import { ical_type, valid_input_types, JCal, JCalProperty, ChangeLogEntry } from './types' import { parseDate } from './lib' export { VEvent, xml_to_vcal, RecurrenceRule, isRedrawable, } /* Something which can be redrawn */ interface Redrawable extends HTMLElement { redraw: ((data: VEvent) => void) } function isRedrawable(x: HTMLElement): x is Redrawable { return 'redraw' in x } class VEventValue { type: ical_type /* value should NEVER be a list, since multi-valued properties should be split into multiple VEventValue objects! */ value: any parameters: Map constructor(type: ical_type, value: any, parameters = new Map()) { this.type = type; this.value = value; this.parameters = parameters; } to_jcal(): [Record, ical_type, any] { let value; let v = this.value; switch (this.type) { case 'binary': /* TOOD */ value = 'BINARY DATA GOES HERE'; break; case 'date-time': value = v.format("~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~S"); // TODO TZ break; case 'date': value = v.format("~Y-~m-~d"); break; case 'duration': /* TODO */ value = 'DURATION GOES HERE'; break; case 'period': /* TODO */ value = 'PERIOD GOES HERE'; break; case 'utc-offset': /* TODO */ value = 'UTC-OFFSET GOES HERE'; break; case 'recur': value = v.to_jcal(); break; case 'float': case 'integer': case 'text': case 'uri': case 'cal-address': case 'boolean': value = v; } return [this.parameters, this.type, value] } } /* maybe ... */ class VEventDuration extends VEventValue { } type list_values = 'categories' | 'resources' | 'freebusy' | 'exdate' | 'rdate' | 'CATEGORIES' | 'RESOURCES' | 'FREEBUSY' | 'EXDATE' | 'RDATE'; /* Abstract representation of a calendar event (or similar). All "live" calendar data in the frontend should live in an object of this type. */ class VEvent { /* Calendar properties */ private properties: Map /* Children (such as alarms for events) */ components: VEvent[] /* HTMLElements which wants to be redrawn when this object changes. Elements can be registered with the @code{register} method. */ registered: Redrawable[] _calendar: string | null = null; _changelog: ChangeLogEntry[] = [] addlog(entry: ChangeLogEntry) { let len = this._changelog.length let last = this._changelog[len - 1] // console.log('entry = ', entry, ', last = ', last); if (!last) { // console.log('Adding new entry', entry, this.getProperty('uid')); this._changelog.push(entry); return; } if (entry.type === last.type && === && entry.from === { this._changelog.pop(); entry.from = last.from // console.log('Changing old entry', entry, this.getProperty('uid')); this._changelog.push(entry) } else { this._changelog.push(entry) } } constructor( properties: Map = new Map(), components: VEvent[] = [] ) { this.components = components; this.registered = []; /* Re-normalize all given keys to upper case. We could require * that beforehand, this is much more reliable, for only a * marginal performance hit. */ = new Map; for (const [key, value] of properties) {, value); } } getProperty(key: list_values): any[] | undefined; getProperty(key: string): any | undefined; // getProperty(key: 'categories'): string[] | undefined getProperty(key: string): any | any[] | undefined { key = key.toUpperCase() let e =; if (!e) return e; if (Array.isArray(e)) { return => ee.value) } return e.value; } get boundProperties(): IterableIterator { return } private setPropertyInternal(key: string, value: any, type?: ical_type) { function resolve_type(key: string, type?: ical_type): ical_type { if (type) { return type; } else { let type_options = valid_input_types.get(key) if (type_options === undefined) { return 'unknown' } else if (type_options.length == 0) { return 'unknown' } else { if (Array.isArray(type_options[0])) { return type_options[0][0] } else { return type_options[0] } } } } key = key.toUpperCase(); /* To is mostly for the user. From is to allow an undo button */ let