function recur_xml_to_rrule(dom_element) { let rr = new RRule; for (let child of dom_element.children) { let key = child.tagName; /* freq */ let val = child.textContent; /* weekly */ rr[key] = val; } return rr; } function recur_jcal_to_rrule(jcal) { let rr = new RRule; for (var key in jcal) { rr[key] = jcal[key]; } return rr; } class RRule { /* direct access to fields is fine */ /* setting them however requires methods, since there might be listeners */ fields = ['freq', 'until', 'count', 'interval', 'bysecond', 'byminute', 'byhour', 'bymonthday', 'byyearday', 'byweekno', 'bymonth', 'bysetpos', 'wkst', 'byday' ] constructor() { this.listeners = {} for (let f of this.fields) { this[f] = false; Object.defineProperty( this, f, { /* TODO many of the fields should be wrapped in type tags. e.g. elements are either or , NOT a raw date. by* fields should be wrapped with multiple values. */ get: () => this['_' + f], set: (v) => { this['_' + f] = v for (let l of this.listeners[f]) { l(v); } } }); this.listeners[f] = []; } } addListener(field, proc) { this.listeners[field].push(proc); } /* NOTE this function is probably never used. Deperate it and refer to RRule.asJcal together with jcal_to_xcal */ asXcal(doc) { /* TODO empty case */ // let str = ""; let root = doc.createElementNS(xcal, 'recur'); for (let f of this.fields) { let v = this.fields[f]; if (! v) continue; let tag = doc.createElementNS(xcal, f); /* TODO type formatting */ tag.textContent = `${v}`; root.appendChild(tag); } return root; } asJcal() { let obj = {}; for (let f of this.fields) { let v = this[f]; if (! v) continue; /* TODO special formatting for some types */ obj[f] = v; } return obj; } /* asIcal() { return this.fields .map(f => [f, this.fields[f]]) .filter([_, v] => v) .map(([k, v]) => `${k}=${v}`) .join(';'); } */ };