import { ical_type, valid_input_types, JCal, JCalProperty, ChangeLogEntry } from './types' import { parseDate } from './lib' export { RecurrenceRule, Redrawable, VEvent, VEventValue, freqType, isRedrawable, list_values, weekday, xml_to_vcal, } /** Something which can be redrawn */ interface Redrawable extends HTMLElement { /** Method which will be called upon a redraw request. */ redraw(data: VEvent): void } /** Checks if the given element is an instance of Redrawable. */ function isRedrawable(x: HTMLElement): x is Redrawable { return 'redraw' in x } /** A single value from a vcomponent. This is basically a type tagged tuple, with an optional map of parameters. */ class VEventValue { /** The value type of the contained value. */ type: ical_type /** The actual value. Should NEVER be a list, since those are coded as lists of `VEventValue`:s in `` */ value: any /** VComponent parameters attached to the value. */ parameters: Map constructor(type: ical_type, value: any, parameters = new Map) { this.type = type; this.value = value; this.parameters = parameters; } /** * The return value is *almost* a `JCalProperty`, just without * the field name. */ to_jcal(): [Record, ical_type, any] { let value; let v = this.value; switch (this.type) { case 'binary': /* TODO */ value = 'BINARY DATA GOES HERE'; break; case 'date-time': value = v.format("~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~S"); // TODO TZ break; case 'date': value = v.format("~Y-~m-~d"); break; case 'duration': /* TODO */ value = 'DURATION GOES HERE'; break; case 'period': /* TODO */ value = 'PERIOD GOES HERE'; break; case 'utc-offset': /* TODO */ value = 'UTC-OFFSET GOES HERE'; break; case 'recur': value = v.to_jcal(); break; case 'float': case 'integer': case 'text': case 'uri': case 'cal-address': case 'boolean': value = v; } return [this.parameters, this.type, value] } } /* TODO maybe ... */ // class VEventDuration extends VEventValue { // } /** VComponent properties which contain lists */ type list_values = 'categories' | 'resources' | 'freebusy' | 'exdate' | 'rdate' | 'CATEGORIES' | 'RESOURCES' | 'FREEBUSY' | 'EXDATE' | 'RDATE'; /** This class is the data container for the underlying VEVENT objects in the backend calendar files. They also keep track on all Web Components which wants to render part of the event. Note that despite the name this component isn't limited to VEVENT:s, but is used for all VComponents in the tree. This means that even calendars and alarms can be instances of this class. Property access is done through `getProperty` and `setProperty` (properties are things such as 'SUMMARY', 'DTSTART', ...) */ class VEvent { /** Properties bound directly on this object. These are things such as 'DTSTART', 'SUMMARY', ... */ private properties: Map /** Children to this component. Valid children depends on the type. For example, for calendars this is primarily events, while for events it's alarm components */ components: VEvent[] /** HTMLElements which wants to be redrawn when this object changes. Elements can be registered with the `register` method. */ registered: Redrawable[] #calendar: string | null = null; /** * Every write through getProperty gets logged here, and can be * consumed. Hopefully this will one day turn into an undo system. * TODO ref ChangeLogEntry. */ #changelog: ChangeLogEntry[] = [] /** The changelog for this component. An iterator is returned rather than an array, to ensure modifications are impossible. */ get changelog(): IterableIterator<[number, ChangeLogEntry]> { return this.#changelog.entries(); } /** Add an entry to the changelog. */ addlog(entry: ChangeLogEntry) { let len = this.#changelog.length let last = this.#changelog[len - 1] // console.log('entry = ', entry, ', last = ', last); if (!last) { // console.log('Adding new entry', entry, this.getProperty('uid')); this.#changelog.push(entry); return; } if (entry.type === last.type && === && entry.from === { this.