entry: ChangeLogEntry = { type: 'property', name: key, from: this.getProperty(key), // TODO what happens if getProperty returns a weird type to: '' + value, } // console.log('Logging ', entry); this.addlog(entry); if (Array.isArray(value)) {, => new VEventValue(resolve_type(key, type), el))) return; } let current =; if (current) { if (Array.isArray(current)) { /* TODO something here? */ } else { if (type) { current.type = type; } current.value = value; return; } } type = resolve_type(key, type); let new_value = new VEventValue(type, value), new_value); } setProperty(key: list_values, value: any[], type?: ical_type): void; setProperty(key: string, value: any, type?: ical_type): void; setProperty(key: string, value: any, type?: ical_type) { this.setPropertyInternal(key, value, type); for (let el of this.registered) { el.redraw(this); } } setProperties(pairs: [string, any, ical_type?][]) { for (let pair of pairs) { this.setPropertyInternal(...pair); } for (let el of this.registered) { el.redraw(this); } } set calendar(calendar: string | null) { this.addlog({ type: 'calendar', name: '', from: this._calendar, to: calendar, }); this._calendar = calendar; for (let el of this.registered) { el.redraw(this); } } get calendar(): string | null { return this._calendar; } register(htmlNode: Redrawable) { this.registered.push(htmlNode); } unregister(htmlNode: Redrawable) { this.registered = this.registered.filter(node => node !== htmlNode) } to_jcal(): JCal { let out_properties: JCalProperty[] = [] console.log(; for (let [key, value] of { console.log("key = ", key, ", value = ", value); if (Array.isArray(value)) { if (value.length == 0) continue; let mostly = => v.to_jcal()) let values = => x[2]) console.log("mostly", mostly) out_properties.push([ key.toLowerCase(), mostly[0][0], mostly[0][1], ...values ]) } else { let prop: JCalProperty = [ key.toLowerCase(), ...value.to_jcal(), ] out_properties.push(prop); } } return ['vevent', out_properties, [/* alarms go here*/]] } } function make_vevent_value(value_tag: Element): VEventValue { /* TODO parameters */ return new VEventValue( /* TODO error on invalid type? */ value_tag.tagName as ical_type, make_vevent_value_(value_tag)); } // type freqType = 'SECONDLY' | 'MINUTELY' | 'HOURLY' | 'DAILY' | 'WEEKLY' | 'MONTHLY' | 'YEARLY' type weekday = 'MO' | 'TU' | 'WE' | 'TH' | 'FR' | 'SA' | 'SU' class RecurrenceRule { freq?: freqType until?: Date count?: number interval?: number bysecond?: number[] byminute?: number[] byhour?: number[] byday?: (weekday | [number, weekday])[] bymonthday?: number[] byyearday?: number[] byweekno?: number[] bymonth?: number[] bysetpos?: number[] wkst?: weekday to_jcal(): Record { let obj: any = {} if (this.freq) obj['freq'] = this.freq; if (this.until) obj['until'] = this.until.format(this.until.dateonly ? '~Y-~M~D' : '~Y-~M~DT~H:~M:~S'); if (this.count) obj['count'] = this.count; if (this.interval) obj['interval'] = this.interval; if (this.bysecond) obj['bysecond'] = this.bysecond; if (this.byminute) obj['byminute'] = this.byminute; if (this.byhour) obj['byhour'] = this.byhour; if (this.bymonthday) obj['bymonthday'] = this.bymonthday; if (this.byyearday) obj['byyearday'] = this.byyearday; if (this.byweekno) obj['byweekno'] = this.byweekno; if (this.bymonth) obj['bymonth'] = this.bymonth; if (this.bysetpos) obj['bysetpos'] = this.bysetpos; if (this.byday) { let outarr: string[] = [] for (let byday of this.byday) { if (byday instanceof Array) { let [num, day] = byday; outarr.push(`${num}${day}`) } else { outarr.push(byday) } } obj['byday'] = outarr } if (this.wkst) obj['wkst'] = this.wkst; return obj; } } function xml_to_recurrence_rule(xml: Element): RecurrenceRule { let rr = new RecurrenceRule; if (xml.