#!/usr/bin/env bash # -*- mode: scheme; geiser-scheme-implementation: guile -*- make --silent calp make --silent unit-test-deps root=$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")") eval "$(env __PRINT_ENVIRONMENT=1 "${root}/calp")" exec "$GUILE" --debug --no-auto-compile -e main -s "$0" "$@" !# ;;; Commentary: ;;; Code: (use-modules (glob) (system vm coverage) (srfi srfi-1) (srfi srfi-18) (srfi srfi-64) (srfi srfi-71) (srfi srfi-111) ((rnrs io ports) :select (get-bytevector-all)) ((hnh util) :select (-> ->> for group-by)) (hnh util path) (hnh util type) (hnh util object) (hnh util coverage) (hnh util atomic) (hnh util atomic-stack) (hnh util atomic-queue) (hnh test testrunner) (hnh test util) ((hnh util io) :select (displayln)) (crypto) (ice-9 getopt-long) (ice-9 control) (ice-9 format)) (define-syntax-rule (begin-thread forms ...) (let ((thread (make-thread (lambda () forms ...)))) (thread-start! thread) thread)) (define print (let ((lock (make-mutex))) (lambda (string) (with-mutex lock (display string))))) (define (println x) (print (format #f "~a~%" x))) (define (module->source-file module-name) ;; Guile has `module-filepath` built in, but that returns paths relative ;; to ONE of the items in %load-path, and we wont know which one. (realpath (string-append (path-join (cons "module" (map symbol->string module-name))) ".scm"))) (define current-filename (make-parameter #f)) (define (test-runner-name runner) (cond ((test-runner-test-name runner) (negate string-null?) => identity) ((test-result-ref runner 'expected-value) => (lambda (p) (with-output-to-string (lambda () ;; (display (bold "[SOURCE]: ")) ;; (truncated-print p width: 60) (write p) )))))) (define (test-runner-processed runner) (+ (test-runner-pass-count runner) (test-runner-fail-count runner) (test-runner-xfail-count runner) (test-runner-skip-count runner))) ;;; TODO this procedure is also present (albeit embedded) in (hnh test testrunner). Make it a procedure (define (test-runner-test-description runner) (format #f "~a (~a) ~a" (assoc-ref (test-runner-aux-value runner) 'thread-name) (test-runner-processed runner) (cond ((test-runner-test-name runner) (negate string-null?) => identity) (else (string-join (test-runner-group-path runner) " → "))))) (define runners (atomic-stack)) (sigaction SIGINT (lambda _ (display (string-join (map test-runner-test-description (stack->list runners)) "\n")))) (define-type (job) (jobname type: string?) (job-thunk type: thunk?)) (define* (maybe-with-code-coverage thunk key: (coverage? #f)) (if coverage? (with-code-coverage thunk) (values #f (thunk)))) (define (format-test-runner-crash-message args) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (display (red (format #f "Test crashed unexpectedly, after: ~s~%" (test-runner-test-name/description (test-runner-current))))) (display (yellow " All further tests in file will be skipped")) (newline) (format #t " In file ~s, sightly after line ~a~%" (test-result-ref (test-runner-current) 'source-file) (test-result-ref (test-runner-current) 'source-line)) (apply (case-lambda ((err proc fmt args data) (if proc (format #t " ~a thrown in ~a. ~?~%" err proc fmt args) (format #t "~a thrown. ~?~%" err fmt args))) (args (format #t " ~s~%" args))) args)))) (define* (prepare-jobs test-files error-queue key: (coverage? #f)) (for entry in test-files (job jobname: (basename entry) job-thunk: (lambda () (parameterize ((current-filename (basename entry))) (test-begin entry) (push! (test-runner-get) runners) (define-values (coverage module-names) (catch #t (lambda () (maybe-with-code-coverage (lambda () (load entry)) coverage?: coverage?)) (lambda args (enqueue! (format-test-runner-crash-message args) error-queue) (values #f '())))) (define tested-files (map module->source-file module-names)) (test-end) (if coverage (let ((lcov-data (call-with-output-string (lambda (port) (coverage-data->lcov coverage port))))) (filter (lambda (coverage) (member (filename coverage) tested-files)) (parse-coverage lcov-data))) '())))))) (define* (make-work-pool jobs key: (thread-count 1)) (define job-pool (atomic-stack)) (define results (atomic-stack)) (for-each (lambda (job) (push! job job-pool)) jobs) (define (pool-worker) (call/ec (lambda (return) (while #t (let ((job (pop! job-pool))) (unless job (return #f)) (catch #t (lambda () (push! ((job-thunk