#changelog.pop(); entry.from = last.from // console.log('Changing old entry', entry, this.getProperty('uid')); this.#changelog.push(entry) } else { this.#changelog.push(entry) } } /** Construct a new Component. @param properties Initial properties for the component @param components Initial children for the component TODO where is the type of the component registered? */ constructor( properties: Map = new Map(), components: VEvent[] = [] ) { this.components = components; this.registered = []; /* Re-normalize all given keys to upper case. We could require * that beforehand, this is much more reliable, for only a * marginal performance hit. */ = new Map; for (const [key, value] of properties) {, value); } } getProperty(key: list_values): any[] | undefined; getProperty(key: string): any | undefined; // getProperty(key: 'categories'): string[] | undefined /** * Returns the value of the given property if set, or undefined otherwise. * * For the keys * * - `'CATEGORIES'`, * - `'RESOURCES'`, * - `'FREEBUSY'`, * - `'EXDATE'`, and * - `'RDATE'` * * instead returns a list list of values. */ getProperty(key: string): any | any[] | undefined { key = key.toUpperCase() let e =; if (!e) return e; if (Array.isArray(e)) { return => ee.value) } return e.value; } /** Returns an iterator of all our properties. */ get boundProperties(): IterableIterator { return } #setPropertyInternal(key: string, value: any, type?: ical_type) { function resolve_type(key: string, type?: ical_type): ical_type { if (type) { return type; } else { let type_options = valid_input_types.get(key) if (type_options === undefined) { return 'unknown' } else if (type_options.length == 0) { return 'unknown' } else { if (Array.isArray(type_options[0])) { return type_options[0][0] } else { return type_options[0] } } } } key = key.toUpperCase(); /* To is mostly for the user. From is to allow an undo button */ let entry: ChangeLogEntry = { type: 'property', name: key, from: this.getProperty(key), // TODO what happens if getProperty returns a weird type to: '' + value, } // console.log('Logging ', entry); this.addlog(entry); if (Array.isArray(value)) {, => new VEventValue(resolve_type(key, type), el))) return; } let current =; if (current) { if (Array.isArray(current)) { /* TODO something here? */ } else { if (type) { current.type = type; } current.value = value; return; } } type = resolve_type(key, type); let new_value = new VEventValue(type, value), new_value); } setProperty(key: list_values, value: any[], type?: ical_type): void; setProperty(key: string, value: any, type?: ical_type): void; /** * Sets the given property to the given value. If type is given it's * stored alongside the value, possibly updating what is already * there. Do however note that no validation between the given type and * the type of the value is done. * * `value` may also be a list, but should only be so for the keys * mentioned in `getProperty`. * * After the value is set, `redraw` is called on all registered * objects, notifying them of the change. */ setProperty(key: string, value: any, type?: ical_type) { this.#setPropertyInternal(key, value, type); for (let el of this.registered) { el.redraw(this); } } /** * Equivalent to running `setProperty` for each element in the input * list, but only calls `redraw` once at the end. */ setProperties(pairs: [string, any, ical_type?][]) { for (let pair of pairs) { this.#setPropertyInternal(...pair); } for (let el of this.registered) { el.redraw(this); } } /** The name of the calendar which this event belongs to. */ set calendar(calendar: string | null) { this.addlog({ type: 'calendar', name: '', from: this.#calendar, to: calendar, }); this.#calendar = calendar; for (let el of this.registered) { el.redraw(this); } } /** Get the name of the containing calendar for this component. This is only valid for VEVENT components (I think) */ get calendar(): string | null { return this.