#!/usr/bin/env bash # -*- mode: scheme; geiser-scheme-implementation: guile -*- here=$(dirname $(realpath $0)) . "$(dirname "$here")/env" if [ "$DEBUG" = '' ]; then exec $GUILE -s "$0" "$@" else exec $GUILE --debug -s "$0" "$@" fi !# (format #t "current-filename = ~s~%" (current-filename)) (define here (dirname (current-filename))) (use-modules (hnh util path)) (use-modules (srfi srfi-1) (srfi srfi-64) (srfi srfi-88) ((hnh util io) :select (call-with-tmpfile)) (ice-9 format) (ice-9 getopt-long) (ice-9 match) (ice-9 regex) ((ice-9 popen) :select (open-pipe* close-pipe)) ((ice-9 rdelim) :select (read-string)) (system vm coverage) ((hnh module-introspection all-modules) :select (fs-find)) (hnh test testrunner) ) (test-runner-factory construct-test-runner) (define (rework-coverage data) (define-values (module-files module-names) ((@ (all-modules) all-modules-under-directory) (path-append (dirname here) "module"))) (define to-drop (1+ (length (take-while (lambda (p) (not (string=? p "module"))) (path-split (car module-files)))))) (define (drop-components path-list) (drop path-list to-drop)) (define target-ht (make-hash-table)) (define source-ht ((@@ (system vm coverage) data-file->line-counts) data)) (for-each (lambda (path) (cond ((hash-ref source-ht path #f) => (lambda (value) (hash-set! target-ht path value))))) (map (compose path-join drop-components path-split) module-files)) ((@@ (system vm coverage) %make-coverage-data) ((@@ (system vm coverage) data-ip-counts) data) ((@@ (system vm coverage) data-sources) data) ((@@ (system vm coverage) data-file->procedures) data) target-ht)) (define option-spec '((skip (value #t)) (only (value #t)) (verbose (single-char #\v)) (coverage (value optional)) (catch))) (define options (getopt-long (command-line) option-spec)) (define coverage-dest (option-ref options 'coverage #f)) (when (option-ref options 'verbose #f) (verbose? #t)) (define re (make-regexp "\\.scm$")) (define files (map car (filter (match-lambda ((filename _ 'regular) (regexp-exec re filename)) (_ #f)) (fs-find (path-append here "test"))))) ;; (format #t "Running on:~%~y~%" files) ((@ (hnh util exceptions) warnings-are-errors) #t) (define finalizer (if coverage-dest (lambda (thunk) (define-values (coverage _) (with-code-coverage thunk)) (let ((limited-coverage (rework-coverage coverage))) (call-with-output-file coverage-dest (lambda (port) (coverage-data->lcov limited-coverage port)))) (format #t "Wrote coverage data to ~a~%" coverage-dest)) (lambda (thunk) (thunk)) )) ;;; Catch/print-trace should intercept thrown exceptions, print them prettily with a stack trace, and then continue (define catch/print-trace (if (option-ref options 'catch #f) (lambda (proc) (catch #t proc (case-lambda ((err from msg args data) (test-assert (format #f "~a in ~a: ~?" err from msg args) #f)) (args (test-assert (format #f "~a (~s)" f args) #f))))) (lambda (proc) (proc)))) #; (define (catch/print-trace proc) (proc)) (test-begin "suite") (define onlies (let %loop ((args (command-line)) (onlies '())) (define* (loop args key: only) (if only (%loop args (cons only onlies)) (%loop args onlies))) (if (null? args) onlies (cond ((string-match "^--skip(=(.*))?$" (car args)) => (lambda (m) (cond ((match:substring m 2) => (lambda (s) (format #t "Skipping ~s~%" s) (test-skip s) (loop (cdr args)))) (else (format #t "Skipping ~s~%" (cadr args)) (test-skip (cadr args)) (loop (cddr args)))))) ((string-match "^--only(=(.*))?$" (car args)) => (lambda (m) (cond ((match:substring m 2) => (lambda (s) (loop (cdr args) only: s))) (else (loop (cddr args) only: (cadr args)))))) (else (loop (cdr args))))))) (unless (null? onlies) (set! files (map (lambda (x) (path-append "test" x)) ;; reverse only until I have built a dependency graph for tests (reverse onlies)))) (finalizer (lambda () (for-each (lambda (f) (catch/print-trace (lambda () (test-group f (load f))))) files))) (test-end "suite") (newline)