job)) results)) (lambda args ;; TODO indicate FATAL ERROR (println (format #f "Job [~a] failed: ~s" (jobname job) ;; TODO better error formatting args))))))))) (define threads (map (lambda (i) (make-thread pool-worker (format #f "Worker ~a" i))) (iota thread-count))) (for-each thread-start! threads) (begin-thread (for-each thread-join! threads) results)) ;;; Checks if the given argument is truthy. ;;; Raises 'wrong-number-of-args otherwise. (define-syntax-rule (assert-arg name) (unless name (scm-error 'wrong-number-of-args "run-tests" "Missing required argument ~a" '(name) #f))) (define option-spec '((help (single-char #\h)) (verbose (single-char #\v)) (suite (value #t)) (file (value #t)) (list (single-char #\l)) (nice (value #t)) (threads (value #t)) (coverage (value optional)) (coverage-supplement (value #t)) )) (define help " run-unit-tests [flags ...] Run calp's unit tests. While running, Ctrl-C prints the current status of each file's tests. Flags: --help|-h print this help --verbose|-v Enables verbose output. This can also be done by setting the environment variable VERBOSE. --suite path Limit execution to a single test suite. Should be given as a directory, and that directory should contain a number of test files. See files in tests/unit for available suites. Mutualy exclusive with --file. Example: tests/unit/general --file filename Only runs tests from the given file. Mutually exlusive with --suite. --list|-l Don't run test, but list all files which would have been ran. --nice increment How much do incrument the nice value --threads count How many threads to spawn for running tests. --coverage [output-filename] Generate code coverage data, this causes the tests to be quite a bit slower. --coverage-supplement supplement-file ") (define (read-coverage-info port) (map (lambda (entry) (call-with-values (lambda () (apply values entry)) (lambda (filename checksum . lines) (cons checksum (coverage-info filename: (realpath filename) lines: (map (lambda (l) (cons l 1)) lines)))))) (read port))) (define (main args) (define options (getopt-long args option-spec)) (when (option-ref options 'help #f) (display help) (exit 0)) (when (option-ref options 'verbose (getenv "VERBOSE")) (verbose? #t)) (define test-files (cond ((option-ref options 'suite #f) => (lambda (suite) (glob (path-append suite "*")))) ((option-ref options 'file #f) => list) (else (glob "tests/unit/**/*.scm")))) (nice (string->number (option-ref options 'nice "10"))) (define error-queue (atomic-queue)) (test-runner-factory (construct-test-runner print error-queue)) (define coverage (let ((cov (option-ref options 'coverage #f))) (cond ((string? cov) cov) (cov "coverage.info") (else #f)))) ;; Guile's coverage system sometimes miss some definitions. ;; Add these here so the output gets green. ;; However, always start by attempting to add more tests to fill ;; in the coverage. (define-values (extra-coverage outdated-extra) (cond ((option-ref options 'coverage-supplement #f) => (lambda (supplement-file) (partition (lambda (pair) (let ((checksum coverage (car+cdr pair))) (-> (call-with-input-file (filename coverage) get-bytevector-all) sha256 checksum->string (string=? checksum)))) (call-with-input-file supplement-file read-coverage-info)))) (else (values '() '())))) (unless (null? outdated-extra) (format #t "The following files have changed since their coverage") (format #t "exceptions were written. Please review:~%") (for-each (compose displayln yellow) outdated-extra)) ((@ (hnh util exceptions) warnings-are-errors) #t) (if (option-ref options 'list #f) (format #t "Gathered the following tests:~%~y~%" test-files) (begin (test-begin "Universe") (let ((results (thread-join! (make-work-pool (prepare-jobs test-files error-queue coverage?: coverage) thread-count: (string->number (option-ref options 'threads "1")))))) (test-end "Universe") (define merged-coverages (map (lambda (group) (reduce merge-coverage #f (cdr group))) (group-by filename (concatenate (cons (map cdr extra-coverage) (stack->list results)))))) (unless (null? merged-coverages) (with-output-to-file coverage (lambda () (display "TN:") (newline) (for-each output-coverage merged-coverages)))) (format #t "~%== Gathered errors ==~%") (let loop () (cond ((dequeue! error-queue) => (lambda (entry) (display entry) (newline) (loop)))))))))