#calendar; } /** * Register something redrawable, which will be notified whenever this * VEvents data is updated. */ register(htmlNode: Redrawable) { this.registered.push(htmlNode); } /** Stop recieving redraw events on the given component. */ unregister(htmlNode: Redrawable) { this.registered = this.registered.filter(node => node !== htmlNode) } /** Converts the object to JCal data. */ to_jcal(): JCal { let out_properties: JCalProperty[] = [] console.log(; for (let [key, value] of { console.log("key = ", key, ", value = ", value); if (Array.isArray(value)) { if (value.length == 0) continue; let mostly = => v.to_jcal()) let values = => x[2]) console.log("mostly", mostly) out_properties.push([ key.toLowerCase(), mostly[0][0], mostly[0][1], ...values ]) } else { let prop: JCalProperty = [ key.toLowerCase(), ...value.to_jcal(), ] out_properties.push(prop); } } return ['vevent', out_properties, [/* alarms go here*/]] } } /** Helper procedure when converting xml to vcal */ function make_vevent_value(value_tag: Element): VEventValue { /* TODO parameters */ return new VEventValue( /* TODO error on invalid type? */ value_tag.tagName.toLowerCase() as ical_type, make_vevent_value_(value_tag)); } // /** Different frequency internals for recurrence rules. */ type freqType = 'SECONDLY' | 'MINUTELY' | 'HOURLY' | 'DAILY' | 'WEEKLY' | 'MONTHLY' | 'YEARLY' /** Alternatives for when a week start, for recurrence rules */ type weekday = 'MO' | 'TU' | 'WE' | 'TH' | 'FR' | 'SA' | 'SU' /** A recurrence rule. The basic semantics of this class is borrowed from RFC 5545, and maps 1-to-1 on those instances. See individual fields for mappings. */ class RecurrenceRule { /** The type of frequency of this rule */ freq?: freqType /** Final instance of this rule. */ until?: Date /** Maximum number of recurrences for this rule */ count?: number /** The multiplier to `freq` */ interval?: number /** Which seconds are relevant for this rule */ bysecond?: number[] /** Which minutes are relevant for this rule */ byminute?: number[] /** Which hours are relevant for this rule */ byhour?: number[] /** Which weekday or weekday offsets are relevant for this rule */ byday?: (weekday | [number, weekday])[] /** Which month days are relevant for this rule */ bymonthday?: number[] /** Which year days are relevant for this rule */ byyearday?: number[] /** Which week number are relevant for this rule */ byweekno?: number[] /** Which months relevant for this rule (interval 1-12) */ bymonth?: number[] /** TODO see the RFC */ bysetpos?: number[] /** Which day the week start, according to this rule */ wkst?: weekday /** Converts ourselves to JCal data. */ to_jcal(): Record { let obj: any = {} if (this.freq) obj['freq'] = this.freq; if (this.until) obj['until'] = this.until.format(this.until.dateonly ? '~Y-~M~D' : '~Y-~M~DT~H:~M:~S'); if (this.count) obj['count'] = this.count; if (this.interval) obj['interval'] = this.interval; if (this.bysecond) obj['bysecond'] = this.bysecond; if (this.byminute) obj['byminute'] = this.byminute; if (this.byhour) obj['byhour'] = this.byhour; if (this.bymonthday) obj['bymonthday'] = this.bymonthday; if (this.byyearday) obj['byyearday'] = this.byyearday; if (this.byweekno) obj['byweekno'] = this.byweekno; if (this.bymonth) obj['bymonth'] = this.bymonth; if (this.bysetpos) obj['bysetpos'] = this.bysetpos; if (this.byday) { let outarr: string[] = [] for (let byday of this.byday) { if (byday instanceof Array) { let [num, day] = byday; outarr.push(`${num}${day}`) } else { outarr.push(byday) } } obj['byday'] = outarr } if (this.wkst) obj['wkst'] = this.wkst; return obj; } } /** Parse a XCAL recurrence rule into a RecurrenceRule object. */ function xml_to_recurrence_rule(xml: Element): RecurrenceRule { let rr = new RecurrenceRule; if (xml.