append "home" "user")) (test-equal "no slashes, absolute" "/home/user" (path-append "" "home" "user")) (test-equal "slashes in one component, absolute" "/home/user" (path-append "" "/home/" "user")) (test-equal "slashes in one component, absolute due to first" "/home/user" (path-append "/home/" "user")) (test-equal "Slashes in both" "home/user" (path-append "home/" "/user")) (test-equal "root" "/" (path-append "")) (test-equal '("usr" "lib" "test") (path-split "usr/lib/test")) (test-equal '("usr" "lib" "test") (path-split "usr/lib/test/")) (test-equal '("" "usr" "lib" "test") (path-split "/usr/lib/test")) (test-equal '("" "usr" "lib" "test") (path-split "//usr////lib/test")) (test-assert (file-hidden? ".just-filename")) (test-assert (file-hidden? "/path/to/.hidden")) (test-assert (not (file-hidden? "/visible/.in/hidden"))) (test-assert (not (file-hidden? ""))) ;; TODO test realpath with .. and similar (test-equal "Realpath for path fragment" "/home/hugo" (with-working-directory "/home" (lambda () (realpath "hugo")))) (test-equal "Realpath for already absolute path" "/home/hugo" (with-working-directory "/tmp" (lambda () (realpath "/home/hugo")))) (test-group "Relative to" (test-group "With relative child" (test-equal "/some/path" (relative-to "/some" "path"))) ;; Relative parent just adds (getcwd) to start of parent, ;; but this is "hard" to test. ;; (test-group "With relative parent") (test-group "With absolute child" (test-error 'misc-error (relative-to "" "/some/path")) (test-equal "some/path" (relative-to "/" "/some/path")) (test-group "Without trailing slashes" (test-equal "path" (relative-to "/some" "/some/path")) (test-equal "../path" (relative-to "/some" "/other/path"))) (test-group "With trailing slashes" (test-equal "path" (relative-to "/some" "/some/path/")) (test-equal "../path" (relative-to "/some" "/other/path/")))) (test-equal "/a/b" (relative-to "/a/b/c" "/a/b")) ) (test-equal "Extension of simple file" "txt" (filename-extension "file.txt")) (test-equal "Extension of file with directory" "txt" (filename-extension "/direcotry/file.txt")) (test-equal "Extension of file with multiple" "gz" (filename-extension "filename.tar.gz")) (test-equal "Filename extension when none is present" "" (filename-extension "filename")) (test-equal "Filename extension when none is present, but directory has" "" (filename-extension "config.d/filename")) (test-equal "Filename extension of directory" "d" (filename-extension "config.d/")) (test-equal "Extension of hidden file" "sh" (filename-extension ".bashrc.sh")) (test-equal "Extension of hidden file without extension" "bashrc" (filename-extension ".bashrc")))