window.formatters.set('description', async (el, ev, d) => { if (ev.getProperty('X-MICROSOFT-SKYPETEAMSMEETINGURL')) { /* parse Microsoft Teams meeting entries */ /* Replace lines with propper
tags */ let rx1 = /^_+$/gm /* Merge URL:s into a tags */ let rx2 = /(?^|[|])\s*(?[^|<\n]*)<(?[^>]*)>/gm let rxs = [`(?${rx1.source})`, `(?${rx2.source})`, ].join('|') let rx = new RegExp(`(${rxs})`, 'gm') let children = [] let idx = 0 for (let match of d.matchAll(rx)) { children.push(d.substring(idx, match.index)) if (match.groups.line) { children.push(document.createElement('hr')) children.push(document.createElement('br')) } else if ( { if (match.groups.pipe === '|') { children.push('| '); } let a = document.createElement('a') a.textContent = || match.groups.url a.href = match.groups.url children.push(a) } idx = match.index + match[0].length } children.push(d.substring(idx)); el.replaceChildren(...children); } else if (/<\/?\w+( +\w+(=["']?\w+["']?)?)* *\/?>/.exec(d)) { /* Assume that the text is HTML if it contains something which looks like an HTML tag */ let parser = new DOMParser(); let doc = parser.parseFromString(d, 'text/html'); el.replaceChildren(doc.body); } else { /* Otherwise it should be plain(er) text, parse "all" links */ let rx = /https?:\/\/\S+/g let idx = 0; let children = [] for (let match of d.matchAll(rx)) { let anch = document.createElement('a') anch.href = match[0] anch.textContent = match[0] children.push(d.substring(idx, match.index)) children.push(anch) idx = match.index + match[0].length } children.push(d.substring(idx)) el.replaceChildren(...children); } }) /* This location formatter is generally not for general use. It holds a small lookup table of "all" locations at Linköping University, and makes location names from their calendar system clickable. To obtain salar.json, run scripts/fetch-liu-map-index.scm from calps source tree. */ window.salar = new Promise((resolve, reject) => fetch('/static/user/salar.json') .then(resp => ! resp.ok ? reject("404") : resp.json()) .then(d => resolve(d)) .catch(err => reject(err)) ) window.formatters.set('location', async function(el, _, d) { let rx = /Lokal: (.*)/ let m = rx.exec(d) if (! m) { el.textContent = d; return; } try { let salar = await window.salar; } catch (e) { console.warn("Location formatter failed", e); return; } let name = m[1] let frag = salar[name]; if (frag) { let anch = document.createElement('a'); anch.href = `${frag}` = '_blank' anch.textContent = name; el.append('Lokal: '); el.append(anch); } else { el.textContent = `Lokal: ${name}` } })