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'recur') { throw new TypeError(); } let by = new Map([ ['bysecond', []], ['byminute', []], ['byhour', []], ['bymonthday', []], ['byyearday', []], ['byweekno', []], ['bymonth', []], ['bysetpos', []], ['byday', []], ]); for (let child of xml.children) { /* see appendix a 3.3.10 RECUR of RFC 6321 */ let t = child.textContent || ''; let tn = child.tagName.toLowerCase() switch (tn) { case 'freq': rr.freq = t as freqType break; case 'until': rr.until = parseDate(t); break; case 'count': rr.count = Number(t) break; case 'interval': rr.interval = Number(t) break; case 'bysecond': case 'byminute': case 'byhour': case 'bymonthday': case 'byyearday': case 'byweekno': case 'bymonth': case 'bysetpos': by.get(tn)!.push(Number(t)); break; case 'byday': // xsd:integer? type-weekday let m = t.match(/([+-]?[0-9]*)([A-Z]{2})/) if (m == null) throw new TypeError() else if (m[1] === '') by.get('byday')!.push(m[2] as weekday) else by.get('byday')!.push([Number(m[1]), m[2] as weekday]) break; case 'wkst': rr.wkst = t as weekday break; } } for (let [key, value] of by) { if (!value || value.length == 0) continue; (rr as any)[key] = value; } return rr; } // function make_vevent_value_(value_tag: Element): string | boolean | Date | number | RecurrenceRule { /* RFC6321 3.6. */ switch (value_tag.tagName.toLowerCase()) { case 'binary': /* Base64 to binary Seems to handle inline whitespace, which xCal standard reqires */ return atob(value_tag.textContent || '') case 'boolean': switch (value_tag.textContent) { case 'true': return true; case 'false': return false; default: console.warn(`Bad boolean ${value_tag.textContent}, defaulting with !!`) return !!value_tag.textContent; } case 'time': case 'date': case 'date-time': return parseDate(value_tag.textContent || ''); case 'duration': /* TODO duration parser here 'P1D' */ return value_tag.textContent || ''; case 'float': case 'integer': return Number(value_tag.textContent); case 'period': /* TODO has sub components, meaning that a string wont do */ let start = value_tag.getElementsByTagName('start')[0] parseDate(start.textContent || ''); let other; if ((other = value_tag.getElementsByTagName('end')[0])) { return parseDate(other.textContent || '') } else if ((other = value_tag.getElementsByTagName('duration')[0])) { /* TODO parse duration */ return other.textContent || '' } else { console.warn('Invalid end to period, defaulting to 1H'); return new Date(3600); } case 'recur': return xml_to_recurrence_rule(value_tag); case 'utc-offset': /* TODO parse */ return ""; default: console.warn(`Unknown type '${value_tag.tagName}', defaulting to string`) case 'cal-address': case 'uri': case 'text': return value_tag.textContent || ''; } } /** Parse a complete XCAL object into a JS VEvent object. */ function xml_to_vcal(xml: Element): VEvent { /* xml MUST have a VEVENT (or equivalent) as its root */ let properties = xml.getElementsByTagName('properties')[0]; let components = xml.getElementsByTagName('components')[0]; let property_map: Map = new Map; if (properties) { /* property_loop: */ for (var i = 0; i < properties.childElementCount; i++) { let tag = properties.childNodes[i]; if (!(tag instanceof Element)) continue; let parameters = {}; let value: VEventValue | VEventValue[] = []; value_loop: for (var j = 0; j < tag.childElementCount; j++) { let child = tag.childNodes[j]; if (!(child instanceof Element)) continue; if (child.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'parameters') { parameters = /* TODO handle parameters */ {}; continue value_loop; } else switch (tag.tagName.toLowerCase()) { /* These can contain multiple value tags, per RFC6321 */ case 'categories': case 'resources': case 'freebusy': case 'exdate': case 'rdate': (value as VEventValue[]).push(make_vevent_value(child)); break; default: value = make_vevent_value(child); } } property_map.set(tag.tagName.toLowerCase(), value); } } let component_list = [] if (components) { for (let child of components.childNodes) { if (!(child instanceof Element)) continue; component_list.push(xml_to_vcal(child)) } } return new VEvent(property_map, component_list) }