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'recur') { throw new TypeError(); } let by = new Map([ ['bysecond', []], ['byminute', []], ['byhour', []], ['bymonthday', []], ['byyearday', []], ['byweekno', []], ['bymonth', []], ['bysetpos', []], ['byday', []], ]); for (let child of xml.children) { /* see appendix a 3.3.10 RECUR of RFC 6321 */ let t = child.textContent || ''; let tn = child.tagName.toLowerCase() switch (tn) { case 'freq': rr.freq = t as freqType break; case 'until': rr.until = parseDate(t); break; case 'count': rr.count = Number(t) break; case 'interval': rr.interval = Number(t) break; case 'bysecond': case 'byminute': case 'byhour': case 'bymonthday': case 'byyearday': case 'byweekno': case 'bymonth': case 'bysetpos': by.get(tn)!.push(Number(t)); break; case 'byday': // xsd:integer? type-weekday let m = t.match(/([+-]?[0-9]*)([A-Z]{2})/) if (m == null) throw new TypeError() else if (m[1] === '') by.get('byday')!.push(m[2] as weekday) else by.get('byday')!.push([Number(m[1]), m[2] as weekday]) break; case 'wkst': rr.wkst = t as weekday break; } } for (let [key, value] of by) { if (!value || value.length == 0) continue; (rr as any)[key] = value; } return rr; } // function make_vevent_value_(value_tag: Element): string | boolean | Date | number | RecurrenceRule { /* RFC6321 3.6. */ switch (value_tag.tagName) { case 'binary': /* Base64 to binary Seems to handle inline whitespace, which xCal standard reqires */ return atob(value_tag.textContent || '') case 'boolean': switch (value_tag.textContent) { case 'true': return true; case 'false': return false; default: console.warn(`Bad boolean ${value_tag.textContent}, defaulting with !!`) return !!value_tag.textContent; } case 'time': case 'date': case 'date-time': return parseDate(value_tag.textContent || ''); case 'duration': /* TODO duration parser here 'P1D' */ return value_tag.textContent || ''; case 'float': case 'integer': return Number(value_tag.textContent); case 'period': /* TODO has sub components, meaning that a string wont do */ let start = value_tag.getElementsByTagName('start')[0] parseDate(start.textContent || ''); let other; if ((other = value_tag.getElementsByTagName('end')[0])) { return parseDate(other.textContent || '') } else if ((other = value_tag.getElementsByTagName('duration')[0])) { /* TODO parse duration */ return other.textContent || '' } else { console.warn('Invalid end to period, defaulting to 1H'); return new Date(3600); } case 'recur': return xml_to_recurrence_rule(value_tag); case 'utc-offset': /* TODO parse */ return ""; default: console.warn(`Unknown type '${value_tag.tagName}', defaulting to string`) case 'cal-address': case 'uri': case 'text': return value_tag.textContent || ''; } } function xml_to_vcal(xml: Element): VEvent { /* xml MUST have a VEVENT (or equivalent) as its root */ let properties = xml.getElementsByTagName('properties')[0]; let components = xml.getElementsByTagName('components')[0]; let property_map: Map = new Map; if (properties) { property_loop: for (var i = 0; i < properties.childElementCount; i++) { let tag = properties.childNodes[i]; if (!(tag instanceof Element)) continue; let parameters = {}; let value: VEventValue | VEventValue[] = []; value_loop: for (var j = 0; j < tag.childElementCount; j++) { let child = tag.childNodes[j]; if (!(child instanceof Element)) continue; if (child.tagName == 'parameters') { parameters = /* TODO handle parameters */ {}; continue value_loop; } else switch (tag.tagName) { /* These can contain multiple value tags, per RFC6321 */ case 'categories': case 'resources': case 'freebusy': case 'exdate': case 'rdate': (value as VEventValue[]).push(make_vevent_value(child)); break; default: value = make_vevent_value(child); } } property_map.set(tag.tagName, value); } } let component_list = [] if (components) { for (let child of components.childNodes) { if (!(child instanceof Element)) continue; component_list.push(xml_to_vcal(child)) } } return new VEvent(property_map, component_list) }